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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    They were secret “in-love” married. He promised her that he was going to make it official - I think - after the movie was complete. At that time, I would imagine there’d be some kind of celebration. For me, breaking it up was the way to go. I got to appreciate all the twists and turns like a soap opera. When she said she was pregnant, I audibly gasped - lol
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    The more I think about this movie, the more I like it. Like, I was full of jokes while I was watching it, but now i just kind of want to watch it again. It was just so damn sweet and fishing silly. And even though you saw it coming a million miles away, O.K. brushing off the flames at the end was so damn cool.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    Hey Cruel! Not only is it cool if you join, you’re free to participate if you want! Unfortunately, we just started a new cycle so it might be awhile before you get a pick. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll put you on the roster
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    That’s funny! I liked the first part, but the second half is where I really started getting into it :)/> The three I found were: Asoka, Ram Jaane, and Oh Darling: Yeh Hai India. There may be more. I found those while looking through “Musicals” on Netflix for my Pick next week and recognized his face. (My Pick will not be coming from Netflix. Sorry, guys.) ETA: I’m not sure why I consistently capitalized “Pick.” I guess just to emphasize - what will surely be - an amazing movie.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    Oh, and Netflix has at least two more SRK films! I've already added them to my watch list.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    I agree with you, Fister! I went into it with some trepidation, but I ended up really enjoying myself, although - full disclosure - after the first hour, I watched it in 30 minute increments. That's not to say it was bad, but I would get kind of exhausted by it - if that makes sense. So I'd watch 30, do something else for 30, then watch another 30. Obviously, there were a lot of references being made in the movie, but once I got into the swing of things, I didn't find them too distracting. Even if I wasn't able to tell who these people were, I felt like it was celebrating Bollywood history and I could appreciate it on that level. Overall, I thought it was a lot of fun. I liked how it enthusiastically embraced all genres. Like I said on Letterboxd, I think my only complaint - if you can call it a "complaint" - is that I would get so caught up in the visuals, that from time to time, I'd forget to read the subtitles. All of the sudden, I would be like, "Wait, what's going on?"
  7. I just remembered. I'm chaperoning my son's Field Trip on Monday so I probably won't be able to create the thread. Just a head's up. (In the gif above, I'm Om and you all are Shanti.)
  8. Christmas Prince was worth it, imho.
  9. I don’t know that I’ve ever watched it straight, tbh.
  10. Yeah, it’s terrible and funny, but it’s also very slow. The awkward editing allows for some solid jokes.
  11. Personally, I’ve always preferred it with Rifftrax.
  12. I feel like Mac and Me’s the way to go then - unless anyone has any objections.
  13. So far it’s: Cameron H - No Taylor- Maybe Grudlian - Sadism
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 185 - Adore

    No, no - kids are great. I am blessed for every single precious second I get to share with them. I’m just saying, if I had to make a choice between a killer beach house in New South Wales (and all the money that goes with that) and my boys...I might need a minute
  15. It’s not the only one, but yeah, me too.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 185 - Adore

    But who wants babies when you’re rich? *Barf*
  17. Hey man, if it means having you back, I'll take it...
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 185 - Adore

    I agree with everything you're saying here, Taylor. You know it could be because he lost his father at a young age and he didn't want to put another child through that. He seems to be an almost overprotective father. And despite his dissatisfaction with his wife, he doesn't cheat on her. His downfall was simply not predicting the emotional breakdown he would suffer after discovering his friend and mother had carried on their affair. And, I mean, how could he?
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 185 - Adore

    So, I *finally* had a chance to finish the episode and I thought it was fantastic! Great job! That being said, I do have a couple of observations... In the episode, the gang seemed to blame Roz and Ian's relationship for the dissolution of her marriage, but prior to anything happening between them, the movie does make a point of showing us that they were already growing apart. Her husband accuses her of pushing him out of their little friendship circle, and without running it past his wife first, we find out that he has applied, interviewed, and accepted a job that would require her to move away from her beloved childhood home. Her affair with Ian, with all the attention he showered upon her, seems to be less the cause of their separation and more a consequence of their growing discontent. The gang also seemed confused by where these people made their money, but since we see the Roz and Lil on the beach as little girls, I don't think it's too much of an intuitive leap to assume that they've probably inherited both their money and their houses. If nothing else, we see that Lil gives Ian, a 20-year-old man with presumably no college experience, a high level position at her Yacht company. I think this suggests that it's probably a family business that Lil inherited from her parents and one she intends to pass down to her son. My final observation is that there seemed to be some concern that the woman weren't being responsible parents for allowing their sons to "smoke and drink," but...their sons are adults. According to Associate Professor Wikipedia, the drinking age in New South Wales is 18 - which also happens to be the legal age to smoke cigarettes there. It's not like Roz and Lil are corrupting them or encouraging them to break any laws. If your kid is 18 and wants to smoke, what are you supposed to do? Nag at them? It’s important to point out, that everything in the movie is kept above board. No laws are ever broken. Hell, Ian even volunteers to be the designated driver. Everyone is well within their rights to do everything that happens in this movie. Ultimately, like I've said in too many times at this point, the movie is challenging its audience. It's saying, "If the characters aren’t doing anything technically 'wrong,' what's the big deal? If it bothers you, why?"
  20. Keep cool, Cameron...Gotta keep cool...
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 185 - Adore

    You might have a point...