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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Oops! Sorry. I was mini-golfing with the family. I’ll create one in a second.
  2. That’s awesome that it looks like Friday will be good for everyone!
  3. It's that time again!!! Technically, the second Friday this month is the one coming up (9/8); however, if you guys want to push it off until the next Friday (9/15), that's cool, too. Sound off below!
  4. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Sorry. I've been sick for the last week and a half and haven't really kept up with anything. (I haven't even listened to The Last Dragon ep yet) I'm fine with this Friday, but if everyone wants to put it off until next Friday, that's fine with me. I think, for Halloween, we were going to do a Halloween movie. Tom owns Lep in the Hood, so we thought we could do that and do Airbender next month. Cool?
  5. Watching now. So far, I’m kind of loving this!
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    If you could see any two musicians kung fu fight to the death, who would they be? Fighters can be picked from any era. Can be anyone living or dead. No rules. Any resources at their disposal is allowed. I'd pit Glenn "Mother" Danzig's brute strength against Frank "The Chairman of the Board" Sinatra's cunning and (alleged) mob ties.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    I know! And you cannot read it without hearing his “teenage” voice in your head. It’s even written in his normal cadence.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    Just butting in to say this is the best thing I've ever read... https://mobile.twitter.com/mradamscott/status/915386079913680898
  9. I actually couldn’t find this anywhere but YouTube. I only watched a couple seconds, but it doesn’t look too bad
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    That Blair Witch is a real dirty bird...
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    Ernie was the kick ass little kid that helped storm Seventh Heaven.
  12. We probably won't hear from Cake until later today, so settle in everybody...
  13. I like how Max always keeps it fresh with his name
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    LOL - I'm watching now, and I also have nothing to say, except maybe "Thank God This Got Made." I'm just happy for the excuse to watch this again!
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Right. Because it is objectively disgusting (except in Thai food)
  16. I'm really tired and I think I'm coming down with something so you're just going to have to pretend I wrote something really witty here... We watched...
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    That would have been cool, but I would have really liked to see Cake as Sky.
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    You might still like it, or at the very least, I don't think it will upset your fond memories that surround it (which sounds like circumstantial affection - the movie being almost incidental to the situation). Don't get me wrong: I didn't hate this. I just didn't like it as much as I expected. I'm also sure, that had I seen this as a teenager, I would have thought Sky was a really cool dude.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    It's interesting you bring this up, because a couple of weeks ago I was watching Jaws: The Revenge on Netflix and I noticed the same thing. I even mentioned it in my Letterboxd review. https://letterboxd.c...views/by/added/ So weird...
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    It felt like in the previous thread a lot of people were saying how much they loved this one, and I was wondering if any of those people felt like elaborating. I thought it was just fine, but I didn't love it or anything. I was just wonder what the arguments are for it.
  21. 604,800 seconds. How do you measure, measure a week? To talk about...
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Especially, when you consider their wedding had to be rushed because they scheduled it during rush hour in the middle of Times Square Why couldn't they just arrange it to be at Sky's 4 AM Special Time? It would have been more meaningful (at least for him ans Sarah) and it wouldn't have to be so rushed.