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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Yeah, I’m disappointed that I didn’t buy this, too! I didn’t buy this, but I did buy Jason X. I’m a big dummy
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    My naive mind was also blown by the fact he smoked! I smoked for a long time (fortunately, I’ve since quit), but my lungs still have issues sometimes. I can’t imagine trying to dance at even a fraction of his level while still smoking. That’s insane!
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    I loved that line! That was going to be my quote for the movie. And, yes, it was weird to think that - at the time - she would have been totally contemporary. It would have been like taking a shot at Stephen King or something,
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    I agree! Their chemistry was amazing! So much so that I felt the need to Google if they were a real life couple (they weren’t). The only other movie I can think of that I was this into by the first note was Staying Alive. I know that doesn’t sound like a ringing endorsement, but it is
  5. No! I just really enjoyed it! Sorry.
  6. Ugh! Why didn’t I just buy this one?
  7. Good luck with the move, Max! You’ll be missed! Hurry back when you can, we’ll still be here
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    While I agree with Paul to some extent that you might as well get used to “new” pop culture stuff, I think if you expose children to older stuff when they’re young - and without pressure - it will keep them open-minded. My five year old and I watched The Invisible Man Returns this morning and he thought it was the most fantastic thing ever! It’s been the news of the day all morning. He also really enjoyed The Creature from the Black Lagoon a few days ago. So I don’t think it’s a matter of forgetting the old, but being open to - and incorporating - the new.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Could Thomas be a sequel to Maximum Overdrive where humans and machines have learned to live together in - relative- harmony?
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Kids gotta learn about real life somewhere, y’know?
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    That’s Diesel 10, bro! He’s always causing confusion and delay...
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Oh, I’m not complaining.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    My eldest son’s favorite songs are: “ ” - Iggy POP“ ” - Ray Parker Jr.“ ” - The Beatles My 1 year old likes anything from The Seventies. Even when he was nothing more than a lump, it has always soothed him. Anything from The Carpenters to Sabbath. Kind of weird, actually. He has no time for any other decade.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    My son is eldest son has pretty much aged out of watching Thomas (although he still likes to play with the trains and stuff). I've never really had a problem with it. They're just cute little bits of nonsense. (Although the non-CG ones are pretty creep-a-rooney.) I really don't have a problem with any of his shows. They are what they are. They're not for me. However, that being said, I would totally be open to HDTGM doing this psychotic piece of cinema: P.S. I also don't hate the Star Wars prequels. On their own, I certainly wouldn't consider them to be classics, but I think they're fine as a part of the whole. And, seriously, the first 30 mins of A New Hope - where you follow Threepio and Artoo through the desert - is boring as fuck. It's just as bad as any Trade Negotiation in Phantom Menace - maybe worse. Wooden acting? Yup. Silly dialog? Yup. Uneven pacing? Yup. Convenient simplistic storytelling? Yup, yup, yup. My point is: I love the OT - I always will - but let's not kid ourselves into believing they're good movies. They're great, but by no means "good."
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    So glad to hear you are all okay! Please continue to take care.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    iTunes is currently selling Jason X in HD for 4.99. These prices don’t always last long, so if you were planning on getting it before that episode drops, now might be the time to jump on that
  17. If anyone is looking to buy this instead of renting, it’s almost half the price on Amazon as opposed to iTunes. (14.99 HD/SD vs 8.99 HD/7.99 SD) rental prices are the same.
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 22 Bugsy Malone

    Thanks again, Cam, for introducing us to this movie! I can’t wait to see what Quasar’s got in store for us tomorrow...
  19. Sorry, I’m late starting this thread. Is everyone cool with this Friday or do you want to hold off until next? Also, we’re thinking of doing Leprechaun in the Hood!
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 22 Bugsy Malone

    “When you’re living in A-mer-i-ca with hypogly-cem-i-a!”
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 22 Bugsy Malone

    Roger: You Mimi: Me. Roger: Diabeeeeeeetes!
  22. I really hate the Star Wars Xmas special... Also, regarding Lep in the Hood (Come to do no Good), I feel like Warwick Davis deserves better roles.