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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    I do like this PSA a lot. In it, Captain Lou Albano (dressed as Super Mario) tells his demographic that if they do drugs they’ll “go to Hell before [they] die.”
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    As I just wrote to Grudlian over in Letterboxd, it’s The Matrix and Speed Racer (with a touch of Blade) all mashed together. But it’s all style, no substance. Even the visuals, that are sometimes cool, aren’t anything we hadn’t already seen by 2006.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    Yes! I felt this was a real missed opportunity!
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Ultraviolet is ultra boring. (Please God, let me finish this tonight so I don’t have to continue it tomorrow...)
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    Hey Max, great to have you back! Are you settled in Spain already? I’m sure I watch some PSA’s, but I must have blocked them out. The only one I have any real memory of is the Helen Hunt PCP one and that’s just through cultural osmosis.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    It cannot be stressed enough how much I enjoy this scene That being said, hot chocolate in the middle of the day. That’s a Friday night, bad movie watching drink my friend
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    I think some of the Black and White scenes could have been shortened or omitted entirely. Like there was a joke about Asian people eating cats or some nonsense and then a cut to an Asian woman in the audience looking uncomfortable. It's just sort of a lazy and not very funny joke. We get that these people are a bunch of racist nincompoops. We don't need to be reminded of it all the time. I think the problem is the writers really wanted to give it that schlocky, B-movie, propaganda vibe, and although some of that stuff is really good, I didn't feel like they had quite enough good material to justify its existence. The movie should have just settled on having the B & W fear monger scenes bookend the movie. You could still have Alan Cumming appear in the movie to break the fourth wall and lecture the audience (which I thought, for the most part, was effective), and kept the focus on Jimmy and Mary Lane.
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    What were the three endings? I didn't catch them... I always liked how Clue did them I own that on DVD and you can choose for it to pick an ending at random for you, but I always though it funnier to watch them all back to back.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 24 Reefer Madness

    Ultimately, I though RM was just okay. The first couple of numbers were great, and I laughed at a lot of absurdity, but it really was a one joke premise that they stretched out for nearly two hours. I described it as top heavy in my Letterboxd review because by the time I got to the end of the movie the things that had made me laugh at the beginning had become a bit tired. I think it would have benefited by being about 20 minutes shorter. That being said. I still love “Romeo & Juliet.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Ultraviolet. Also, I totally get it if you don’t like or you don’t have time to listen to the mini episodes, but a good place to find out what the next movie is is to check Reddit. They always make it the first post for that mini episode. For me, I don’t always have the time (especially on Fridays) to listen right away and this helps satisfy my curiosity. Personally, I think the minis are pretty great! In fact, since I’ve griped about them in the past, I should get on record and say the Explanation Hope Line calls have gotten SO much better! Great job everyone who’s been calling in!
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Thanks, Lindy. I'm still going to make fun of Paul for being a big, Hollywood fake-o, though
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    On a related note: “We aren’t going to pick a movie people can’t get anywhere!” *Cameron H. does a Google search for Freejack.*
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Agreed! That guy is so wrong he might actually be an alien trying to pass as human. (He’s failing - hard)
  14. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Bingo

    I mean, I’m more than willing to give up that crown, but you guys are really going to need to step up your game
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Regarding the call from the "helpful" friend who was making dinner for her friend after the birth of her child, obviously I don't know exactly how close she is with her friend, but if her friend is telling her "she doesn't have to do that anymore" I would suspect that she should respect that and take a step back. According to the caller, this baby is only a month old and they also have a toddler. With the birth of both of my kids (5 and 1) there was definitely a period of adjustment where you just want to get to know the new member of your family. We didn't even want immediate family members to come by. It was our time to bond as a family and we didn't need or want some interloper butting in. I know you think you're helping, and to some extent you are, but the fact of the matter is, when you come over, it means we now have to make sure the house is clean and doesn't smell like baby poop. It means, even though we've only had a couple hours of sleep, we have to fix ourselves up. And you can say, "well you don't have to clean yourself up, I'm your friend." Well, fuck you because YOU might be fine with us looking and smelling like a couple of homeless heroin addicts, but WE aren't. And you can say, "Well, your house may be a little untidy, but I understand." No, you don't. It might look "a little untidy" to you, but that was because we used the last of our strength to make it look somewhat presentable. The caller even said something to the effect of "when I come over the toddler has been put to sleep and the baby goes down soon after so we can have a good time." In other words, she's saying that as soon as the two children are asleep, and the parents can finally get some quiet time, they now have to entertain your sorry ass. I'm sure they'd much rather do that than, I don't know, maybe get some much needed sleep. And this is all just from my cushy perspective as the father, never mind what the mother might be (and probably still is) going through! After only a month, she's most likely she's still feeling a lot of the pain from labor. Her body has gone through an incredibly painful and traumatic event and it takes awhile to recover from that. Shit, she's still got stitches for Christ's sake! Not to mention if she's suffering from postpartum or something. The fact of the matter is, newborns do three things: they sleep, they poop, and they eat. They're really not all that hard to take care of. In fact, her presence is probably keeping the baby awake! Toddler's are much harder to take care of, and the caller said she doesn't even get there until the toddler is ASLEEP! All we as parents want is a little peace and quiet. If that means we end up living in filth and eating shitty food for a couple weeks, then so be it. And, if the mother has a decent enough partner, it won't even come to that.* They are adults who have had a child already. They've got this. Back the fuck off. *If this is a single mother situation or the partner is a deadbeat, some of this might need to be amended. Regardless, and I can't stress this enough, STOP COMING OVER WHEN THE KIDS ARE ASLEEP! THAT'S WHEN WE SLEEP!
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 174.5 - Minisode 174.5

    Neither do I! The guy is up then down, left then right. “We don’t do Physics on our show!” then awards C&O of the week to a post dealing with physics. I don’t know if this guy is coming or going...
  17. Should we have a drinking game? Every time someone says, “in the cartoon” take a drink.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    For me? In this movie? Definitely. But you be the judge... (I can’t seem to find a better picture -lol)
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Maybe it's because i've only ever really known him from Back to the Future, but I agree, he was surprisingly handsome.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    This has quickly become “the first 10 minutes of Sleepaway Camp” for me, so I think I’m going to bow out and leave the Horror movie analysis to the experts
  21. Lol No, I was being sincere. I’m not sure when I can get to it, but I will.