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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    First of all, of course I remember! I'm like the goddamn forum historian. AMA I think you're right. At least, I remember him not really sounding like he recognized it was you. No, apparently Paul only thinks we play racist pranks with our usernames Although, I just want to say: Thanks, Chunk! I'm not going to lie. After the whole Bratz debacle, I'm so happy that something finally happened to take the whole "segregationist" thing off my shoulders. I happily pass that particular torch to you!
  2. Thanks for sharing the Graceland pics, Polly and Cinco. Graceland looks insane! I guess I should have asked this earlier (or perhaps I should wait until Monday), but is anyone here, like a die hard Elvis fan or anything? Personally, I appreciate his role in Rock history, but I'm not a huge fan or anything. He's strictly a "Greatest Hits" artist for me. Also, for anyone interested in some extracurricular, HBO just premiered the documentary Elvis: The Searcher. I was going to put it on today but I was like, "Ugh, 3 Hours..." I'll definitely watch it at some point this week, though. On a somewhat related note, I also almost watched Elvis and Nixon but I was like "Ugh, Kevin Spacey..."
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    Besides, I’m pretty sure they inherited my previous copy. It might be funny though if I went in there and was like, “I regret donating this. May I see it. One last time...” Who could forget that rascal “Cameron H Pachycephalosaurus“ and how Mr. Scheer craftily didn’t even make an attempt? Cam Bert’s got read, though
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    Tragic news, friends! Apparently, I owned a hard copy of Beautiful Creatures and it didn’t survive my last book purge. I could have sworn I had bought it for Kindle, but no dice.* This means that I will not be able to re-read it before the episode It also means means that at some point in my past I looked a cashier dead in the eyes and uttered the words, “Good morrow, my dear Bookseller. I’d like to purchase this fine copy of Beautiful Creatures, if you please.” *I do have the its sequel Beautiful Darkness on Kindle, tho...
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    Well, nothing comes close to Monster Trucks :)/> But I’ve probably watched this (by choice) 3 times. I was going to say a bunch more, but I realize that past Cameron already said what I was going to say; So, yeah, since writing this, as far as I can recall, I’ve watched it at least twice more! (I’m going to try and re-read the book this week.)
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    Beautiful Creatures? I own it! The movie AND the book! AMA
  7. I really shouldn't have watched this so early. I keep wanting to say things... My advice: wait until it's closer to next Monday before watching this movie.
  8. Guys...I should have picked Rockula.
  9. Bedknobs and Broomsticks is one of my favorites! But I really wanted to watch something I had never seen before. That being said, if someone else were to pick B and B, I’d be more than happy to watch it again
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 186 - Geostorm: LIVE!

    Great episode! I have, what might be, a controversial suggestion. I love June and I think she's a great co-host, but I also get that between work and family she hasn't been able to participate as much as she used to. So I was thinking, what if June were to be the "in-studio" co-host and Jessica St. Clair to be the "live" co-host? I feel like this would play to both of their strengths, while still leaving them both plenty of time for their other projects. I think they're both absolutely fantastic, I really don't want to see either JDR or JSC leave. I know, I'm being greedy, but I think this might be an awesome opportunity. (I apologize if this is overstepping my bounds or none of my business.)
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    Thanks again, Fister, for introducing this to us!
  12. Hey all, I think we’ve talked about this before, but...the next movie on the docket is Sucker Punch. Personally, I have no interest in watching it at all. However, if you guys vote to watch it, that’s cool. I’ll just give it a pass. So let me know. If we skip Sucker Punch, the next movie would be Fast Five, which...I might suggest we skip as well. Again, I’ll leave it up to you guys. It’s not that I’d refuse to watch it, but I feel like it is - more or less - a decent movie. I’m not sure if watching it would be as fun as watching a train wreck. In my opinion, I think it might be fun to skip right to Mac and Me. But, of course, majority rules. I’ll watch whatever (except for Sucker Punch)
  13. Cool - I've added you as a friend (or sent a friend request or whatever). If you accept my friendship, you should be able to join.
  14. Let me know if you can get in! Just a head's up - there are no subtitles tonight https://www.rabb.it/CameronH
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 186 - Geostorm: LIVE!

    As per usual, I probably won't be able to listen to the episode until Monday and I didn't bother renting it again for the episode, but I do want to say, his hair got a special shoutout on my Letterboxd review back in February: I'm still very confused by those candles...
  16. Okay, the room is set up. I've made sure it's set up for friends only. Right now I only have Cakebug, Cam B, Tom, Taylor Anne, EvRobert, Maximiliano, Polly Darton, and grudlian set up as friends. If anyone would like to attend that isn't one of those people, please let me know so I can add you to my friend list. I just don't want to get anymore crazy randos in there
  17. Just a reminder. I’ll create the room shortly and send the link out ~15mins before 9PM EST. Hope to see you all there!
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    I just got the vibe like she was a “hanger on” who was living vicariously through her daughter. It never registered to me that she was there as Dolly’s guardian. As far as why her mother was allowed on set, I didn’t think it was any weirder than OK’s past-life mother and bestfriend being being allowed to be there, too. I mean, I could be wrong and having her mother there was code for “underage,” but it just never seemed that way to me. I feel like if that were the case, and the movie were taking a hard right turn from sweet, PG, romance to sexualizing a minor, it would have felt more obvious and exploitive. For me, the only reason Dolly’s character even existed was for her mother to be a spanner in the works. Again, though, I could be totally wrong.
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    I never felt like Dolly was inappropriately young or anything. I just felt like her mother was just a narcissist who got off basking in her daughter’s reflected glory. I could be wrong, but that’s what it seemed like to me.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    While I agree, SRK couldn't really pull off 30, I wasn't too preoccupied with their age differences. It never felt exploitive or skeevy to me - unlike, say, xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (or any other Vin Diesel movie). I think it's just because they both looked like healthy, mature adults. I could get behind the mutual attraction. It never felt one-sided, or if it did, it was story-related and more about fame and status rather than just looks and youth.
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    Honestly, none of us are very well versed. We're just doing it for fun, to be exposed to different movies, share movies we love, and have something to talk about in-between HDTGM episodes.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    The way I took it was, because her body was never found (and she was buried *gasp* alive), her soul wasn’t able to reincarnate. But, yeah, her spirit is free now.