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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. A "parkitect." He also quotes poetry (literate/sensitive), has a cottage in the woods (outdoorsy), hokey player (athletic), a church goer (obviously important for the intended audience), and arrives to events 2 hours early (punctual/reliable).
  2. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    I’m just speculating, but I’m going to put this behind spoiler tags because you never know and I’d hate to ruin something for someone...
  3. I loved how every bit of new information we learn about Miles makes him more unbelievably awesome and sympathetic. “Of course he quotes Thoreau...” “He volunteers with foster kids? You don’t say...”
  4. It's funny you say this, because - originally - Musical Mondays (when it was only, like, 5 of us) was only supposed to last a year. This morning, I got a reminder on my phone that "Musical Mondays becomes Missed Classics." The idea was to basically do the same thing as Musical Monday, but pick a "classic" movie that we'd never seen. Like, you could pick Groundhog Day and I could pick Lawrence of Arabia. Anyway, while I doubt - since we're all still enjoying it - that we're going to abandon Musical Mondays (not to mention there are people who haven't had a 1st pick yet), but it does make me reflect on all of this a bit. December 19th is the one year anniversary of our first movie: Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I could not be happier about how this has all turned out. Musical Mondays, for me, has been a bright spot in an otherwise craptacular year. I've enjoyed watching all of your picks! I'm super glad that - from an off-the-cuff remark from Fister Roboto - we've been able to build something really cool. I'm super glad we've all been able to bond over this and I look forward to what we'll watch in the new year. I guess I'm saying - Thanks for watching movies with me, guys!
  5. She also gives an expensive looking coat to a homeless woman and I was like, “Oh, great. Now we’re going to see that poor woman falsely arrested or mugged.”
  6. When Jim tells her that there are no problems that hot cocoa can't solve, did anyone else think, "What about Type 2 Diabetes, Jim?"
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 176.5 - Minisode 176.5

    Other writers just tend to kill him off by some kind of disease until Peter David to resurrects him and reminds everyone how awesome he is. This is a shame because Maddrox written by David is a Top 5 Character for me. I probably agree with you on Quicksilver, too. Written by anyone else he’s like a less interesting Northstar.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 176.5 - Minisode 176.5

    Thanks, Quasar! You’re too kind! Speaking of Franco, did you hear he’s developing a Multiple Man movie? I would assume they would be adapting (to some degree) Peter David’s take on the character - including all the X-Factor investigation. I love that run so hard. And, you know what? I’d love to see Paul in there as Strong Guy. I know Paul’s a busy guy, but I hope the next time he speaks with Franco he puts that worm in his ear. Hell, if Franco doesn’t want to do it, I’ll write it myself.
  9. I’m sick, too! Still watching it. I’m wondering why
  10. I’m very early into 12 Dates, but if any of you are wondering - while I don’t really like Nicholas Sparks - I’d much much rather have one of his books over beer. Between this and Target’s “Gifts for Dad” you’d think all dudes ever do is drink.
  11. Just bumping this as a reminder
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 176.5 - Minisode 176.5

    I just wanted to say, I’m really excited about The Disaster Artist. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to watch it until it’s available to stream, but I wish everyone involved - especially our wonderful hosts - the best of luck! (Although, from what I’ve heard it’s an absolutely brilliant film)
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 176.5 - Minisode 176.5

    I have no idea. She and “ ” ran off to join “ .”
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 176.5 - Minisode 176.5

    I read this before I listened to the episode and I was like, "uh-oh..." " '" that although some days feel like a " ," I live a " ." I don't mind being a " ." " ." And while some of you think that " ," " " in civil discourse. I believe that even when we disagree, we can still travel this road together - " " - toward greater understanding. Even if sometimes it requires a lot of " " to get there.
  15. Hey, Cinco, you alright, bro? What’re you doing up there to piss off God?
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    Ooh, that's delightful! I'll have to pick that up. I'm sure 2/4 of us will love it.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    Speaking of “Wonderful Christmastime,” did you know Jimmy Buffett did a cover it on his album 'Tis the SeaSon (Get it?) Anyway, her’s a gem of a tune from that album (which I also own) http://youtu.be/9z7NcIiG_yo
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    The Joyless One Quite possibly one of his finest songs - after “Temporary Secretary.”
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    I mean, “awful” is such a subjective term...We had an impromptu, in-the-kitchen, dance party last night to Fred Schneider and the Superions “Fruitcake.” 3/4 of my Family loves this song. http://youtu.be/SwxcFmToim8
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    We can! I think we’ve said everything we need to about The Jazz Singer. Hanson just released a new Christmas album. Yes, I bought it.
  21. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    I know we’ve probably all watched this a few times by now, but here it is again...
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 176 - The Jazz Singer: LIVE!

    Just a head's up, but Neil Diamond has done - not one- but THREE Christmas albums! All of which are available for purchase, at a very reasonable price, over on iTunes! Onse includes an incredible dreadful version of Adam Sandler's "The Chanukah Song." Anyway, you should all buy at least one. Also, off topic, I've probably (willingly) listened to The New Kids on the Block's "Funky, Funky Christmas" 20 times since Thanksgiving. This is my best possible life.
  23. I will be watching it as well