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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I don't know...clique culture has been around forever. Look at The Breakfast Club, Clueless, Pretty in Pink, and pretty much any movie set in a High School ever and it's probably going to come up. I'd need a little more evidence than this to believe that it was a direct satire of HSM.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I was just about to mention this myself! I did love how the girl-who's-afraid-to-sing-in-public's first instinct was, go to the school music room with large windows (while school's in session), not lock the doors, plug in a microphone, and sing at the top of her lungs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also found her to be the weakest singer of all the Bratz - which is really neither here nor there. Just an observation.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I think we've firmly established that Jade sucks monkey ass at math.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    This movie also had one of my least favorite tropes which is "a person withholds information, which could easily be shared, but doesn't just so drama will ensue." When Yasmin tells the Bratz that she's dropping out of the Talent Show everyone gets mad at her, but she could have just told them that Meredith had threatened her and it would have been no big deal. I can't stand that kind of manufactured drama. I was also annoyed by "Deaf" Dylan, not just for the reasons mentioned, but for his limited ASL skills. He only signs TWICE in the movie. That's insane! In college, I was friends with a girl who - while not deaf herself - was studying ASL and it became such second nature that she couldn't NOT sign. However, I did enjoy the fact that there was never a conflict with the main girls over a boy. The girl's are - for the most part - friends who unconditionally support one another, and I think that is a very good message.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    This is actually a really good point. Other than the Bratz, she's actually providing a really good service. And while she does separate people into cliques - as seen with the guest list at her party, and the parameters she sets (i.e. must belong to a social group) - she doesn't actually discourage groups from intermingling. Otherwise, her party would have just been the popular kids.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I looked at it again, and it does say x = (y + 2), but it seems to only apply to the nonsense equations listed on the side and not the one she's asking. Plus, that would mean a touchdowns equals (4 + 2). So her equation wouldn't make sense since an extra point (y) doesn't equal 4. Sorry, guys, it looks like the math is all fucked up on this one...
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Was it? I must have tuned out... I just rewatched the scene and you're right, but she doesn't give them those values when she initially asks the question. When they don't know how to answer, she gives them an "oooooookayyyyy" like she's dealing with a bunch of fucking slugs. You didn't give them any values! You can't treat them like morons, asshole!
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Great episode, btw! When Jade is tutoring the dumb jocks she writes an equation on the board and asks them: "x + y + z divided by 3?" Now, I'm not a "maths" guy so I could very well be wrong, but since she doesn't give a value for any either x, y, or z, isn't the answer the equation itself?
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    You don't make new logos with people who aren't your friends.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I love it, as well! It perfectly encapsulates the show.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Is it possible that the reason for all the servers quitting at once is because their boss (Chloe's Mom) is such a fucking disaster that the day before a huge gig as the caterer for a MTV Super Sweet Sixteen bash she has apparently done nothing to prepare for it?!? She wakes up from her day-drinking stupor and freaks out about how nothing is ready, and all I could think was, "Yeah, why isn't anything ready? How come your daughter and her friends need to bail you out? You're a mess! Get it together, lady!"
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Obviously, you and I weren't paying THAT close attention
  13. Cameron H.

    The signs of a bad movie list

    Point reDRAWN!
  14. Cameron H.

    The signs of a bad movie list

    Point WITHDRAWN!
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Even if they were the same age, it's still gross-o to watch little kids flirt. The weirdness was not just in your head.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I took the OFFICIAL Bratz quiz and...I also got Yasmin. But, you know what, I'll always be a Jade in my heart.
  17. But does it pass the Turing Test? I wouldn't be surprised if Dorothy was a goddamn replicant.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    We're all getting dangerously close to talking about specifics...
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    "Jay" is boring. "Jade's" got sparkle.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Grudlian (et al.) which Bratz are you? I'm a Jade.
  21. I agree. Too much emphasis is placed on erotic love and not enough on philia. It just perpetuates the myth that true love has to involve sex. I find it's more satisfying to watch two people genuinely love each other as friends. Romantic love has been done to death.
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I'm going to start using the term "Chloe poor." Just finished and I'm proud of all the Bratz! They showed real Bratitude
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I just guessed they were light on cash based on their one bathroom situation. I guess I'll just have to watch it again...
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Chloe doesn't have money. Nor does Yasmin. And they are bringing the school together - regardless of their talent or looks. I'm not going to look down on them just because they're amazing!