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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Nope. I'm good for now.
  2. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    Does anyone already own Season of the Witch who would be willing to host? Also, for those people who weren't able to last time, you might want to sign up for rabb.it. Personally, I found it much easier to make comments there. We can always come back here and discuss in more detail. But it got pretty lively over there and it was a lot of fun. I don't want anyone to feel left out.
  3. And...not a lot of dancing. There's tons of sitting and singing, though...
  4. No, no. I see what happened here. You watched Gigli. We're watching Gigi - the Musical about child prostitution...
  5. Wow! Congratulations all around! That's awesome! And Happy Birthday, too! May the groove ever be in your heart!
  6. My experience was pretty much the same. Every time it would win me over something fucked up would happen, and I would be back at square one. The ending song doesn't help either... I guess we should wait to get more into it next week, although I do have some shit to say.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Ha! You're right. I'm not a huge The Room fan, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it had a little je ne sais quoi about it. As much as I didn't really enjoy watching it, and have no plans to watch it again anytime soon, I do still keep talking about and quoting it. Which isnt something I can say about Hard Ticket.
  8. I watched it this morning, and for me, it vacillated from pissing me off and charming me and back again. The only character I truly liked was Gigi (and - to a lesser extent -her grandmother), but I think this was by design. It's actually pretty good. I wasn't bored, but it was very "French" and very of its time. Actually, the more I write about it, the more I think I liked it...
  9. I swear I posted this earlier, but I guess it was sacrificed to the forums gods... How was your vacation? You excited about Gigi? I can feel everyone's enthusiasm through the web-o-sphere...
  10. Man, I just watched that trailer again. I'm getting kind of nervous...and excited.
  11. That's what I was thinking, too! I was like, "Eww, gross..."
  12. Okay, fine, I won't keep this up any longer.... For the most part, it has been my intention to only pick Musicals I've never seen before, but for this pick, I've decided to kind of break that rule. "Kind of" because I have seen it, I remember loving it, but I don't remember anything about it. This was a movie that my Guga (i.e. my paternal grandmother) showed my sister and I when I was...I don't know...probably about 6 or 7. I've always remembered the experience of watching it, but nothing about the details. Then as I was going through Musicals I might pick, I saw the synopsis for this movie, and I couldn't help thinking, "What were you showing us Guga?" So, without further ado, my 2nd pick is.... Just as a warning, I picked this movie before I had bothered to watch the . After watching it, I had some real reservations, but you know what: Fuck it. This is my pick and I'm sticking with it.
  13. I LOVE Muppets Take Manhatten! At one point, that was going to be my pick, but I wanted to do something I wasn't really familiar with instead.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Thanks, Fister, for sharing The Lure with us. I can honestly say, I never would have watched this on my own, but I'm glad I did
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Oh, my bad. Yeah, I feel like everyone here is pretty chill. Honestly, I just like a healthy mix. I like new and old, and I like B and mainstream. I just like variety. For example, take the last four episodes: Ninja Terminator, Timecop, Chopping Mall, and Hard Ticket to Hawaii. Personally, I would have preferred that ratio of B movies and mainstream to be reversed. I think that's why you're not seeing a lot of enthusiasm for Hard Ticket right now - especially coming right off of Chopping Mall. I think if they had spaced them out a bit some of the more distasteful elements of these movies would be easier to swallow. I really think having them come back to back was a bit of a misstep - especially when you consider the current political climate. That being said, even after all this time, HDTGM doesn't really have that many missteps.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I don't think anyone is getting "mad." We all have our preferences for what movies we'd like to see done, but in the end, it's their podcast, they can do whatever they want. What I like about these forums is I can say something like "I wish they would or wouldn't do such and such" and we can still have a civil conversation without anyone getting upset. We love the show and we love the hosts!
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    But...snakes and shit...
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    But without the Bechdel Test, how can I - a simple man - know when a female character is being exploited or being otherwise treated like garbage? It's almost like you're asking me to be a discerning viewer...Do you really expect me to turn off my lizard brain and view women as equals and not like masturbatory aids? All I know is that this movie had two topless women in a jacuzzi not talking about a man, and therefore, they must possess agency and strength. Obviously, this was what the director had in mind when he shot this scene. I mean, as long as they weren't touching each other's breasts everything is cool, right?
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Here's what I wanted: full, joyous musical number (like the shopping scene) where the mermaid's tear and eat a bunch of people. A bright and beautiful bloodbath
  20. That's right! It's time for Round Two, motherfuckers!
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Honestly, I don't even want Pete's Dragon or American Tale to be as low as they are. I really don't want anything to be at the bottom at all. I loved watching all of these.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Have a great vacation, Cinco!