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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Great ep, guys! I listened with my infant son. He loved your antics! While I agree that Janessa’s demise was grisly, my main issue with that scene was that Jason was able to punch a hole in a freaking spaceship! I honestly have no idea where Jason’s strength levels are at (especially after his nano-ant upgrade), but the strength it would take to punch through the hull of a futuristic, military spacecraft seems like it would have to be pretty considerable. I mean, sure, he has the strength to wield a sleeping bag cudgel with relative ease, but it's not like it came off as effortless, you know? And if the answer is “maybe the hull’s not that thick” then maybe the marines shouldn’t be firing off their weapons all willy-nilly. But perhaps my biggest problem with his hull punch is that he does so in a Zero G environment! Newton’s Third Law states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This means, that without gravity to hold him in place, the force required for him to punch the ship that hard should have effectively launched him in the opposite direction - out into the inky, enveloping arms of space. Get your science straight, Farmer!
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    I got the impression that they were studying Archaeology, but I could be wrong. And I suppose grants might have covered some of the cost, but...that’s just a guess. It’s pretty inconclusive. ETA: I just started the show and the trailer says “on a routine training mission” so I’m guessing the space marines were training (I'm guessing that it’s their ship then) and the kids were just sort of tagging along ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    How are you doing today, Elektra? Good for you! I hope you left a little pile of those fuckers on your plate just to show them you aren't going to fall for any of their disgusting nonsense.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Okay, new question: based on your tastes, what’s a band/musician you feel you should like but don’t? For me, it’s Public Image Ltd. It’s not even that I hate them, it’s just they don’t really do anything for me. I can’t listen to more than a song or two before I’m ready to move on. I am, however, willing to admit the problem might just be with me. http://youtu.be/zN-GGeNPQEg
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I mean, I wasn't trying to suggest that Finger Eleven was - in any way - on his level. I was making the point that even the best songwriters can be guilty of that. There's a bunch of other examples, which you can find here. These include the Beatles, The Doors, Madonna, Journey and a bunch of others. However, it would be disingenuous if I didn't point out that Finger Eleven was specifically called out:
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I don't disagree with you that Finger Eleven sucks, but I do disagree that if you rhyme the same word it's automatically bad songwriting.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    And dancing...
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Duran Duran is a great one and probably pretty high up there for me, too. I’m not as familiar with Devo, but I’ve really come to love Depeche Mode and Oingo Boingo in the last year or so. In response to “most hated,” I honestly don’t that I have one. Or at least, I’ve never really thought about it. Oh! I just thought about it: Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Roooooooooooock! Politics aside, fuck that guy. He sucks.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    All I know is that at some point, Jason must have really got into CrossFit.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I watched it after only watching the first one. I was juuuuuuuust fine
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Hey, Horror nerds, I’m running through the Friday the 13th movies (currently on Part 2) and it appears like Jason might be suffering from alopecia or something; however, in Jason X - at least at the beginning - he seems to have a full head of Brillo Pad-esque, pubey hair. Is his triumph over male pattern baldness addressed later in the series? Nm - apparently he’s got some kind of crazy Uruk Hai thing going on. I wonder why his mother went full Lex Luthor when he was a kid...
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    No, no - all my pleasures have been acquited
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Speaking of likes and dislikes, I have a question I’d like to throw out to the group. I hope explain this right... A few weeks ago, I was have a conversation about “favorite bands.” Of course the top few are easy (e.g. The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, etc...), but we kept saying things like, “Yeah, I really like so-and-so, but they’re not in my Top Ten, maybe my Top 50” or “I hate the Stones! They wouldn’t be in my Top 100.” But then the question became, “actually name your Top Ten.” Again, the first few are pretty easy, but even though I love music, I had a really hard time even filling out my Ten. Ultimately, I was like, “You know what? I think Tom Petty (This was before he died, btw) is in my Top Ten...” Now, I have nothing against Tom Petty. Obviously, I love Tom Petty, but I never would have dreamed he would be in my Top Ten of all time. It was a very revelatory experience. So, I guess the question is: what musician or band is higher on your favorites list than you would have thought? Some of you might have an easy 10, so who’s eleven?* Or, think of as many as you can easily and then share whichever one comes next. *
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    I really liked how “Isn’t it a Lovely Day” ended with a handshake. There was nothing even particularly flirty about it. To me, it showed them as equal partners. I thought it was a lovely touch.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    But...he had a condition.
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    I find Kelly to be sexier, but I find Astaire to be more likable. This is based on absolutely nothing but the handful of films I've seen. Top Hat being the only Astaire film I've seen...
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Aren't e-cigarettes "vaping?" Oh, and if it wasn't for health reasons (d'uh!) I would 100% still be smoking. I miss it so bad sometimes... Wikipedia said that Phyllis Potter (his first wife) was a socialite and that they were married for 21 "blissful" years. She died in 1954. He didn't remarry until 1980 at the age of 80 which is kind of sweet.
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    First of all, those sound exactly like the type of excuses I used to make. ("But it's not like I smoke TWO packs a day..."). Also, apparently Astaire's first wife died from lung cancer, so I don't know that the cigarettes they were smoking were really that much "safer."
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    I feel the same way about O'Conner! He's amazing in Singin' in the Rain and doesn't get near enough credit. As for the "work ethic" part, I read yesterday (I cam't remember where) that Astaire was doing a movie and they shot this dance number, but later decided that the set didn't work for the scene. So after the movie was shot, they went back and re-shot the scene and Astaire duplicated it exactly - down to the subtlest gesture. I think they said on That's Entertainment III they showed the two scenes side by side and they were exact! I think they were both perfectionists, I just think Kelly might have had to work just a little bit harder. I also think Kelly might have been a little more aware of how handsome he was. In which case, he might have been more self-conscious about how he looked while dancing. He might have been a little more "in his own head" as it were.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    You should! My son liked it!
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Are you kidding? I would LOVE that!
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Maybe it's just because I have two young kids, but "Silence in the club rooms" sounds like my idea of fucking heaven. ETA: Not just "fucking heaven," but regular heaven, too