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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Welcome aboard!
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Both at once and none at all.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I almost name checked both of those movies in my initial post.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    In my defense, I love watching bad movies. I look forward to watching them every other week. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But I do think there's a difference between a good-bad movie and a bad-bad movie. And, of course, that in itself is subjective. I'll give this movie a shot, too. I just find it boring when the discussion comes down to, "this untalented person who had no business making a movie made a bad movie." I like looking for the little logical errors in these movies. The little things that don't quite add up. But when the whole movie is one huge logical error... And, again, this isn't a knock on the show or it's quality or anything like that. It's just that I like to talk about these movies with the friends that I've met on these boards. When the movie doesn't have much to offer beyond, "Wow, that sucked" it's kind of a bummer. And I get that my complaint is very Cameron H-centric. I apologize for that. Spoken like a man who hasn't experienced the joy for himself. You have my pity.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Ha ha ha, guys. I'm just saying, Monster Trucks is the best movie of this or any generation. Quite frankly, Citizen Kane can go fuck itself.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Yeah, I hear you. It's not a knock on the episodes or the hosts, just the movies. Like, I like the occasional B Movie, but they feel more like a Rifftrax/MST3K thing than an HDTGM thing to me. With some exceptions, I find B Movies to be more fun to make fun of during than to discuss afterwards. Ultimately, I like having good a good conversation with you guys and these types of movies don't promote much in the way of discussion. They just tend to be rather hollow. To me.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    It's the only movie released in the past year that I've watched twice...
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Yeah, I get that, and I'm sensitive to that, but none of the movies I coughed out are under a decade old - certainly xXx and Fate and the Furious are more recent. And while I know I specifically cited "80's" movies in my post, it's less about the era and more about the quality. To me, the movies they've been picking recently would be the equivalent of going to your kid's T-Ball game and heckling the players. There's just not a whole lot of challenge in it. That's not to say there haven't been good movies lately. Timecop was amazing. But Ninja Terminator? Body Parts? This one? It used to be I'd get excited when a new HDTGM movie was announced, but lately it feels like my reaction has been more "what movie is that?" or "Ugh! Really?" They don't have to offend anyone when they cover a movie. As anyone who follows me on Letterboxd knows, Monster Trucks is my favorite movie of the year. Tom Lennon is fantastic in it. The direction is pretty solid, but, hey, I still have questions. I just feel like, if things are done with the right intention and with good humor, no movie should be off the table.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    You guys promise this is going to be good, right? Because personally, I've been feeling very "do I have to?" lately about a lot of these picks.* There are still a ton of really fun bad movies out there that aren't complete garbage (cough The Core cough) Not everything needs to be 80's, B-movie detritus. (cough The 6th Day cough). Maybe something a little different is in order (sneeze Blank Check sniffle)? Who knows? Maybe it's just me (Ah-ah chooooo! Johnny Mnemonic)? I really got to shake off this cold... *Yes, I know I don't have to do anything.
  10. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    I was mainly just coming up with a justification for why her character wouldn't be pushing 60 by the time she catches up with the rest of the MCU. Of your reasonings, I think your first point is the least likely since the Guardians don't seem to have trouble getting around, and your Negative Zone theory the most likely - which is kind of what I meant by "suspended animation." Or it could just be that her powers retard the aging process. Who knows? My only fear is that she will be the third character (if you count Peter Quill) to be displaced in time. I would really have no problem believing that Danvers would be able to rise through the ranks quickly, though (because she's a bad ass). I'm just worried (and this is really cynical, I know) that this is less of a story decision, and more of a "we need a character to be able to make specific pop culture references/jokes" OR (even worse!) "we're planning on pairing her off with Star Lord and this gives them a (very superficial) connection." I just don't know why all MCU "Captains" have to be from "a different time." I would love it if Fury was off making SWORD, but I think him being in her Kree vs Skrull movie, makes him a prime "Secret Invasion" candidate - which sucks. That was maybe the most disappointing "Event" I ever read. Ugh!
  11. Interesting pick, Fister. I'm looking forward to watching it. Has anyone here listened to Off Book yet? I was just scrolling through the forums and saw it. Looks like it might be really fun.
  12. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    My guess is - by the end of her movie - she'll be stuck in space in some kind of suspended animation situation.
  13. In honor of Fister and his love for the Fast franchise, I feel like I should have renamed it 2 Musical 2 Monday.
  14. "I don't understand, Mr. Sbarro. Most people would kill for this kind of product placement..." We watched:
  15. I haven't watched House Party in ages. I wonder if it holds up... I always liked Class Act, too. I'm still upset Kid lost the high top fade for the dreads.
  16. I thought Kurtis was treated pretty fairly. He's not in it much, but he's treated with reverence and gives The Fat Boys their break.
  17. So...I just bought the soundtrack, and Debbie Harry is on this motherfucker. Did "Rapture" really give her that much street cred? All I know of her rapping ability is that a lot of things "eat cars, go to bars, come from Mars, and then eat more cars (apparently)."
  18. I just want to say, I didn't dislike this movie, I just think it suffered from trying to do too much. Like, we're all over the place when it comes to characters. I think, for cohesion's sake, maybe the movie should have just followed Russel and Rubin gathering a Fellowship of the Rings-type crew to pay off the loan shark. No, it might not have been "true" exactly, but it would have been a lot more streamlined then following a bunch of disparate characters that seem to only be tangentially related to one another. And before you ask, yes, I have put some thought into this... Kurtis Blow = Aragorn LL Cool J = Legolas The Fat Boys = Gimli Run = Boromir DMC and Jam Master Jay = Merry and Pippin Russell = Frodo Rick Rubin = Samwise Sheila E = Arwen (but mostly default due to fact that LotR and Krush Groove have the same ratio of women to men)
  19. This one for me as well. I love Run-DMC! I also liked Holly Rock because it was the most Eighties thing I've seen in a long while. I don't know how you can get that Fat Boys song stuck in your head. In that scene, last thing I was paying attention to was the music.
  20. As I get older, I find myself comparing my age to how old actors were when they made something. It's a really weird and annoying habit I have. They all look more like an "adult" even if I'm technically older than they were when they played a particular part.
  21. That's funny! I honestly didn't know that Sbarro's existed outside of malls before watching this movie.