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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. That's amazing! We could run the series! Now do we do this as a Book Club Thing (allowing listeners to read the books first) or do we just talk about what we've read? Incidentally, I've already got the first book I want to tackle... I'd also like to discuss one of those erotic novels where people have sex with dinosaurs. And, for the record, writing anything is super hard. I don't want to just make fun of people. More of a celebration of different perspectives.
  2. You’re a class act, my man! Thanks for taking the time to respond and correct our misconceptions. I bet C&O-ing the forum feels good..
  3. Ha ha ha! It's totally cool. I didn't take offense I wish I were a smarter man, but I'm totally a dumb-dumb. I'll own that. Just for the record: I'm cool with everyone here (except for trolls) This includes hosts, guests, and Christopher Lee. Love you, all!
  4. Thanks, Triple I just remembered, I also heard the Judas/Vampire connection from The Librarian III: Curse of the Judas Chalice From Wikipedia: “The Judas Chalice is the sacrilegious vampire version of the Holy Grail, formed from the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas Iscariotafter he betrayed Jesus Christ. Revealing that vampires exist, Judson advises Flynn to intercept the chalice before Sergei Kubichek and his men do. In doing so, he also gives Flynn crucial tips about killing vampires: they have an aversion to silver and if they are staked through the heart, it must be with Aspen wood, the tree on which Judas hanged himself.” I like the idea that the stakes have to be from a specific type of wood, too. I’d also like to recommend The Librarian series. They’re silly, but fun. The first one also has a line that I quote any chance I get. http://youtu.be/TciihV6YYFk
  5. It’s actually pretty clever. Although, while I was Googling it (I could have sworn it was from American Vampire) I saw something say that the connection comes from Hebrew tradition. So maybe not so much “clever,” as good research on the screenwriter’s part.
  6. That must be it! I watched that in October for my Horror movie month. That’s an amazing pull! Thank you! (That movie was terrible - lol) https://boxd.it/kAmsD
  7. I’ve also heard Judas Iscariot was cursed to be the first vampire - although I can’t remember where I read/saw that. According to wherever my brain is getting its sources, since Judas betrayed Jesus for silver, that’s why vampires are often said to be weak against it.
  8. That’s fascinating. I’ve never seen that before. I mean, you probably could get away with it with this movie. It might just be the person who uploaded it was just covering their ass - just in case. I can - and have - done the swirling stars, but I can’t do the zoomed in and inverted. For the most part, I like to watch these movies in the best quality I can get. I used to buy every movie, but I found - since I don’t really revisit them - that was kind of dumb. I usually just rent now - although I did buy this one.
  9. My wife’s a cover artist and she’s had her designs completely stolen in this way. They just change the fonts or something.
  10. Sorry, I think I'm the "Grade-A dumb-dumb" that put that bug in his ear. In my defense, though, in terms of being paid in actual money, I meant specifically for Live episodes since people pay for tickets. I honestly didn't know that the guests didn't get a cut of that. After reading Paul's post, I have a lot more respect for their guests - especially those who meet up with them outside of LA. Paul, I honestly never meant to escalate anything. Considering the trollish comment made earlier in the thread, I was being insensitive of how (in a written format) that ugly post might color any posts coming after it with the wrong hue. I really should have kept my mouth shut. That's on me - proving once again - that I'm a Grade-A dumb-dumb. I honestly didn’t mean to upset anyone and I’m sorry that I did. I also apologize that you felt the need to come in here and play Papa Scheer. For my part, though, I feel like us regulars are forgiving enough, know each other well enough, and are friends enough to understand that we all say and do dumb things sometimes. VERY IMPORTANT P.S. And considering Tig was there because she was running the festival, I completely understand if she only had limited time to watch the movie and fell asleep! Jesus! That changes just about everything I was saying before. Those are absolutely extenuating circumstances. I was only speaking under normal conditions, a guest should come prepared. Those were not “normal conditions” at all.
  11. It's a way to circumvent copyright laws. A good example would be this image: Obviously, South Park is making fun of Wal-Mart, but when they refer to it as "Wall*Mart" they can't be sued for slander or copyright infringement. "We're not talking about 'Wal-Mart! This is a fictional store called Wall*Mart." Once altered, It becomes unique. I could literally paint a picture almost exactly like Andy Warhol' s Campbell's Soup Cans, cross out the flavor, write "Campbell's Poop" in Sharpie, and sell It as a Cameron H original. When you put swirling stars in the background, speed up the playback, or zoom in, you're effectively changing the work. You're making it something "New." I'm not saying it won't get challenged or even taken down, but you're not going to get sued.
  12. If anyone wants to do a podcast about crazy books, I'm down
  13. According to IMDB, although the novelist had input on the script, it had little to do with book he wrote. My question is: what kind of second-rate novelist titles the sequel to their book [something or other] "2?"
  14. Yeah, I had heard that about the Gandalf thing, but I couldn't remember where I had heard it. I was afraid my brain had just made up some random fact, so I didn't bring it up. I'm game for a Book Club! I literally just joined Goodreads (I know, I know - now they're shitty to Indies and small presses) and this sounds amazing. I just set a reading goal of 45 books this year. So far, I'm on track As far as getting through the Twilight books, my trick was just to read the dialogue and the first sentence of every paragraph. Everything was so redundant, that I was able to keep up without any issue.
  15. That’s awesome! He was also the only cast member to have meet J. R. R. Tolkien. I believe Tolkien had given him his blessing to be in any future adaptations. That man lived a life, huh?
  16. This is how I feel as well. I’m sorry if it didn’t articulate it well. Having not heard the episode, I really was only referring to a hypothetical guest. I only know *of* Tig, I’m not really familiar with her work - certainly not well enough to offer opinions or be critical of it. I know she’s really popular, but aside from an episode or two of Pistol Shrimps Radio, this would be the first time hearing her work. You’re right that I was basing what I was saying on what other people had said, but I was just offering my opinion on the matter. Regardless, it would probably be wise of me to hold my opinions until after I listen to a thing. Taylor, you and I have been friends since the Temptation episode. I would hate to do or say anything that could screw up that relationship. I’m sorry if I came off like an ignorant asshole. I would also like to add, my previous statements about preparedness only applies to being an audience member at a live show. As a listener of a free podcast, I could give a shit if the guest has watched the movie. Hell, the guest could fart on the mic for 90 minutes and I would have no right to complain ;)/>
  17. Like I said, I haven't listened to the episode yet so I'm not commenting on Tig specifically. More of a general, "If you're a guest, you should be prepared. And if you don't like watching bad movies, don't do a bad movie podcast." People are paying money to watch you comment on a movie and you can't even respect them enough to give 90 minutes of your time and do that? I mean, I don't know if guests get paid for appearing on live episodes, but for the most part, these people are professional entertainers. They're not necessarily doing this for fun or for free. Even if money isn't involved, they're usually there to promote something. So in effect, self-promotion is their job. And showing up and being prepared is a part of that. I wouldn't show up to work completely unprepared, would you? ("I'm sorry, I fell asleep so I just didn't do that report.") Again, not everyone is into watching crappy movies - I'm not criticizing anyone for that. But if you agree to do something, and you're getting compensated for that job (even if it's just "exposure") then you should be prepared to do that job. Think of it this way: what if you save up all your money to see a play (one that means a lot to you) and the night you go to see it one of the actors just didn't bother to learn their lines? And then they turn to the audience and essentially say, "Yeah, this thing you guys paid money to see: I think it's kind of dumb and I didn't feel like it was worth my time." That's fucked up. Again, this isn't anything against Tig in particular, I just think if you agree to do something - especially something that people are going to pay to see - you should put some effort into it. And, yeah, maybe Paul watched the movie on a plane, but this is something he's been doing for awhile now. He knows exactly what he needs to do to get the job done. Just because it doesn't take as much effort for him to get prepared doesn't mean he wasn't.
  18. I haven’t listened yet, but if someone is really not into the premise of the show (which is totally valid) maybe don’t agree to be on it..? I’d be pretty bummed if I paid to see a show, especially one of the rare “not in LA” shows, and one of the performers couldn’t even be bothered to find 90 minutes to prepare for it. It just seems disrespectful to the audience, and quite frankly, to Paul and Jason. Most of us find the time in a week to watch these movies before the episode drops. As a guest, I’m sure she had ample time. We all have families and jobs and stress and obligations, but we do it because we love it. Hell, this show helps us cope with a lot of that junk! If you’re not into it (which is totally fine), just don’t accept the invitation. I’d be happier to just have Paul and Jason and no guests. And, no, I don’t love 100% of the movies they do, and I’ve certainly fallen asleep watching my share, but I still find the time to watch them. And that’s just as a listener! if I were a guest, you’d better believe I’d come prepared.
  19. What if Baz Luhrman didn’t give a fuck? We watched:
  20. Anyone know what production that Pat Stew image is from? I’m guessing A Midsummer’s Night Dream...
  21. Ran is $7.99 on iTunes right now. I’ve been eyeballing it for awhile now.
  22. How’d you fare as an adult?
  23. I like movies with dinosaurs. I take what I can get. Besides, it’s much better than LW. It’s just a survival movie. LW is just a flaming bad of nonsense.