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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Yeah. Hilarious...
  2. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Sweet! Tell your "friend" thank you.
  3. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Good info! If it's easier for one person to host, that's cool. I just don't want that one person to feel like they're being used if they're the one always coming out of pocket. Also, I have Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. (Plus a bunch of free trials I haven't taken advantage of yet )
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Who do you think has a bigger dorsal fin: Jaws or the Gen 2 in Deep Blue Sea?
  5. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Awesome! Thanks again!
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Speaking of JCVD's apartment..... Did anyone else notice that when he's initially attacked and looking for a weapon, his eyes drift about ten feet away to the open kitchen and a knife wedged into a partially cut onion? That may not seem that big of a deal, but just consider for a moment how much that place must stink. So let's just paint this picture for a moment: Max, after a tough day of time Timecopping, comes home to his tiny studio apartment and starts to prepare dinner. At some point mid-chop, he suddenly decides to forego food for a liquid supper. He pops in a decade old video of his wife fucking up the construction of a birdhouse as he provides patronizing commentary off camera. He strips down to his boxers, masturbates (?), and passes out as the acrid stench of rotting onions slowly permeates throughout the tiny apartment. Jesus Christ - this guy's whole life is a Grief Mullet...
  7. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Major Tom, for those of us planning to use it, is there anything we need to know about rabb.it? Do we need to register an account or anything? Thanks again for offering to host! You're a pip!
  8. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    So, just to make completely sure, we're talking this Friday @ 10:00PM EST. Is this a problem for anyone?
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    They mentioned in the episode how JCVD doesn't ever seem to have a plan going into the Third Act, but what about the goons? When JCVD gets the drop on the guy at the door (the one who had laid him out in the beginning) the henchmen growls, "Who the fuck are you?" Um...how about "the guy you've been hired to kill," dipshit? Like I get that it's old JCVD and not young, but they look, and more importantly, sound exactly alike. He then describes him to his fellow goonlets as just some unexpected "TEC cop." So, he doesn't recognize the man he's been as hired to kill and seems surprised that a TEC Agent, a "Time Cop" as it were, has shown up to thwart their time related assassination attempt. Right. Gotcha. I mean, did actor/activist Ron Silva completely neglect to debrief his guys before sending them out? Like a couple of before and after Polaroids ought to have done it. In fact, if you need someone to take them, I know just the guy...
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Thank God JCVD went back in time to fix that!
  11. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Does anyone have a preference for date and time?
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Now I'm more pissed than ever...
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    You know what's fucked up? The first thing Mia Sera asks Max is "What am I like ten years from now?" and not "How's our son, Etienne?"
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Also, when that crookety crook is lying on the ground there appears to be a silver bowl for, presumably, dip. Just a big bowl of community onion dip that's been sitting out on display all the live-long day. Tasty. *Sorry for the multiple posts. I'm replying on my phone and I don't have an option to multi-quote.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    I'm fine, Elektra, how are you?
  16. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Okay, I'm back! Oh... So, I think we're all agreed that we start from burlesque. I like the idea of the community screening thing to be at least available the community even if some people want to rent it independently. Since it's going to be at a set time, there shouldn't be too much trouble syncing that up. Tom and Taylor, I believe you guys were looking into different services, did you guys settle on one? Is this something where we can rotate who is hosting the video? I don't want to end up in a situation where the same person is coming out of pocket all the time. Also, if someone already owns a particular movie, that helps too. I think the only other thing to nail down is when you guys want to do this? Any suggestions? Are we ready this week or is that too short of notice?
  17. The poster was done by Rob Liefeld. The fog's there to cover their tiny, disproportionate feet.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    I actually don't think this is too far off. At some point they decided that his wife dying wasn't tragic enough and that she should be pregnant, too. Once that was decided, then they had to do some math. I think 10 years old is the last age they could have made that kid and it still be a cute/happy ending. Any older and you're getting into teenager territory and it wouldn't be much fun for him to return and find his son, this kid he doesn't even know, all goth'd out and flipping him off as he drives off to go do some grave rubbings and recite "Annabel Lee" down at the the local cemetery.
  19. No problem! When we started this whole thing, the idea was to keep it open for people to pop in and out as time allowed. I'm not going to say you weren't missed, but there's absolutely nothing to apologize for. I just hope that whatever has been making your life crazy has settled down for you.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    I just finished the episode, and I have to say, this might just be one of my favorites. Not only were Paul, Jason, June, and Nick all in top form, but the Austin crowd was amazing! Everyone killed it!
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    EvRoberts, I just wanted to thank you for your pick! I'm glad I had a chance to see it and had the background to guide us through it. I'm not sure I would have appreciated it as much I did otherwise.
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    The silliest thing about the "can't kill Hitler" thing, as it pertains to this movie, is that by offing Silva, that's essentially what he's doing. At some point, 1994 Silva (or Silva Prime) would have had to independently come up with his brilliant "steal money to become President" scheme - otherwise it just becomes this insipid ouroboros of time travel poppycock. Basically it can't be: I came up with this idea because I gave it to myself, but I can't give it to myself unless I already came up with the idea. Ultimately, what this all means, is that Silva's "destiny" (for lack of a better word) is inextricably linked to Time Travel. When JCVD kills Silva, he is changing the course of future human "history." Or, in other words, killing Silva before he is elected President, an event that - by virtue of his proximity to TEC and his willingness to abuse its power - was something that was supposed to happen, is the equivalent of killing Hitler before he came to power. What's funny is that the movie pulls it's punch in the end, and instead of the horrific unintended consequences the movie warns of, our hero gets a happy ending. That being the case, when JCVD reports for duty tomorrow, there's absolutely no reason for him not to take a quick side trip to late-19th century Austria...