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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    I've never thought of the Recommendations section as a place where they actually pull recommendations. I've always seen it as more for the fans. Like, they know they can't cover everything so at least you can go there and talk about it if you want. For example, Paul has said they will never cover Southland Tales, but nothing is stopping US from talking about it. At best, I think that they *might* take a look at a thread after a movie is chosen, but I seriously doubt anyone is actively combing through that section looking for their next movie. I think, if I'm remembering correctly, Paul said he has his own list. He then has Nate and Avryl watch a couple and get back to him as to whether or not they would be good for the show. I have no idea where I heard this. And If it was the way they did it, I'm not sure if this is still how they do it. This would have been a few years ago now, but I feel like Paul told us that on the forums at one point - maybe around the time some of us were worried that the movies being picked we're being dictated by Blake's articles (I.e. less big budget, "New" movies, and more Cannon-grade garbage, would make it easier for Blake to score interviews). Paul came on the boards and made us all feel really sorry about ourselves and banned us from all from engaging in further conspiracy theories - even the ones about chemtrails and lizard people!
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    A phoenix is just so on the nose, though. Like I just hear him talk about what he wants. "It's a phoenix. It's head held high. A cry of triumph on its beak. It's wings spread heroically on my back - rising from the ashes. And, do you want to know a secret? I'm that Phoenix."
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    Arrrgh! This is going to bother me now! I keep thinking it's Brian Posehn and Cobra, but if I remember correctly, that was a situation where Paul gave him options and he just happened to already own the movie. But there was definitely someone more recently. I seem to remember Jason giving them shit about it. Like, "I want to know why you thought we needed to see this?"
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure...
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    It’s less that I like “romantic mystery,” and more that I like the movies where the insanity is more subtle. Like of course Geostorm is stupid, but watching Julianne Hough give up carrying two small cans of “Fresh Start” primer after ten feet is the kind of shit I live for.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 184.5 - Minisode 184.5

    One of the minor joys of my life is when they announce a movie that I am in no way expecting. I have never even heard of this, but it sounds very Safe Haven/Boy Next Door so it's right up my alley In fact, I'd say my only complaint about live episodes is knowing which movies are coming so far in advance. I mean, it's cool for getting prepared, but nothing beats a nice surprise.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 184 - Johnny Mnemonic: LIVE!

    He also has a Misfits' logo tattooed on his forearm. (Sorry it's so blurry.)
  8. I rented it on iTunes.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 184 - Johnny Mnemonic: LIVE!

    Like Jason, whenever possible, I try to watch these movies with closed captioning on, and I also caught Johnny's request for an "eye" phone, but rather than making the connection to the Apple device, I was struck by just how stupid the word they were trying to create actually was. I mean, I totally get that they were tying to make up a word that sounded like a super futuristic telephone or something, but that's simply not how words work. You can't just replace the prefix of a word with another and expect it to make sense. "Telephone" works because it's the combination of the prefix "tele," meaning "over distance," and the suffix "phone," meaning "sound" (i.e. a device that allows sound to travel over distance). So an "eye phone" would be what exactly? A device that sends and receives the sound of your blinking eyes across vast distances? Are they just blasting sound at your eyeballs? Is that it? If so, then I've got news for them: eyes don't give a fuck.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    Absolutely! If anyone new wants to sign up, now would be the time. Otherwise, we’ll be starting on our THIRD rotation!
  11. Cool pick, Slide! I’ve never seen it and I am looking forward to it!
  12. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    Peter meeting Dr. Strange was adorable! I’m eager how he’s going to explain to his classmates how he disappears off of that bus.
  13. “Yes, but is there a way to make this story more unsettlingly?” We watched:
  14. I didn't have an issue with her being bratty just because I feel like that is a lot of what AiW is all about. I've always seen the story as being about the push and pull of growing up (i.e. getting big; staying small). She wants to be bigger so she can do "grown-up" things, but she struggles because she's not quite ready to give up being a kid. For example, she wants to have tea with the adults, but she doesn't want to read their boring books that don't have any pictures. A lot of Alice's brattines comes from her still being a kid but trying to affect the mannerisms of a grown-up.
  15. Sorry, I'm a bit late posting this. Is this Friday good with everyone or would it be better next Friday?
  16. The whole thing was depressing. I feel like there was a whole lot of "Do you know who I am?" going on.
  17. What I liked about the movie is that it captures the absolute insanity of the books without being a straight adaptation. Now, whether that's by design or not is another question entirely. I have to say I enjoyed the first part better than Through the Looking Glass. I feel like it's a bit top heavy in that regard. Also, I spent the first anticipating Ringo. All I could think during this scene - aside from how creepy is - is if they had originally intended Neil Diamond to be in this. Whatever fucking downer song The Cheshire Cat is singing sounds an awful lot like "Love on the Rocks." And honestly, that was one of my biggest complaints about this movie. None of the songs - except for maybe "I Hate Dogs and Cats" and "Old Father William" - felt very memorable, but some of the music felt downright out of place. You have two of the craziest characters in Wonderland - the Cheshire Cat and The Mad Hatter - singing incredibly depressing songs? Why? That makes no sense.
  18. Thanks again, Grudlian! I had a great time last night, everyone!
  19. Pretty much. If someone could post the steps it might help entice others. I’m out right now
  20. Thank you so much! We all owe Grudlian gifs of praise.
  21. Can you host with a physical copy?
  22. Yup, still going down tomorrow. I don't think anyone owns it or anything.