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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Also, if I'm remembering the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale correctly, the thing that makes her human is always painful and never heals - which seems to be the implication of her still using crutches at the end. So I don't think it was simply a matter of rushing things too soon after surgery. This was going to be her life forever. I did like the return to foam thing, though. That is something that was definitely in the original tale.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    The blood wasn't the problem. It was a reminder that she even had to have surgery in the first place. When she was fully dressed and they were just larking about, he could forget what she used to be, but as soon as he was covered in blood and confronted with her stitched up torso, he couldn't ignore it anymore.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I think the deal with the blood thing was that even though she looked human, that change was superficial. As soon as he saw the blood, he couldn't get it out of his head that she was still just "an animal."
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I stopped watching Game of Thrones years ago...so spoil whatever you want ;)/> As for The Lure, include me with Cake and Tom. If anything, I liked the first part of the movie (the more original part), than the 2nd half - which just became an updated version of Hans Christian Anderson's "The Little Mermaid," with added emphasis on the body horror aspects inherent in the story.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Me can tell Cinco hasern't watch it cause he still able to builded a caherint sntinceies
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I feel like I have a lot to respond to, so here we go... First of all, you guys got me...I'm actually Lucas Till. Thanks for watching Monster Trucks! re: grudlian's review - That is an absolutely fair take on Monster Trucks. re: Logan - I get why people love it, but I found it to be way too self-reverential. Also, just because something is now Rated R, doesn't fucking mean that every other fucking word has to be "fuck." I call it "Reverse Major League 2 Syndrome" and it's a very real and very obnoxious problem. re: "parting the kimono" I think I stole that from My Brother, My Brother, and Me or The Adventure Zone... re: Letterboxd - I didn't think I would write many reviews when I first signed up, but I found that I usually have some smartass thing to say about most movies I watch. Plus, it's a great way to keep track of what you're watching. For example, did you know the last movie I watched before Hard Ticket to Hawaii was Schindler's List? In retrospect, probably not the best apéritif for this particular film... re: The Lure - Now that I've seen it, I'm torn over my recommendation. It is absolutely bonkers, but it is a bit dark. There's plenty to talk about, though. Regardless, everyone should definitely watch it. re: all the kind words - Thank you! Although I think you're all being far too kind. I just think people too often forget that there are real living people on the other side of the monitor (so to speak). I just try to keep that in mind whenever I interact with others online. I don't want to be the reason for someone else's bad day. And, of course, you're all great people so it makes it that much easier!
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Rick Steves is the fucking best! (I feel like I'm really parting the kimono this week...)
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Say the word, man, and I will set up a Monster Trucks viewing party with you over rabb.it. I own it. I will make this happen for you.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Paul, while we have your ear, two movie suggestions I would make are The Phantom of the Paradise and The Lure. Our Musical Mondays group covered Phantom a couple weeks ago (at poster eternalsammich's suggestion) and we will be discussing The Lure (suggested by Fister Roboto) this coming Monday. I think you guys would have an absolute ball with Phantom. We also have the hook-up with a guy who is a historian of the film. And while I haven't watched The Lure yet, it's a Polish Musical about two, man-eating, lounge singing mermaids, I'm pretty sure it's going to be great. Plus, it could be your first foreign film. It's up to you of course, but they might be something you want to pass along to Avaryl and Nate. Knock 'em dead tonight! Let us know how it goes
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I just want to forewarn you, attaining Nirvana feels a lot like greasy pizza bloat. Just ride it out, bro.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    It's rough waking up that early, but you know we'll both miss these days once they've passed. Besides, I feel like he and I get to have our quality time watching these dumb movies together. I haven't seen The Americans yet, but I really want to check it out. I hear you, though. Pretty much anything I try to watch takes about that many viewings to get through. I have a five year old as well and the two of them like to coordinate their attacks - as soon as one of them is taken care of the other one needs something. But, you know, it's a pleasure. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Paul...I hate it when we fight I agree, the nudity is pretty asexual and ridiculous. It's like the director is so inept he even fails at his attempts at exploitation. Maybe my problem is I've watched too many bad movies? Nothing about this or Ninja Terminator really grab me as a connoisseur of shitty cinema. But, to be fair, I just watched The Room recently and that didn't do too much for me either. (I AM looking forward to The Disaster Artist, however.) This movie just feels cheap to me. And lazy. And it certainly didn't make me want to watch it closer to pick out the dumb little details I so love to point out. That isn't to say that it isn't without it's ridiculous moments, sparring on a yacht was pretty funny, but I felt like a lot of the moments came off as too broad. It would be like making fun of the idiocy of Hot Shots: Part Deux. You can do it, but it seems rather futile to me. And since "quality" was never the director's intention in the first place, it feels like pissing in the wind. I guess I prefer...nuance in my bad movies? That all being said, I have been watching these movies at 5AM when my 11 month old son wakes up (Yes, I watch these movies with an infant. Is that weird?). It is quite possible that my fatigue is preventing me from appreciating these movie to their fullest. Possibly. Bottom line: you guys are going to have a great show tonight! I wish I could be there, even if it were for this turd rocket of a movie. You're going to give this movie the treatment it deserves. I'm just saying, personally, I don't have much to add to the conversation. I watched it. It was weird. I'm looking forward to the next one. Don't worry, we'll be back on the same page soon - I'm sure of it!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Welcome, Redred! It's always nice to meet new people with impeccable taste!
  14. Cameron H.

    The signs of a bad movie list

    Bumping this to include "sex standing up" as discussed in mini episode 167.5. Feel free to add more to this ongoing list!
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Monster Trucks is for everyone. Give in to its glory.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    FWIW, I liked Power Rangers, too. But it wasn't better than Monster Trucks. Also, just to make sure I do this right, I found Logan to be bloated and pretentious.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I mean, don't listen to me. You might get something out of it. There were a couple of funny things/lines, but honestly, I just found it to be really boring. I think there was a good 20 minutes where I just stopped watching completely. I mean, if you're into gratuitous nudity, then this is your movie. It's literally a movie for people that just seeing breasts is enough to make them happy. The problem is, and this is something of a refrain on these boards, there's a difference when a movie is trying to be good and fails. It's that intention that makes something transcend beyond just bad. Wiseau and Nguyen have that. You can tell that there was no intention to make this a "good" movie. There's no statement here beyond "Tits, right?"
  18. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    I enjoyed the build up to Secret Invasion, but I didn't like the payoff. Honestly, I didn't think they went far enough. Aside from Spider-woman, all the Skrulls basically turned out to be, like, Jarvis and Dum Dum Dugan. I also hated that New and Mighty Avengers got hijacked and were just spinning their wheels during the duration, telling flashback stories to answer questions that no one was asking.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I've never seen The Marine, but one look at the cast list tells me that I'm going to need to remedy that. As for Hard Ticket to Hawaii, for people who share my sensibilities, I'm 40 minutes in and I can pretty much tell you that what you get in the first 15 minutes is what you get. It doesn't get better or worse. At one point, I was getting annoyed that I didn't know any of the characters' names and then it suddenly occurred to me that this movie obviously wasn't made for me. However, I think horny 11 year old boys and people who share Donald Trump's opinion on women are in for a real treat. It's not a movie; it's "locker room talk." (The titular song is pretty great, though.) ETA:
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Look...people aren't going to get it. You're entering a brave new world. You can't expect lesser minds to understand. Monster Trucks is your red pill. Leave the cave - with all its shadows and and all of it's gossamer comforts - and join me in the fearless light of day.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    But...I thought...I hoped, if I said it emphatically enough...I'd believe it.
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I deserve NONE of it! Soon, you too will be changed...
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Thanks, Fister! Glad to hear I'm not alone. Question though: what are you guys doing with your lives that you haven't watched Monster Trucks yet?
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    And Tom's all like: