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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 100 Light of Day

    Yeah, I think a lot of changes would have to be made to replace Springsteen with Fox. Like, I can see where they kind of tried to keep in that steel mill kind of vibe thing, but they're just so different, I doubt you can just easily sub one for the other. Also, if Springsteen had been cast, I kind of doubt Jett would have been the co-lead. I'm guessing his part was given to her, and Fox's character was added as an afterthought. It would be weird to have the Boss in a band in a movie and be like, "He's the guy who doesn't want to be here." Now that I write that, isn't that kind of what happened in that Brittney Spears' movie Crossroads?
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 100 Light of Day

    It looks like you all did your research too Did any of you see that this was originally supposed to be a starring vehicle for Springsteen called “Born in the USA.” Bruce liked the title, wrote his song, dropped out of this, but because he’s stolen the song for himself, wrote “Light of Day.” That’s a weird ouroboros of creativity there.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 100 Light of Day

    Yeah, I kept thinking to myself that this felt more like a Lifetime movie rather than something made for the big screen. The music was decent though. I couldn’t find much by way of a soundtrack, but “This Means War” is on Jett’s Good Music LP, and Springsteen performs the title track on his In Concert/MTV Plugged album. According to IMDB, he used to close his shows with it — an obscure song from an even more obscure movie.
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 100 Light of Day

    Dude, there was some super weird energy going on between them. It took me a bit to realize they were brother and sister...
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 247.5: Prequel to Episode 248

    That’s awesome @muttnik! I hadn’t even thought about working at the polls until today’s episode. I think your endorsement just clinched it
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 247.5: Prequel to Episode 248

    Paul: "We've capitulated and decided to do Transformers." Me: "Ugh...I'll pass." Paul: "All proceeds will go to charities promoting election security." Me: "...God damn it ::sigh:: Take my money."
  7. I have never heard of this! Cool pick!
  8. @SlidePocket you are number 100!
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    Daario’s buddy’s name was apparently “Inky,” and this was all I could thing about... That being said, based on the other metaphysical nonsense being peddled throughout 2:22, and I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to believe his friend was a pellet popping maze-ghost.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    Both Daario and Theresa Palmer make a huge deal about sharing the same birthday, but statistically speaking, beyond a slight "Huh, that's kind of cool" moment, it's not really all that impressive. Every person on Earth has a 1 in 365 (0.3%) chance of sharing a birthday with any random person they meet -- which isn't nothing. Furthermore, according to the "Birthday Paradox," if you take a room full of people, say 50 people enjoying an evening of sensual aerial ballet, the odds that two (or more) people share a birthday actually increases! I'll spare everyone the "math" of it all (although if you're interested, you can find it here, here, and here), but if we go by my estimate of about 50 people at the ballet, there is a whopping 97% chance that two people in that room were born on the same day! (At which point, it would actually be more impressive if two people in that crowd *didn't* share a birthday.) It portends nothing. There's nothing magical, mystical or even all that unusual about it. At best, it's trivial ephemera you might share at a dinner party when all other topics have all been totally exhausted.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    I also thought it crazy that the ticket booth operator was so checked out he didn’t even blink an eye that to two different people requested tickets to a train that hasn’t run in thirty years. I believe he even repeats the exact same line. How many people are trying to get to Milhurst? And if it’s that popular of a destination that the ticket booth operator has his response memorized, maybe a train SHOULD be going to Milhurst.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    I would have to relisten to confirm, but I think she was saying that the most recent episode at the time of recording was Ep 222 (Unforgettable) not that 2:22 was the 222 ep.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    I think you can practice via simulator, but I very much doubt that could be used as a substitute for actual flight time. Just getting flight time is difficult and expensive. A former manager of mine was a pilot, and he told me that the only reason he wasn’t a commercial pilot was because he couldn’t afford to get the hours. He explained that that’s why many pilots are former military. It’s a cheap way to rack up a lot of flight time. If I recall correctly, you also have to be licensed for specific craft. That is to say, flying a Cessna is different than flying a 747 and they require different certifications. Ultimately, I have to agree. I think the movie might have been talking out of its ass.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    That makes absolutely no sense! That means he spent 1500 hours flying a plane and then all of the sudden developed a phobia? I have a feeling the movie thinks getting your pilot’s license is just a written exam.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    I find it highly unlikely that an aviophobic air traffic controller (and expectant father), who was once under review for nearly causing a deadly collision, would have the means and the time to accrue the prerequisite hours of flight time required to become a commercial pilot in just under a year. According to Dr Google, he would have to put in AT LEAST 1500 hours just to be considered (which works out to just under 38 weeks) -- and that's assuming he can afford to rent and fuel a plane for 8 hours a day, five days a week. This isn’t even take into account for training time lost due to convalesce after a grievous gun shot wound to the kidney. I mean, there's a reason why people don't just decide to become a pilot on whim.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    Not just any bar, either. A danker more crowded bar.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 247 - 2:22 (Live in Portland)

    I wish I could take credit, but I just copy and pasted it from the podcast description
  18. Cameron H.

    Week 99 Little Shop of Horrors

    Perhaps Little Shop the exception proving the rule, but I just saw a thing with Steve Martin and he was recounting his bad reviews. The one that stuck with his was something like, “If Steve Martin has died his hair in it, it’s going to be bad.” Lol
  19. Cameron H.

    Week 99 Little Shop of Horrors

    This is something I think about a lot. Honestly, it's probably why I'm attracted to things like HDTGM, MST3K and Rifftrax in the first place. I love to think that there's no such thing as a bad idea. That anything can work given the right circumstances or medium. Like a lot of people, I get frustrated with all the reboots in Hollywood of successful movies. I really wish they would take old B-Movies and reboot them to work.
  20. Cameron H.

    Week 99 Little Shop of Horrors

    Little Shop is a movie I didn't discover until I was already an adult, but it never ceases to please me. There are so many wonderful cameos, and Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene are phenomenal.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 246.5 - Prequel to Episode 247

    A few weeks ago, in preparation for this episode, I nearly bought 2:22 because it was on sale for cheap, but I decided against it because it was on Hulu. I’m really grateful they released this now while it’s still available to stream
  22. I saw the whole thing was on YouTube and was going to paste it here for fun, but then I was like, “Hang on a sec...” lol
  23. After all of these Turtles gifs, I’m really tempted to make Coming Out of Their Shells my next pick...