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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    This movie. Is what this country needs. Right now. Down with divisive rhetoric! Down with cliques! We're all beautiful!
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Not far into Bratz, but is this movie about the pitfalls about being amazing at everything you do?
  3. Is she a "gold digger," though? She's certainly mercenary, but if she was really a gold digger, I think it more likely that she would have been more serious about "Piggy." It seems to me, to her, "having money" is the same as someone saying I want someone with "a swimmer's body." If they have it, great, maybe I'll even hang out around a lot of pools, too, but it isn't like I'm going to turn down true love if they don't have one. And I'm also not going to jump from person to person just because they have a better body/more money.
  4. I felt like that was more of a propriety issue. A "single woman shouldn't be traveling alone" and all that. Seems weird now, but it would have been a big deal at the time. If she was alone it would have meant she was "available." The funny thing is Dorothy is like, "I don't care, bring on the dudes!"
  5. Gus struck me as decent, but insecure. After all, it was his father, not him, who sent Malone to spy on her.* He just seemed to suffer the normal sort of jealousy a person might feel if they were with someone who is - superficially, anyway - out of their league. I didn't think he was terrible to her, though. *Right? Or am I misremembering...?
  6. Oh, yeah. They discuss it at the beginning. Gus was supposed to go (I think), but had to bail, and Lorelei is like "Well, I'm going anyway, and since he loves me so much, he's going to let me and pay for it."
  7. I've got an answer regarding the Olympic team. According to Wikipedia, the 1924 Olympics were in Chamonix (Winter) and Paris (summer). Since the novel was written in 1925, I think it's safe to assume that's when the movie is set.
  8. Agreed! Everything looks so iconic, I just couldn't hum the tune to you, y'know?
  9. I agree about your point about how it's like Hope and Crosby's "Road to.." movies. You guys don't know how close you've come now to watching "Road to Bali"
  10. That was definitely cool that they were friends that looked out for one another and weren't in competition. I don't remember the line, but Jane tells that detective, "No, bro, you don't get to say shit about her." I think my only real complaint is, while the choreography is fantastic, aside from "Diamonds" there aren't too many memorable songs. That "Little Rock" song comes close, though. I found Gigi had the same problem. It's like they were churning so many Musicals out at the time that they couldn't meet the demand for quality and a lot of songs, while not bad, come off like album fillers.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Maybe we can set up a viewing for you or something.
  12. Although I preferred Jane Russell's rapier wit, I enjoyed how disarmingly cunning Lorelei could be.
  13. Yeah, calling someone "daddy/mommy" or "lover" is the grossest thing ever.
  14. Ugh! I felt gross about the joke I had here. Not that I was being gross, I just didn't like saying it. They're talking about their breasts being flotation devices. And, upon further consideration, that's a real fucked up joke. It's not so much "which one would you save" so much as "which one would you let die."
  15. It feels like FOREVER since we've done one of these!
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Oh, fuck! That quote needs to be on the poster.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Now, is it possible this is a "we're not the intended audience" scenario? Because I liked both the Odd Life of Timothy Green, All About Steve, and I'm pretty sure I'll like Spice World when I get around to watching it.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    For me, the beauty of this show (and these movies) is they provide an escape from - not only the humdrum - but the terrible crap that's happening in the world. This is our oasis from all of that bullshit.* I guess what I'm saying is: I feel like - as rational, intelligent people with good hearts - we need to vent about the Bratz movie or Ninja Terminator or whatever just so we can face the insanity of the world around us lest it pulls us screaming into the abyss. * As I wrote that I was like, "THAT'S why I didn't like Chopping Mall or Hard Ticket to Hawaii!" Ninja Terminator was still dumb as shit, though
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Glad to hear it! Thanks for letting us know! As you're no doubt aware, even after the storm has passed it can still be dangerous, so stay careful.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Hey, I know that 80% of the boards live in Texas...stay safe you guys.
  21. Cameron H.

    For Richer or Poorer (1997)

    I just watched it the other day. My Letterboxd review: "I've got five words for you: six songs by Smash Mouth. (Including a particularly atrocious cover of the David Bowie/Queen song "Under Pressure.") I'm not saying that's why it was one of the biggest box office bombs ever, but I'm certain it didn't help." Four of those six are the first four songs you hear. Until Save Ferris showed up, I was convinced Smash Mouth had scored the entire movie.
  22. Cameron H.

    For Richer or Poorer (1997)

    I hope you like Smash Mouth...
  23. I really wanted to make her "Colleen Buffalo Wings," but, fuck, it's just another food thing...
  24. The albums I listen to are HSM and Rent. As far as single songs, I probably wouldn't skip over "Heaven on Their Mind," "Hell of It," "Money Money," and "Zydrate Anatomy." ETA - I was listening to "Hell of It" as I wrote this.
  25. Is Colleen Spleen a good one?