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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Not only that, but at one point Silva says that all the the department should be disbanded and the time machine's should be destroyed, and I was just thinking, "Yes! Absolutely! That's a great idea!" Because from what I can tell, the Department of Time Crime is there to police a dangerous technology that only they themselves have! As seen when JCVD arrests his former partner, they are - quite literally - only policing the corrupt cops in their own department. The fact of the matter is, based on the rules the movie itself sets up, Time Travel has no beneficial uses. You can't go to the future and it's illegal to go into the past for fear you might change something. Okay...so what's the point? Scrape it! Keep it out of the wrong hands you dodos! (I still haven't listened to the episode. Nor have a I done a thourough read of the thread. If I'm stepping on anybody's point, I apologize. I'm going to try and listen tomorrow )
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    I thought this might be the case too, but after re-watching the scene, she actually has no clue what she's doing. She's reading out the instructions and immediately throws up her hands a the whole project. She says something like, "I guess I should have started with something easier..." It's at that point that JCVD walks over to her, and like he's talking to a fucking child, mansplains the crap out of the instructions and tells her exactly how she needs to arrange the pieces. Of course, that's when she starts making out with him full-blownsies on their front lawn, because, of course she does... ETA: I haven't had a chance to listen to the episode yet, so if anything I'm saying is mentioned on the episode, I'm sorry
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Maybe, because he had already established his presence in the 20's, having him just "disappear" would raise too many questions which might result in additional time ripples? Having him look like just another Wall Street suicide at that point in time would probably keep people from investigating or asking too many questions. I think it might be a situation where making sure all the loop holes are closed might trump ethics.
  4. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Yeah, let's just start from Burlesque and go from there! Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be out for the next couple of days. I left the key under the mat. Please don't forget to pick up the mail.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    And Tango and Cash
  6. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Well, that's up for discussion and I'd like to hear everyone's opinions. I think it would be easiest to just start with Episode 1 and go from there (Burlesque is definitely one I haven't seen yet). The problem I have with that is if we only do this once a month, if would take us over 16 years to go through the catalog. So, I think we're all going to want to cut some corners when and where we can. For instance, if we've all already seen The Last Airbender we might want to go ahead and skip it. What I would propose, once we have a firm number of participants, is take a vote based on the chronology of the show. For example, on the first of the month, we'll start a thread (or a poll if possible) and ask "Burlesque?" If the majority of us haven't seen it, we do that one; otherwise, we move to the next one. I also think the vote should be based on "Have you seen it" and not "Do you want to see it." However, this isn't to say there can't be exceptions (e.g. We've all seen Sleepaway Camp, but let's do it anyway.) Or.... We can just watch every movie. Whatever - lol
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    What I had hoped when the EHL was set up was that it would be more like the Facebook Q&A section. Kind of a place where people could ask serious, semi-serious, and goofball questions for Paul to answer. I guess I don't blame people for using it as a backdoor C&O hotline, though, since some people don't have the time or inclination to write on an Internet forum. I just wish the calls were a little more...interesting? Better? It's not the callers' fault or that their points are dumb, but you can hear the nerves in their voice, because ultimately, they're talking to no one. They're trying to be coherent, and funny, and whatever, but you can tell that it's missing the natural give and take of speaking to an actual person. That's why I prefer the forums, because they are just that: a forum. I can say something, and someone will respond, and we can bounce ideas off of one another and have an honest to God conversation. This is one of the reasons why I don't have the desire to call in. The other reasons being that I don't really have anything to ask at present, and I already post on the forums so I'm not going to post something and then call it in. And I'm also not the type of person to think, "This point I'm about to make is AMAZING! Instead of a legible, well-thought-out post that I can edit and revise if I need to, I'm going to call Paul and 'um' and 'ah' my way through a voice mail like a Goober." ETA: Case in point, I've edited this post twice three four times already. I may need to look at it again later...
  8. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Sounds good!
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Yes! Congratulations, EvRoberts! I actually live in the Atlanta area, but I won't be able to make it this month (Julys are a busy time of year for me). Please let me know if any of your plays come back this way in the future!
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Matt: (shouting over the wall) "Juliet! Juliet!" Luisa:
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    I liked El Gallo just fine. More than Kaaaaaaaaaaahn! In fact, after seeing both versions, I kind of prefer everyone in this. I also preferred Joey Joe being a stinky pig farmer rather than a college student and that Movie Luisa was a little more teenage girl and a little less fainting goat.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    I've got something controversial to say... I think if Tim Burton "Big Fish-ed" The Fantasticks, and excluded Johnny Depp (even though you just KNOW he'd want to cast him as El Gallo), it could be pretty interesting.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    So this happened to me this morning... If I'm going down, I'm taking all of you with me.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Fuck yeah
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    I just finished the 1964 Hallmark movie version, and I have to say, the 1995 version certainly sells us a bill of goods. However, I wasn't that impressed with it, either. It was definitely different, but I didn't find it any better really. In fact, I think I had a better experience with the newer one. :wacko:/>
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I'm pretty good at figuring out songs (particularly from the 80's). Do you have some lyrics? Name of the band? What genre is it? EDIT: is it?
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Quick forum question: last song you found yourself dancing to? Go! Me:
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    The fact that you'd go to that much trouble just shows me how much you care :)/> Although, frankly, I could not for the life of me figure out why you kept trying to work the conversation back to either barbecue shrimp, crocodiles, or knives. I guess now I know.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I think maybe you should lean into you accent harder. A good accent is attractive. When I met CakeBug, I didn't pay attention to a single thing he said, but I liked hearing it in an Australian accent.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I watched it this morning and it was a lot of dumb fun. It goes by quick, too.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Thanks, Dan!
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Yeah, I wondered how that might work for you, I'm glad it sounds feasible. We can hammer out those details if we decide to move forward on this. I was also thinking, between HDTGM and Musical Mondays, it might be too much for some people to keep up with. I was thinking, depending on interest - and if we decide to do this as more than just a one off - maybe we do it as a monthly thing rather than a weekly/biweekly thing. And while I don't want to put too firm a label on this (I'd like it to be any type of movie, really), but how does this sound: HDTGM Classics. We could either go through the old catalog of HDTGM movies (which might be cool for those of us trying to catch up on the movies we've missed. Plus, we might be able to co-opt the old threads for our purposes) OR this could be us discussing "classic" movies - which is something we discussed Musical Mondàys morphing into, but based on everyone's interest, I have a feeling MM's may go beyond the one year time period we had initially set. :)/> Just food for thought. If you guys just want to watch Kong or something, I'd be happy with that, too.
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Like I said, I didn't cry. I don't want anyone to think of me watching this on my phone in the dark last night crying silently to myself like some kind of loser. Now that that's out of the way, did it kind remind anyone else of "There's Always Tomorrow" from Rudolph?
  24. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Yeah. I mean, I didn't either. That's dumb. I just wanted to know if any of you had so I could make fun of you.
  25. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    That's really all I was thinking. And, of course, this would be open to any and all.