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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I’ve never seen the show...It’s that good?
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Yup, you’re right. I guess I got confused because Paul had been blatantly flirting with that one sister (sorry, I don’t know their names) in front of his girlfriend since the moment he met her. So when Jimmy says, “I thought you wanted to be with Ted” my mind automatically made the connection that “Ted” must be the dude he literally just saw her kissing and slow dancing with seconds before and not the shitty troll playing with matches on the couch that she’s been actively ignoring all night. Perfect. You see, I was stupidly assuming the movie had given her some agency. I had totally forgot that a couple of fuckwits had already claimed “dibs” on her behind her back and she was supposed to adhere to that arrangement. (I am almost 100% on board for every motherfucker Jason kills in these movies.)
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Sorry, normally I would defer to your expertise on Horror movies, but this is wrong. She’s dancing with Ted and puts on his hat. Ted has second thoughts about cheating on his girlfriend. After he leaves, her sister motions for the two of them to leave. Instead, the sister dancing with Ted puts his hat on Crispin Glover’s and they start dancing. He then says, “I thought you wanted to be with Ted?” She replies, “Welll, I did. But now I want to be with you.” Now I’m starting to think she was more interested in fucking Ted’s hat than either of those doofuses. I can’t say I blame her. It’s a nice hat. That’s interesting, and kind of sad, that Feldman preferred doing this to Goonies, though. I would have thought it would have preferred to be around Kids his own age.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Have a Happy, Fun, and safe Halloween everyone! And if you meet someone special tonight, and you guys decide to spend the night together, I hope you will at least consider this playing this as your ambient music. If they’re not into it, then at least you’ll know it probably wasn’t going to be worth it anyway :)/>
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Well, when she couldn't get Ted to cheat on his girlfriend with her, Jimmy was the best of what was left.- even if he was a "dead fuck."
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    The house was dark and the kids were asleep. It was quiet except for the quiet ticking of the grandfather clock and the pattering of rain outside. A piercing ring broke the sepulcheric silence. The babysitter picked up the phone. “Hello,” she said. There was no answer. “Hello?” she persisted, a note of urgency gripping her voice. Nothing. No one. No. Not “nothing.” Not exactly. Almost inaudible beneath the ticking clock and pouring rain, a low rasping breath. Steady and dry like the rustling of fallen leaves before a storm. “Bill,” she sighed in exasperation, “is that you?” The breathing continued. “This isn’t funny...” There was a scratch at the window. Just a branch she told herself. Just a branch... “That’s it, creep! I’m hanging - “ “It’s too late,” a voice interrupted. It was a broken voice. A hollow voice, and it crackled with malevolence. “Too late for what..?” the babysitter asked despite her dread. There was no answer. “Too late for what?!?” she screamed. “Too late!” the voice sneered, “I’ve already put raisins in EVERYTHING!!!”
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    It’s Devil’s Xmas, y’all! I hope you all picked out the sexiest food item costumes you could find! Happy Halloween!
  8. Hold on to your pant because they’re about to be charmed right off! We watched:
  9. Have you watched this, Cinco? Is it worth watching the non-Musical version to compare?
  10. Very cool! I'm looking forward to this.
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Thanks again, Quasar, for the amazing pick!
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Not only do they not have security cameras, but they don't even make good use of the resources they do have: specifically "Shoe-head." I could not stand how they just left Jason in the med-bay after Shoe-head laid him out.* I get that no one wants to sit around and watch a corpse all night, and he looks really, really dead, but Doig knows he has a history of resurrection. Why not leave the kick-ass android there juuuuuuust to keep an eye on things? It's not like she can get bored or distracted, it's not going to creep her out, she would know what to lookout for, and she's already proven to be a match for him. Don't be dumb, guys. Cover your asses! * Ever since this episode was announced, I've been trying to run the Friday the 13th series (I just finished Part Four tonight), and sadly, it seems like the "he must be dead, but rather than checking to make sure, let's turn our backs on him instead" seems to be a trope since the very beginning. So far, the only person who gets it right is 8-year-old Corey Feldman.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    I totally got that Azrael is kind of a space cadet, but I still found it hard to believe that his first response to Jason crashing his bitchin' VR game was “the game must be fucking up” and not "HOLY SHIT! THE GIANT, FROZEN HOCKEY-MASKED CORPSE THAT CHOPPED MY ARM OFF TWO HOURS AGO IS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! (And he looks really pissed...)” Also, as it pertains to the VR scene, when the game dropped and showed Azrael and Farmer sitting criss-cross applesauce facing one another, it immediately reminded me of the sex scene in .
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    I’m not sure what his situation is like now, but according to an article he wrote in 2015 , he’s come through it all right. Of course, as a writer you always want everything you write to be well-received, but when you’re writing the 10th movie of a 20-year-old Horror franchise, you know you’re not exactly writing Shakespeare. If he agreed to write this movie - with all its silly, tongue-in-cheek jokes - I’m sure he would get that. He might even appreciate HDTGM's take on it.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    The difference between an airport and a space station, though, is that if you survive the initial blast at an airport, you're still on Earth. I think if your very survival depends on a thing not blowing up, a little extra vigilance to prevent it from doing so might be in order. Then again, considering the general horniness of all the characters in this movie, the people of Solaris were probably too busy doing it to even consider their own self-preservation.
  16. I just watched this on Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime? Amazon Prime. Now I'm going to need to pay for some therapy. We watched...
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    I know I mentioned money in my post, but it really isn't about the money. If he has to charge everyone $5 or $1,000 really isn't he point. The point is, this wasn't some 30-year-old fanboy in a hockey mask trying to get a free autograph or otherwise pestering him. It was a toddler. Whatever other rules this convention had, I'm sure he could say, "Cute kid" or, at the very least, "hello." Obviously the character Jason (for whatever reason) meant a lot to this kid. My eldest son is 5 years old and loves Spider-man. If he saw Tom Holland, and Holland was a dismissive asshole to him, he would be fucking crushed. He would have no idea why his hero was demanding money from him. He doesn't understand the business side of running a convention or the behind-the-scenes politics. Nor should anyone expect him to. So, yeah, the guy might have had a contract that forced him to demand money from a three year old; maybe he was having a bad day; or maybe he was hungover - which might not be professional, but within his rights. Either way, though, it sounds like he was being a real dickhead to a kid who just wanted to impress his hero. Bottom line: he might have had his reasons, but whatever they were, they don't excuse him for being a shitheel to a kid barely old enough to speak in full sentences.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Unless something has changed, I believe "ad-free" has only ever applied to the archived episodes. New episodes still have ads for however long they are up before they are put behind the paywall - 6 months or whatever. Being a subscriber helps keep the back catalog available, but Earwolf still needs to generate some ad revenue to keep their operation going. At least, that’s how I understand it.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    It seems insane to me, that in the future, humanity will have the ingenuity and wherewithal to develop a self-sustaining space station like Solaris, yet not have a single contingency plan in place to protect itself from “deadly spaceship collisions.” Honestly, if a spaceship the size of Grendel is getting too close, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down, they should be well within their rights to blow that shit right out of the space-sky.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    This makes sense to me.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Or he could have said, “Great costume young child! You look adorable. How’s your day going?” and maybe waived the fee or covered it himself....
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    You know what’s an insane profession to choose if your goal in life is to be a “rich sonuvabitch?” College professor. Also, when Doig runs down the absurd list of ways that they’ve tried to execute Jason, the professor gives her, quite possibly, the most ridiculous response I've ever heard. Since nothing could kill him, she tells him that they decided to put him into cryostasis, to which he casually responds “seems sensible.” Really, bro? You don’t have, like, any questions you might want to ask? Like maybe, “Holy Crap, that’s insane! Why couldn’t he be killed” or even a “What IS Jason?”
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Okay, lol, this sounds insane, but I thought what blonde doctor pulled out of his eye socket was his brain! I just figured he was just an avatar of evil and really didn’t have his own agency. As for the ants, I just didn’t understand why all the future people weren’t upgraded like that. What makes Jason so special that he gets to be a cyborg?
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    If Jason is essentially invincible, why does he sometimes take the stealthy approach? Is it just for the thrill of the game?