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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I always suspected that was what was going on inside a football team's locker room, we watched....
  2. Thanks again, Tom, for the awesome pick!
  3. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Wasn't the letter handwritten and double-spaced or did I hallucinate that?
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Another fantastic bit was right after Hairy Jeff decks Giant Michael Phelps for dating his sister. Seeing their precious bassist being assaulted, Dragon Sound leaps to the rescue, when this happens: Hairy J: When I tell you to leave her alone, leave her alone. Mark: Whatever you say. I mean, apart from the fact that Mark is kind of inserting himself into a situation that has nothing to do with him, I just love how quickly they all roll over for fucking Jeff. They obviously don't give a fuck what happens to Jane as long as John's gangly ass is still in a condition provide that sweet bottom for Dragon Sound.
  5. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Did we really not get closure on Rita Wilson?
  6. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Imma get my hot cocoa...
  7. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Is everyone getting all set?
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Honestly, the only thing I could thought when I saw that bloody bandage on his head was, "Sir, you appear to have a severe head wound. You may want to redress your bandages before it gets infected. Also, I strongly urge you to seek professional medical attention as the bleeding has clearly not abated."
  9. What's going on with, Dolly?
  10. Or maybe she knows his head is really gross. You know it's just covered in brylcreem and mustache wax...
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    1) Why did they take Oates' shirt off when they kidnapped him? 2) How come Jeff has a huge problem with his sister being in a healthy, monogamous relationship with a clean cut, college boy, but apparently has no problem at all with his sister getting harassed by the sweaty, drug-dealing gross-o's at Curves for Villains?
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    I think one of my favorite bits is after the "Tough Guys" biker gang scene, the movie cuts to a quiet night at Chez Dragon Sound as if to juxtapose the two lifestyle choices presented in the movie. In the scene, Mark takes a break from writing bitching lyrics about friendship and kind of just checks in with each of his orphan bros. When he gets to Tom's room, this happens: Tom: Oh, how'ya doing, Mark? Mark: I'm good. What are you doing? Tom: I'm working up a new original here. I just got done with this keyboard part. What do you think? Mark (no pause AT ALL): Oh, looks pretty good. I think Jim will like it, too. Okay, I have no problem believing that Tom is some kind of musical genius and that he can casually transcript sheet music with nary a musical instrument in sight, but I refuse to believe that Rhythm Guitarist/Tae Kwon Do Nose Puller Mark is such a fucking virtuoso that - with only a quick glance at a page of original music - he can hear that shit so clearly in his head that he is able to offer an opinion as to its quality. ETA: It also bears mentioning, that Tom is capable of harmonizing with himself which is just some next level, Tibetan throat-singing shit right there. And just a quick nitpicky correction. Paul said that Dragon Sound was all guitar players - that's not true. Tom - co-lead singer; lead guitarist Jane - co-lead singer; hype person Mark - Rhythm Guitarist; Tae Kwon Do antics John - Bass guitar; Gross, Onstage Maker-Outer Jim - Keyboardist; The Cute One Jack - Drummer; The Dreamer (I just realized, if you include "Jeff," this movie went to town on the "J" chapter of whatever baby name book they were pulling these character names from...)
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    It should also be noted the blankets on Mark's bed were U-Haul furniture shipping blankets. So Dragon Sound earns enough for college tuition and Abnormal Psychology books for five people; rent/mortgage on a house (plus utilities); band equipment; "big" pizzas with everything on it (to be eaten everyday); grapes; a potential World Tour; and a suit. That's still pretty good.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Here's my thing about that opening scene: why are they conducting a drug transaction in a house with no roof or walls in the middle of - what appears to be - a washing machine graveyard? While I appreciate the clandestine nature of what they're trying to accomplish, sampling drugs out in the open in an unfortified junkyard hardly seems advisable. They'd be better off just doing it at Villain's Gym or in the bathroom of the nearest CiCi's pizza.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    ...and what little they had, they blew entirely on a suit he could wear to meet his father.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Hindsight is always 20/20
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    What I want to know is, how much money is Dragon Sound making being the house band in that club? Right before he proposes their Genealogy.com World Tour, the drummer says he never wants to play that club again because the old band jumped them and Jeff is always there. Concerned, Mark tells him he'll have to find another job otherwise "how will [he] pay for school?" I had a band when I lived in Orlando, and like the bikers in this movie, we typically got paid in beer - which we might even be expected to pay for if we drank more than our allotment.* How are these chucklefucks making enough money playing at one club (even if it's the "hottest" in all of Orlando) to put all of them through college? Follow up question: how much money is that club pulling that it can afford to pay their house band that much? No wonder those bearded yacht rockers were so pissed off that they got fired. *Although, to be fair, we only did one or two songs about being friends for eternity or Tae Kwon Do so maybe that was our problem - we just didn't know our market...
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Ha! If you have a better picture, feel free to post it. That's the best I could find online.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Fantastic Episode! I think it becomes clear why his brother Yashito put him in charge of the Orlando coke market when you consider all the leadership and team building skills Jeff must have acquired at the "Colorado Outward Bound School." http://youtu.be/noMrKQ326ew
  20. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Well, yeah. I just didn't want anyone to get jealous because they can't make it
  21. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Us. Tomorrow night. Approximately 10:30.
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    I've never watched it without Rifftrax either, and I was still very entertained. I even caught some things I had never noticed before.