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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I think it’s on YouTube, albeit, broken up into parts. I haven’t hit play on it yet, though, so I can’t speak to its quality.
  2. I’ve been dying to see it - just not “six dollars to rent it on Amazon” dying.
  3. That movie was absolutely brutal.
  4. Seriously. It's where I go now for movies I don't think I'll like, but still want to see. Next week: Geostorm.
  5. Slum it at Redbox. It's "worth it" for $1.50.
  6. I just wanted say, I just listened to the Valerian Episode and it was great. Even if you can't afford Stitcher Premium, it's definitively worth getting a free trial so you can listen. It was hilarious - especially if you've seen the movie.
  7. Oh, I'm interested. I even have a story, but I'll wait until the discussion starts in earnest.
  8. My last pick was about a young girl being groomed to be a prostitute by an older man. Somehow, people are still talking to me. I think you'll be okay:)
  9. Did anyone else get the vibe that - at the very end - the twist was going to be that Jenny had been turned into a werewolf herself? After the Trick or Treater sketches them out, she's the one who suddenly decides that the neighborly thing to do is to bring a bottle of wine over to the scary kid's apartment. Like, even if you think you're just being paranoid, after everything you've been through, why would you even suggest that? Still, between werewolf warehouses and puppet shows it seems that werewolves enjoy their little games. Maybe she is a werewolf and everything in the final scene is just a ruse. Maybe causing unease in their victims is just the werewolf' s preferred condiment...
  10. Also not a gun guy, but did anyone else think it was weird as fuck that Ben was cleaning his revolver in bed? Like, they’re lying in bed - apparently post-coital - and he’s cleaning his gun like he’s jacking it or something. Is that normal? It just feels like gun cleaning should be an out-of-bed, before sex kind of chore.
  11. Just a quick note for people coming in here wanting to complain about the episode: constructive criticism is fine, personal attacks are not. I don’t care if you have a problem with a guest’s sexuality, or if the mere mention of it offends your delicate ears - even as you simultaneously you insist that it “doesn’t” - if anywhere in your complaint you mention it, I’m reporting it. It’s not constructive. It’s not funny. It’s ugly. And HDTGM is never going to ask their guests/friends to closet themselves for your benefit - thank goodness! If you don’t like it; don’t listen. While respectful debates are fine, even encouraged, this is - and has always been - a place of positivity. Also, let’s not be redundant. Paul has already addressed a number of these issues already. As far as any of us are concerned, his word is Law. This is my only comment on the matter. Thanks!
  12. Yup, Joel’s up. Sorry, I forgot it was Monday...
  13. It was touched on in the episode, but when Stefan introduces Jenny and Ben to the existence of werewolves, he shows them a silver bullet and explains to them how it's the only way to kill a werewolf. But, not really. Technically, silver bullets are the only way to kill a werewolf unless that werewolf happens to be "immune," in which case, only titanium will do. I guess my question is: why bother with silver at all, then? I get that Stefan has had centuries(?) of experience and can probably spot an "immune" werewolf in a crowd, but what about me? I'm just getting started out in the wild and woolly world of werewolf hunting, how am I supposed to know if a werewolf is "immune" or not? Honestly, you might as well just throw those silver bullets straight in the garbage. That shit will get you killed.
  14. According to this movie's logic, they probably all turned into bats and flew to Transylvania.
  15. Never mind. Congratulations, Paul - and the rest of the cast of Veep!
  16. What happened? What did he win for?
  17. To be honest, the point I was trying to make wasn’t so much “they should believe in werewolves” so much as “they should definitely believe in fucking coyotes.”
  18. For me, one of the most mind-boggling moments occurred early in the film when Jenny’s boss - at her friend/co-worker’s funeral - told her she need to go investigate some deaths attributed to wild dogs or coyotes. While I get life goes on, time and place, bro. That really seems like a request that can be at least saved for the reception. Anyway, afterwards, she accosts Christopher Lee and she is shockingly unfazed to learn of the existence of werewolves. He tells her he’s going back to the cemetery for some were-murdering, and because (apparently) her lifelong dream is to be an accomplice to an insane person, she insists on coming along. Once there, she and Ben are - of course - immediately separated from the crazy person they followed into a cemetery in the middle of the night. As they stumble through the darkness, they hear a nearby howl - which they quickly dismiss as a coyote. Now, I’m not suggesting their first instinct should be “werewolf,” but considering why they’re out there in the first place - and that they just watched a video of their sister and friend transform into werewolf-like - I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable for them to entertain that thought for a second or two. Still, even if they want to dismiss the supernatural right out of hand, she is supposed to be researching canine related mutilations. That’s some real world peril. Maybe exercise a little caution..?
  19. Yay! I just finished listening to the episode, and personally, I thought it was pretty fantastic. I love, love, loved Jason doing some dirty work up in the gross balcony. I think I have a lot to add to this, so please forgive the inevitable multiple posts I'll be dropping over the next couple of days. Unfortunately, the majority of the conversation seems to have petered out... Anyway, regarding the ear plugs, Paul and the gang seemed confused that when placed in their ears the characters could still hear one another, but this is addressed in the movie. When Christopher Lee assembles his crew of Transylvanian Expendables at the church, he explains to them the various accouterments they'll be bringing. In addition to consecrated oil that - apparently explodes like a Molotov Cocktail when hurled at a werewolf - they are given ear plugs which we are told are taken from the wax of "consecrated candles." I think what we're supposed to understand is, since they are made from holy candle wax, they just filter out her demonic, head-blasting howls. It just protects you from the worst of it. It would be like if you had ear plugs that allowed you to hear the musicians in the Dave Matthews Band without having to actually listen to his dumb voice and stupid lyrics.
  20. I feel like Tingle gives too much of the plot away in the title. Why buy the book when you can get the gay, billionaire Triceratops sex for free? Tighten it up, Tingle!
  21. Oddly enough, he loves "Fister Robotio" most of all. He has a soft spot for anyone who can't spell their own screen name
  22. Get a Kindle, bro! You can read whatever crazy shit you want and no one will ever be the wiser.