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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    Exactly! If I'm going to watch a movie this bad Crow, Servo, and either Joel, Mike, or Jonah better be there in silhouette to make it somewhat bearable.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    That's what I did. It was the soundtrack to my "dicking around on my phone" morning. Even my infant son didn't like it, and he has notoriously shitty taste.
  3. Well, that's your basic Faustian Pyramid Scheme with upper echelon demons reaping the benefits while screwing over the lower level fell creatures (e.g. Kobolds and the like) Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that Winston's Faust Cantata bore more of a resemblance to Frankenstein (the movie) than Faust? Was Winston's ingnorance of the actual story of Faust the reason that he so readily fell victim to Swan? You'd think that as soon as he was offered a contract with obtuse legalese by a clearly evil individual he'd be a little more suspect. "Hmm...this is just like that thing I've been writing all about. Weird. Anyway, where do I sign? In blood? Of course. I assume that's standard."
  4. Didn't you mention Beef in your Letteboxd review? J'accuse!
  5. Personally, I'm team Sheep Dog mullet over short hair. He gives off a creepy "What if Mickey Rooney and Truman Capote had a son that turned out to be a pedophile" vibe with the short hair.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    I agree. I was about 30 mins (around the time homeboy skewers a crab) when I gave up all pretense at paying attention to what was going on. At one point, (this was after 30 mins or whatever it was, mind you) I realized that I had no clue which character was the good guy or the bad guy. It was just guys...doing martial arts stuff - dully.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    While the Garfield phone is both exciting and fascinating, I personally found that it wasn't quite enough to hold my attention. I guess I'm just a high maintenance movie watcher
  8. And now, I present to you - Phoenix!
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    I'm trying my best to make it through Ninja Terminator, but I'm finding it extremely hard to give even a single shit about anything that's happening in it. I can see why some people might be into it, but to me, it commits the cardinal sin of bad movies by just being sort of boring and uninteresting. Oh well...
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    UPDATE!!! LeVar Burton Reads is soooooooooo good! But don't take my word for it...
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    This is why we love you, Max!
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    This has been in my head all day (and I couldn't be happier) Sorry, I prefer the original version. I'm gonna go listen to LeVar's podcast now...
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    LeVar Burton Reads sounds amazing!
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    Go on...
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    As the hosts mentioned in the episode, The Wraith has a pretty bitchin' soundtrack. I was wondering, from the current HDTGM catalog (Sorry, "The Last Dragon." Not yet. ) does anyone have any favorite songs? For me, there are quite a few, but I think I'm currently really feeling Stan Bush's "Never Surrender" from Bloodsport Anyone else have any favorites? You can find quite a few here...
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    To be fair, Paul mentions right up top that the orbs travel like Bodhi in Solarbabies. Perhaps this was all they felt they needed to say about the matter. I know the connection isn't "dog squeeze" levels of irrefutable evidence, but at least it's something. Please, let this gif of our patron saint help ameliorate your shattered faith.
  17. Cameron H.

    NONPLUSSED -Tell Jason!

    Quasar, you guys should start a podcast called "We're Nonplussed." Each week you chose a different misused word and educate us plebs on its proper usage. I'm literally on pins and needles waiting to subscribe
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    I think it's pretty clear where I fall...
  19. Cameron H.

    NONPLUSSED -Tell Jason!

    Well, hang on to your butt because I'm pretty sure "peruse" is next. I mean, you're right. You are absolutely right. All I'm saying is that language evolves and definitions change over time. This is not a new thing. It's not a matter of being lazy or stupid. If anything, it's a matter of ignorance. The thing is, while this may be your personal bugaboo, when someone uses "nonplussed" in the context Jason does, their meaning is still clear. To be completely honest, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone ever use "nonplussed" correctly. I can guarantee you that I've never said it. Period. Like most people, there are hundreds of other words I would use to convey confusion or surprise (including confused or surprised) before I ever used nonplussed. In its original context, it's just not that popular of a word anymore. In fact, I can only think of three types of people who might us the word nonplussed. The first type is people like Jason who use it incorrectly, but their meaning is crystal clear - even to people who know otherwise. The second type of person is the type of person who simply doesn't care if their meaning is understood (e.g. "Even though there are less ambiguous words I could use right now, I'm using this word and fuck you if you don't understand that I mean 'surprised' and not 'blasé.' I'd rather be pedantic than speak with clarity.") The third type of person is someone who would use the word simply as an excuse to correct someone else (e.g. "It's a common mistake, but did you know it actually means...") Bottom line: outside of school, we're not graded on our perfect and extensive vocabulary. And we certainly shouldn't be judged for it. What matters is being able to say a thing and have that thing be understood. I mean, if you really want to, you can go around correcting everyone that uses nonplussed incorrectly, but I feel like that's a losing battle that will only cause you an endless amount of grief and frustration. To me, it's best to just remember that it's only a word. A stupid word that's probably not a part of anyone's daily lexicon. A word comprised of a combination of letters and sounds that ultimately only only means whatever we collectively agree that it means. I'm sorry, though. Please don't lose you sanity over this.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    He has sex with his underpants on...
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    I like to think that Keri had Jamie killed. I think she let Packard and his goons know where they were going to be the night Jamie was murdered and then had them drop her off in the desert afterward where she could conveniently develop "amnesia." However, what she didn't count on was Packard going blood-licking crazy. So they end up in this weird stalemate. This is why - despite the fact that Quaid is looking for any reason to put Packard away, and as shown in the movie, would certainly be sympathetic to a woman being used by him - she can't just have him arrested for murder as he might rat her out as an accomplice. This would also explain why when being "kidnapped" she seems more annoyed than threatened and why she gets so bizarrely upset when Oggie dies. So, stuck in this situation, Keri does the only thing any rational person would do: she turns to the occult. To rid herself of her problem, she sells her soul to have her former lover return as a Spirit of Vengeance - upgraded to look like the star of Lucas and Red Dawn. So he comes back and eliminates anyone who can implicate her in his murder. This would also explain why anyone who's ever been murdered isn't given the chance to come back and avenge themselves - they have to have someone on the outside willing to risk damnation to bring them back. Unfortunately for Keri, she's told to "pack light" (because it's gonna be hot) for her "short trip" (to Hell).
  22. Agreed! I've never heard of this and I'm looking forward to watching it!