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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I mean I LOVED watching all of these movies, however, out of all of them, I've watched BatB many times before. So, it wasn't like I didn't or don't like it. And if I was making a list based on quality, it would be near to or at the top of my list. Honestly, I'm not really happy with my list, because the more I think about it, the more it fluctuates.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    This is actually kind of a difficult question to answer, simply because it's difficult to put an Academy Award movie next to something like Phantom of the Paradise. However, for me personally, it would be: High School Musical Cabaret Rent Hedwig Jesus Christ Superstar Hairspray The Phantom of the Paradise That Thing You Do! Tommy The Fantasticks Krush Groove Repo! The Genetic Opera Across the Universe Beauty and the Beast An American Tail Pete's Dragon Again, this isn't a knock against anyone's pick. Honestly, I based my picks more on the conversation the movies generated over their actual quality. In fact, I initially wanted to take movies off my list that I had seen prior to Musical Mondays, but that would have meant taking High School Musical off, which I felt generated the best (i.e. most fun) conversation overall... Honestly, I've had a lot of fun with everyone's pick! I'm so glad to have seen what I have and I look forward for what you guys have in store this round
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I think it's technically her mermaid cloaca...
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    This was more or less my take on it. It's not that I didn't like it, but I didn't love it as much as I'd hoped. I didn't watch the trailer beforehand, and I guess (based on the premise alone) I just expected it to be more kitschy. I certainly wasn't expecting what it ended up being. Maybe that's why I liked the shopping number so much? It felt the most like what I was expecting the whole movie to be like... As far as it being set in the 80's, you just blew my mind. There is literally nothing to indicate that as far as I could tell. Everything - from the music, to the wardrobe, to the hairstyles - felt absolutely contemporary to me.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Same! I'm amazed people are using anyone's names at all.
  6. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    So...Season of the Witch, yes?
  7. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    I mean...it is regular in the sense that this is our 2nd month in a row. I'm not sure we need our own sub forum, though. It might confuse people and I'm sensitive to the fact that we are guests and are only allowed to do these things at the whim of our hosts
  8. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    This is more or less my feeling. So, do you guys want to do seasonal movies for Holidays/Special Events and just go chronologically otherwise?
  9. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    I really like the idea of doing a seasonal thing. Like Jingle all the Way or Deck the Halls at December... Maybe we should just plan these out a year in advance..? Ugh! I guess we can't do that due to the dumb pay wall!
  10. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    I'm not sure. It would be easiest to go in order BUT we're probably going to hit movies that we've all already seen. Like, if we've already all seen The Last Airbender, I really don't see why we should feel obligated to cover it. So, yeah, I'm totally open to bouncing around.
  11. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    I know Cake just watched (and would rather not re-watch) Old Dogs. I'm cool with watching it, but I'm open to other suggestions.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Bless all your hearts... Nothing will ever replace MT!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Uh-oh. Monster Trucks might have a run for its money... I just watched:
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    God, I hate baseball...
  15. Join us tonight as we watch - and comment - on a "classic" HDTGM movie LIVE! 10PM EST! If all goes well, this will (hopefully) become a monthly event - occurring every second Friday of the month. This month, fix your wig and turn up your voice track as we watch Burlesque! A link will be provided nearer to showtime for those wishing to watch there. This is open to anyone who wishes to participate, but please, no bummers ;)/>/>/> Hope to see you here tonight!
  16. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    It's whatever you want it to be Should we all list which HDTGM movies we still need to see? Maybe that way we can focus on the ones most of us have missed. Just a suggestion.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I'm just going to post this here (I hope you don't mind, Max). Who's "insane" now, Mr. Scheer?
  18. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    I mean...I can make Monster Trucks happen. You guys decide.
  19. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    No. I meant the 11th
  20. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Yeah, I think we were talking about doing it at 9PM EST
  21. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Is everyone cool to do this next Friday? Are you all still interested? Are we doing Old Dogs?
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Question: if you all were going to write a Musical about a mythological creature, what creature would you choose? I would choose a Shirime.
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Probably, but I think that wouldn't have been as dramatic visually. Also, I think the idea is that he's trying to look past it, but can't. Ultimately, I think the movie is making a statement about true love versus superficiality and infatuation. She wants to be with him - despite the fact he's a huge asshat who thinks she's gross - and he wants to be with her even though he's not attracted to her at all. I'm not 100% I ever got (or caught ) why he suddenly wants to be with her, but I assume it has something to do with him hitching himself to her rising star? Regardless, they are playing pretend love. True love wouldn't have required her to change for him, nor would it have mattered if she had gaping festering wounds that constantly bled. Unfortunately, she never really realizes that her feelings for him are unhealthy which is why she returns to foam at the end instead of ripping that motherfucker's throat straight out.