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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    I can do that, too! Although, there's really no contest. N*Sync all the way! My favorite: I'm not a gay man, but it's nice to know that if I was, I was on the right track
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    "Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time?)"
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    Oh "Stop it Girl"
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    No. That would be Jonathan Knight. Yours?
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    Oh, that sucks. I'm really pumped to watch Joey Joe flex his acting muscles. "Tonight" I'm going to watch his process "Step by Step" to see if he has "The Right Stuff."
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 14 (EvRobert's Pick)

    I don't know anything about this movie. I'm excited!
  7. I would also like to thank Eternal Sammich for introducing us to this fine piece of cinema and to Principal Archivist for all the cool information! The pressure's on EvRobert!!!!
  8. Very cool! Thank you for sharing!
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 165 - Ninja Terminator: LIVE!

    The original Garfield phone...
  10. I got the impression that Winston was like a sound tech or something (and we all know how terrible theater techs are) and he was checking if the piano was in tune. As for the rest of your points, I have no answer. Like is Winston's weird folk rock really the "next big thing?" How was I not aware of this? Was Jim Croce opening up hot night clubs at the time, too?
  11. I know! And it's everyone! Strangers on the street, who have only just heard rumors of how epically bad in bed you are (or somehow just know it by looking at you), want you to fucking die because of how uncoordinated and dumb you are at sex. Sad. But that's the world we live in now, I guess.
  12. Can you imagine being so bad in bed that NOBODY liked you???
  13. Well, I was trying to look at it in context to the line preceding it, which is, "Before the breathing air is gone" so I think it's about pollution or something. But that doesn't really make sense either. Like, maybe he's saying the smog will be so thick that it will make the sun seem like "a bright spot in the night-time?" However, if that's what he's trying to say, he's certainly taking the scenic route to get there...
  14. Just by chance, as I was listening to music today, the song "Out in the Country" came on. This is notable as it was written by The Phantom of Paradise's own Paul Williams. It's an okay song. Although it does include the lyric, "Before the sun is just a bright spot in the night-time," which makes me believe that Paul Williams doesn't really understand how the sun works...
  15. I take offense, sir! My Nana only lived under a bridge for a brief period during the early Eighties while she was dealing with her crippling macrame addiction. And what's wrong with riddles? She liked riddles. She also liked collecting jewelry and challenging Hobbits to games of wit. Nothing wrong with that. It's not illegal!
  16. And here's Paul Williams on The Muppet Show looking like my Nana in the Eighties...
  17. Favorite songs? (Is it weird that my favorite is the one that plays over the end credits?) Here he is performing it on The Brady Bunch variety hour...
  18. Oh, my God - this movie might be dumb...
  19. Isn't Phoenix clearly intoxicated when Swan signs her? Considering that there's a video of the incident, I feel like she could build a very strong case for having her contract annulled.
  20. I think he says this at one point. I think his sidekick brings it up... I also agree with Jammer's The Apple comparison; however, The Apple might have actually done a little better at explaining Bibi's fall from grace o_0
  21. Cam Bert, I can't wait to find out who your mom finds Ted Neeley Handsome in this one...
  22. No, we just don't like LAZY JLS scenarios. Yours is well thought out and insightful. I'll allow it I also liked (I thought it as the record label, but I could be wrong) was called "Swan Song."
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    For real. I'm honestly really curious about this pick. Like, is this one of those times that the guest picked what they wanted to watch? Cam Bert and I were discussing it over on Letterboxd, and I had guessed that it might be one of those situations where the making of the movie might be crazier than the movie itself, but he said (from what he researched) the making of wasn't even all that exciting. Basically just the Hong Kong equivalent to Cannon films. It's just not the type of movie that's in HDTGM's normal wheelhouse. Sure they've done The Room and Birdemic, but each of those are both next level, and even if I'm not the biggest fan of either of them, I can see how they kind of transcend from "bad" movie to...something more interesting. Ninja Terminator doesn't do that for me. After the initial "Oh, wow, really?" moment that happens on literally the first second, it doesn't really go anywhere - for better or worse.
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    I'm sure the show will be great. I can't imagine how hard it will be just trying to explain what's happening. I'm just saying, as a viewer, the movie is a tough pill to swallow. The episode will be a hundred percent entertaining, I'm just predicting the forums will be relatively quiet next week - at least with actually movie talk. I'm sure we will find some dumbass thing to discuss to pass the time.