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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Well, I'd nominate you and let your dulcet Canadian-Australian accent wash over all of us I'll try and think of something, as well, but I never have anything too interesting to say.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Right! 619-PaulASS. Got it
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Question for the Drama Bros: which version of the soundtrack do you recommend?
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    That's interesting. I was fine not trusting Gallo. I just saw him as representing that type of relationship people sometimes get into that is so obviously toxic to people on the outside, yet the people on the inside are completely oblivious. Of course, Gallo is self-aware. He knows he's a bad guy, which is why he's able to do good. If that makes sense...
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Here's my hot take on all of that: El Gallo represents everything she's always thought she wanted. He is this sexy rogue that she was hoping Joey Joe could be. Right up until the end, she thinks he's going to give her this amazing, adventure-filled life. Even going so far as to give up her "mother's necklace" (an obvious metaphor for her virginity). Once she does, she discovers the reality of being with that type of swashbuckling ne'er-do-well is a lot different from the fantasy. The thing is, she and Joey have to go through these trials to appreciate what they've had all along. If not, their Love would have been ulitimately doomed.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I'd be receptive to that
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    Against my better judgement, I have admit that I really enjoyed this I liked the metaphor of how idealized love needs to be killed off before true love can ever truly flourish. And how we can't appreciate the good things in life until the World has roughed us up a bit (literally) and stolen "our mother's necklace." I would be very interested in seeing this on stage now. I liked this a whole lot, but I can tell there's a better version of this. One not so dwarfed by its own grandeur.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    As always, thanks for listening and taking the time to respond, Paul! We really do appreciate everything you guys do and all the hard work that goes into the show. I also just want you to know, I don't think anyone really thought that you were "into" these calls beyond the "what the fuckery" of them. As for your condom ads, you're fine as far as I'm concerned. If anyone is inspired to call into podcast and talk about their masturbation experiences because of a commercial, then the deficiency is clearly on their side. Trust your instincts, man! I don't want you (or June or Jason for that matter) to ever feel the need to self-censor. Over the years, you all have earned our trust. It's why I can laugh at Jason telling us he "jerked off" to something and not be grossed out by it. As for calling in, I would but I'm terrible at remembering phone numbers. Anyway, have wonderful night and tomorrow! Cam
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Fucking Double Post.... Here are a couple of gifs from Phantom of the Paradise by way of apology...
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    This is exactly right. It's mistaking the persona for the person. I think Jason is incredibly funny, but if I were ever to met him and the the first thing he said to me was that he jerked off watching Ladyhawke when he was a kid, I would think there was something seriously wrong with him. Perhaps, but just because someone calls in, doesn't mean it has to be aired. It's not like Paul reads seven or eight pages of forum C&O's. Are there really not that many quality calls to choose from? And, again, I got it the first time, but if these are the best, then I would hate to hear what gets left on the cutting room floor.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I hear you 100%. The first time, while not amusing to me personally, was absolutely audacious. So, I get that. I think a big issue I have with it is that it's like being aurally flashed. These dudes don't start out with "let me tell you my batin' story" - thereby giving the listener some opportunity to skip ahead or whatever. Instead, you listen to these guys clumsily "um" and "ah" their way through a story, and as you're struggling to figure out what they're talking about, you're suddenly confronted with some stranger's dick. Like, I'm here to listen to people talk about crappy movies and shit, not to enable some creeper's exhibitionism, you know what I mean? In all honesty, if someone were to write on the forums a true story about some masturbatory experience they had about some celebrity- that was clearly not meant as some hyperbolic joke - I would seriously consider reporting it. Why should this be any different?
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    The request for a segment is somehow even more gross... I'm just saying, I know I can't stop these people from calling in, and I can't stop Paul from being amused by them, but I can voice my displeasure. I'm just trying to do so as respectfully as possible.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    That's the question, isn't it? I feel like a lot of people said "No, thank you" the first time. And when he did it again, a lot of us were still, "Seriously. No more of this." So when I heard it kind of happened again on this one I'm thinking, "okay, this is starting to feel deliberate." I'm not a prude, but I really don't want to hear middle aged men recount their wank tales. However, if this is like a SUPER popular segment that everyone wants to hear and is going to be the next big "thing," then I will gracefully concede to the majority and will - from now on - either skip the EHL portion or the miniepisode entirely. As far as the Timecop mini is concerned, I really hope these dudes can keep their stories in their pants.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Awesome! Thanks, First Time! I don't want to skip it, really, but it feels like enough's enough now, y'know?
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Well, I mean, if Pixar is doing it then I assume it will be a quality picture. I can't wait to cry at the Bing Bong scene in that one...
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I haven't listened to the mini episode yet, but if there seriously is another "masturbation " story on it, I think I might have to - for the first time ever - take a pass on a mini-episode. Because...Jesus fucking Christ. I am really not into this, and even though I realize that this only a symbolic gesture, I think I'm going to have to put my foot down. Professional comedians talking about masturbation? (Sometimes) funny. Some creepy rando calling into a podcast to talk about the different times he's felt up his dick? Aggressive and creepy. Like, think of the mindset of this person who thinks, "You know what? Everyone's just gotta hear about me jerking my dick to such and such a celebrity (or whatever). I'd better call Paul Scheer, because he's giving me a platform so I can share this story to thousands of listeners..." Congrats to Smigg, though! I assume you won for one of your awesome ninja history posts! Those were great! I don't know. Let's just try to keep it classy.
  17. Does Kenny Vance know that Echoes are invisible? *scoff* I bet Pink Floyd wouldn't make such a dumb mistake....
  18. Did you guys know that if you rearrange the letters in the word ECHOES, get rid of the C, H, S, and one of the E's, then add 3 N's, 2 I's, 2 A's, 2 T's, 2 R's, and a J, and an M, it spells NINJA TERMINATOR? #truefacts
  19. I heard that The Grand Canyon had "Echoes," too. I yelled at it and asked if they stole them from Pink Floyd. Unfortunately, this led to a fruitless, circular argument.
  20. What about Amazon? "Alexa, did you steal your name from Pink Floyd? Answer me!!!"
  21. My favorite Bond villain is David Gilmour.
  22. I've heard that. I've also heard that Echoes was first recorded on wax cylinder by L. Frank Baum and sent to England in 1900 to be opened by Floyd Pink in 1971. There was a postal snafu and the rest is languid, self-indulgent, prog-rock history.
  23. Did you know that if you watch them backwards, every movie has Pink Floyd's "Echoes" in it? The trick is you have to be listening to Pink Floyd album Meddle at the same time. I thought everyone knew that... #truefacts
  24. I like Jaws, too! Speaking of which, did you know Richard Kiel played a character almost identical to Jaws in Silver Streak? This was a full year before debuting the character in a Bond movie!!!