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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Um, this kind of looks amazing...
  2. Cameron H.

    NONPLUSSED -Tell Jason!

    That's just awful! Of course I am using "awful" in its original sense (I.e. "inspiring awe")
  3. Cameron H.

    NONPLUSSED -Tell Jason!

    I know! It is "literally" the craziest thing I've ever heard
  4. Cameron H.

    NONPLUSSED -Tell Jason!

    Yes, but it has been so misused at this point that it's now acceptable to use it to mean "unimpressed." As far as I'm concerned, as long as people understand his meaning, he is communicating effectively. Languages and definitions tend to evolve over time. From Wikipedia: In recent North American English nonplussed has acquired the alternative meaning of "unimpressed".[1] In 1999, this was considered a neologism, ostensibly from "not plussed", although "plussed" by itself is not a recognized English word. The "unimpressed" meaning is proscribed as nonstandard by at least one authoritative source.[3] From Dr. Internet non·plussed nänˈpləst/ adjective 1. (of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react. "he would be completely nonplussed and embarrassed at the idea" 2. NORTH AMERICAN informal (of a person) not disconcerted; unperturbed.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    I don't know...There's still time for Skank to write a better post and then take Tom's computer.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    Congratulations and Good Luck! I hope your next job is awesome!
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    Thanks again, Sara, for the pick! It was really nice to get a chance to revisit this
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    Maybe that's what they're doing with all these cars. Maybe he steals them so she never knows what he's driving. I have to assume that everything he does is to assist him in his daily kidnapping endeavors.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    R.I.P Adam West (AKA "The Bright Knight")
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    During one of the races, the band Lion's song "Never Surrender" is played. Now, I don't normally pick on a movie's soundtrack, but in the second verse of the song he sings: "Now like a thief in the night, I've got nowhere to run" I would just like to point out that if you are thief and are shrouded in the enveloping cloak of night - arguably the ideal place to ply your trade - yet still find that you have "nowhere to run," well, you're probably a really shitty thief. Also, considering the Rebel Without a Cause connection, does that make Rughead the Natalie Wood character?
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    At one point they are told to race to "Dragon's Fire Crossing" and I wondered when the movie turned into a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    Here's a question: why even race at all? I know I'm just repeating ChunkStyle here, but just be like "Give us the car or we'll kill you." Instead they are like, "Race us for possession of your car or we'll kill you." The race just seems like a waste of time at that point.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    How about the fucking scene (right after Gutterboy and Skank chase down and nearly kill Keri and Jake) when Jake offers her empty platitudes when she admits her very real fears about their safety and what Packard might do to them. Keri: Well, I just think he's crazy. Try and be brave against Packard and he might kill you. Jake: Or he might let you go. Courage isn't easy to come by. It's how he keeps those goons with him all the time. They're just scared. Keri: So am I... Jake: Keri, listen, there's going to come a time when you'll have to take a stand. When you do that, that's when you'll free yourself of him. No sooner. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me get this straight. So what Jake is saying is that her problem isn't the murderous, psychopathic stalker who kidnaps her on a daily basis, cuts her, and forces her to lick his blood, but that she's not doing her part to stand up to the aforementioned crazy person? Got it. You know what, Jake? Go fuck yourself. During this same scene, he also tells her, "People are afraid because people like Packard prey on fear and weakness." I would love it if someone could parse the logic out of that sentence. People are afraid because he preys on fear? What the fuck does that mean?
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    Ah! You beat me to some of the points I wanted to make! However, if I might build on your points, if - as Packard claims - they are now the legal owner of these cars, why do they bother chopping them up? Aren't they their cars now? Are they just stripping them for parts? Why? So they can have faster cars to win more races for more cars? Why not sell the cars and make money? I just don't get the street pirate gangs' end game...
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    Speaking of "swimmin' holes," that water looked mighty stagnant. Enjoy all that flesh-eating bacteria, you rubes!
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    True, but the cops might be a little interested with just how he came to be in possession of the murder car. He's at least going to be questioned as a possible accessory, and if he tries to give him the whole cockamamie "ghost-alien-murder-robot story" he's either going to be accused of obstruction of justice or be institutionalized. Giving Billy that car is a burden that poor kid doesn't deserve.
  17. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Jams Mega Mix

    Tim Feehan's "Where's the Fire?" The Wraith
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    That would be my interpretation. I know songs don't have to be about "real" things, but I was in a band and I wonder how my girlfriend at the time would have felt if I wrote a song like "Little Wild One." (For the record, I never cheated on her, but I have been told since that I probably should have)
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    I hope everything is okay and that the emergency has passed. I was actually getting worried that we hadn't heard from you yet.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    No, that's totally fine! I'll just swap you with EternalSammich if that's okay.
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    Extremely awkward! That look at the end feels like: