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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Due to the Holiday today, I have a gaggle of children tearing my house apart. Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re multiplying... Anyway, Iā€™m not sure how much participating Iā€™ll be able to do today. So, for those who havenā€™t already read it, hereā€™s my Letterboxd review: ā€œI was introduced to this movie back in college - almost apologetically - by a Theater Major friend of mine. And I get it. The cast is kind of bonkers, the choreography and singing is a bit spotty, and overall, it feels a bit slapdash. However, Iā€™ve always felt like that kind of thrown together feeling is a part of its charm. I feel like - after the Herculean task that was Hamlet - Branagh was looking for something just sort of light and frothy. It feels like this was him decrompressing and just having fun. Gone are the elaborate sets and 4 hour run time. Itā€™s shoot-from-the-hip Shakespeare - and itā€™s wonderful. And just because I feel like I was dismissive of them above, the cast is wonderful and the songs are great. Itā€™s charming in its simplicity. This was never meant to be a blockbuster. Itā€™s there simply because Branagh wanted to do it. It exists for those who want it, and I, for one, am glad that it does.ā€œ
  2. Boyet!!! That sequence at the end always gets me...
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    I really wish they hadnā€™t already recorded the episode, because my copy of The Howling 2 just came in and I really feel like it deserves an Amazon review. It arrived quickly, it was adequately bubble wrapped, and the packaging was perfectly sealed. 5 STARS!!!
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Thanks! Iā€™ll keep that in mind for next time. The movies are supposed to arrive today. My main thing is I really want to get rid of all DVDā€™s/Blu-Rays/CDā€™s from my life - no one needs that kind of clutter. However, I do have a specific section of just Halloween movies in hard copy, so itā€™s cool. Iā€™ll just put these there and make them a part of that tradition. I didnā€™t even think to try Vudu, though. Hopefully, more people will be able to participate now
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Oh my, that forum person sounds like a real piece of work...
  6. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Did anyone else catch the scene where it seemed like 5 dudes stuffed and followed Piper into a van, but when we cut to it later, itā€™s only Piper and, like, Train and the driver with her? Whereā€™d the other people go?
  7. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Thanks for watching with me, guys! Sorry about those randos. They...frightened me.
  8. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Here you go guys: https://www.rabb.it/CameronH
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    I always do: [i m g] url minus the ā€œsā€ in ā€œhttpsā€ [/ i m g] Of course there ae no spaces in between ā€œimg.ā€ Hope that helps!
  10. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Oh yes. Both this and my Netflix recommendations are nightmares.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    I ended up spoiling myself and getting a DVD for 9.99 on Amazon with The Howling 1 & 2. Not too bad all things considered.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Im sorry, but I havenā€™t had a chance to listen to the mini yet. I was looking for the movie. Did Paul mention if it was available to stream anywhere? Iā€™ve only seen it on iTunes (for purchase) for 15 bucks!
  13. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Cool! Glad to hear so many are going to make it, I'm sad to hear of those who can't. I've already rented it and I'm setting up our room now. I will post the line ~15 minutes before showtime (8:45PM EST). See you all there!
  14. I just saw that the other day, too. I was like ā€œIs that ā€˜Skylineā€™ Skyline?ā€
  15. Have you seen the sequel? Iā€™ve heard it was terrible...
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    I know, I know...Iā€™m quoting my own post. I just wanted to add that there was only an eleven dollar difference between the ā€œstolenā€ bust and the bust they break trying to locate it. Why didnā€™t the thief just take both of statues? Or all of them?!? What was he thinking? I suppose you have to be pretty incompetent to get nailed by the Second Sight Detective Agency, but this guy must have been some kind of next-level nincompoop.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    I rented this movie about a week ago so I'm a bit fuzzy on some details, but do they try to sell McGee's psychic ability by pulling one of those Johnny Carson "psychic envelope" bits? I guess that would be kind of impressive - if they weren't co-workers who could have easily coordinated beforehand.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    Yay! I finally listened to the episode! And it was great! JSC was fantastic! That's a lot of exclamation marks in a row! I knew what I was in for in this movie when their first case involved an art theft in which nothing is alarmed and the stolen object is hidden in a hollowed out pedestal. I guess I just don't understand what the criminal's endgame was. He stole something, but...just hid it? He didn't even take it out of the room. You'd think it would be much easier to pocket the thing and walk out the door than go through all the trouble of getting (or making) a suitable pedestal to hide it in. (Are all the pedestals hollowed out? How'd they get the decoy one in there without raising suspicion? ARGH!) Which leads me to my next issue: why does Wills even put up with this shit? He hates McGee. Their agency is apparently hemorrhaging money (although you've always got enough money to buy a nice suit, amiright?) He wasn't kicked off the force due to incompetence or anything. He's also the only the only person at their "detective" agency that even pretends to do any "detecting." It just seems to me that - not only would he be better off - he'd be much happier if he struck out on his own.
  19. Not necessary. It would actually probably be detrimental.
  20. I will say...in my opinion, Alicia Silverstone is the weak link. Everyone else sells it pretty well, but sheā€™s a bit flat - in acting and singing. My only other (minor) quibble is that Branagh is perhaps a touch too hold. However, heā€™s still very, very good.
  21. Lillard acquits himself admirably MucH like how Marvel movies always try to be more than ā€œsuperheroā€ movies, Iā€™ve always liked that Branagh has always the same with Shakespeare. In this case, a zany (ā€œIt kills sheepā€), musical. I feel that by heightening or putting into context Shakespeareā€™s original intention, it makes his work more accessible to modern audiences.
  22. I own this! Itā€™s too bad Cake has been too busy to participate. Weā€™ve talked about this one before. SPOILER ALERT: I love this movie.
  23. Frank - hay, ho, hey, oh boy... We watched...