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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I’m “antsy dancin’” with anticipation...
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Where’s everyone at between this vs. Iron Fist? I feel like this is better in terms of writing and acting, but I kind of liked Iron Fist more. Not so much because it was enjoyable in and of itself, but because it was so much more fun to make fun of. I’d much rather watch a dumpster fire like Iron Fist than something this lifeless and dull.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    So far, it’s violent and boring. I’ve fallen asleep twice. So, if you like sleeping...
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    I love your posts, Quasar! They bring an erudition that I feel raises the level of discourse here
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Super rage to compensate for micro penis.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    I think his powers are gets-a-13-episode-series-despite being-boring-as-fuck.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Wouldn't it be neat if The Punisher was at least a little charismatic? You're bumming me out, bro!
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Thomas Jane will always be my Punisher...
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Don’t worry! None of this is plot relevant.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    So I just finished the first episode of The Punisher... Pro: I like how sweet dreams about his wife are the nightmares that keep him up at night. Con: I don't like how his wife in those dreams speaks to him like he's a 6-year-old with a mild fever that she's decided to keep home from school. Icky.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    And I’m a huge fan of yours, Cam! You’re kindness and humor is a huge part of what makes this forum a great place to visit! In fact, in the spirit of the season, I just want to thank all you nerds. Undoubtedly, HDTGM attracts nothing but the best people as fans, and I’m grateful to each and every one of you for sharing your humor, intelligence, opinions, and lives with me every single day. You are all my favorites!
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    I’m well, Elektra. How are you? I’m super excited to hear them talk about your sign! Do we get to hear you as well? If so, I think all you have to do is get a Explanation Hope Line call in to get the equivalent of a HDTGM EGOT. Good luck! I bought this the second it was announced. There’s not even the slightest chance that I’m going to allow a single piece of Neil Diamond content to slip through my fingers. I’m “Forever in Blue Jeans,” baby! (I’m listening to him as I jog, right now!!)
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Oh, Paul... (I’m a big fan of yours as well )
  14. Gross. Thanks for the head's up.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    So in addition to Vice Cardinal and geneticist, Daxus is also into architectural design? He certainly wears a lot of hats...
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    Yes, but you forget that the drastic reduction in population should offset any short term effect consolidating our assets might have on the job market. Besides, we will still need people to distribute our “treatment,” erect statues in our honor, and design Norman Rockwell-esque playgrounds for our disposable clone-babies.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    We won’t make that mistake when our startup cloning facility gets up and running. We promise all our abominations against God - and the genetically engineered pestilence they’ve been bred to spread™ - will be kept in house! (...Until they’re ready to be unleashed.)
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    You know what else he could have done? Rigged the briefcase to explode if it was stolen.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    So, does anyone want to hazard a guess as to why the Arch Ministry apparently has their couriers on the honor system? For a package as sensitive as "12-year-old boy in a mirror dimension with genocidal pathogens in his blood capable of causing a global pandemic" they'd at least put a lock on that briefcase. I bet they just left the combination as "000," huh? Also, could someone explain to me why they couldn't just make another clone? Directorial, time-travelling, retcons aside - Six is the a clone of Daxus, right? Since the kid has an expiration date anyway, why even bother trying to retrieve him at all? Just write off the expense, take the loss next quarter, and make another one. Or a hundred! Who fucking cares? The point is, always save your work and create a backup.
  20. Two questions: Is next Friday (11/10) okay with everyone? Do we want to skip this one - LOL? It’s almost two hours long!
  21. It doesn’t have to be. I think, usually, when the first week of a month is only a day or two, we can push it out. Is the 15th better?
  22. Yeah, don’t worry about reading the novel, but it is very good. It’s no where near as intimidating as Wuthering Heights. It’s very charming. I concur with Taylor, though. If nothing else, you should at least watch the miniseries at some point. But don’t feel like you have to for this. It’s not a complex story. I would suggest watch this first. If you like it, then watch the miniseries. And if you like THAT, then read the novel.
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 175 - Ultraviolet: LIVE!

    Just another quick observation... At the beginning of the movie, when Violet is posing as a courier, she’s subjected to a barrage of invasive tests to confirm that she’s not a hemophage. For instance, the Clockwork Orange-esque needles in her eyes are supposed to test for contact lenses. Anyway, as all this is going on, two very thick needles are injected into her wrists and large quantities of blood are drawn. As a consequence of this forced stigmata, a helpful scientist informs her, “If you really were a hemophage, we would have already detected it at a microcellular level.” Aaaaaand...the tests continue. Like, I get that Violet is conning them effectively, but if your machines can detect all that just from the cuts on her wrists, what in the holy hell is the point of all those other tests? It seems to me, if you’re confident that you can detect hemophagic healing on a “microcellular level” from a simple cut, then a finger prick should suffice sadistic assholes! Also, regarding the amount of blood drawn from V., I’m not entirely convinced that exsanguination is such a great idea - especially if you’re expecting your courier to deliver your goods safely.