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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I think that should be "taut." (I'm so sorry! I'm the absolute worst. And, to be fair, I made the same typo on a recent Letterboxd review. It happens. Oh, fuck! I feel like I'm going down a shame spiral...)
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    When Weiss and Amber are trying to get the codes to "disrupt the uplink," they're (obviously) not on camera. We know this because they yell-speak at each other about exactly what they're planning to do, they start messing with the uplink to the relay, and we never get a single shot from the control room of people getting concerned by what they're up to or a shot of the audience wondering what they're doing/talking about. I mean, you'd think if there were a piece of equipment crucial to keeping your evil game show airing in perpetuity you might at least stick a single camera on that area...and maybe a dog or two. But hey, what do I know? Anyway, my point is, that this means that when Dynamo ambushes them and kills Weiss, none of that was even on camera! Now I don't know about you, but if I come home early from the picket lines to tune into my favorite murder show, I don't want any of this off-camera bullshit. I tuned in to watch corpulent, opera singing, murderers dressed in Christmas tree lights electrocute nerds and that's what I expect to see! Seriously, when you consider how many of my favorite Stalkers have already been killed, or will soon be killed, I'd say that this was probably the worst episode of The Running Man I've ever seen. Boo!
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I won't say that I was disappointed, because I thought the episode was great, but when it was announced, I did kind of have Dragonheart deja vu. I was just saying earlier today that I feel like the movie is dumb (in a fun way), but not exactly "bad." It's clear that the movie is aware of how silly it's being, and it's this self-awareness that I think makes it kind of unassailable. As has been commented on these forums before, I think the best HDTGM films are the ones that were made with sincerity, but fail in execution. And I really don't think this movie failed to deliver it's message. Bagging on this movie is like reading Alice in Wonderland and then making fun of the fact that there's a talking rabbit. Yeah, I guess a talking bunny is kind of an oddity, but if you're making fun of it, you're kind of missing the point. Of course, that's just my opinion. I enjoyed the episode thoroughly. I just think there are dumber Arnie movies out there (*cough*The 6th Day*cough*)
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I always heard Michael Biehn was Cameron's pick for Peter Parker. Is that not correct?
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I was super close to bringing this up, but when I tried to pull some quotes to support myself, I found this line from Dawson: "You want ratings? You want people in front of TV sets instead of picket lines? Well, you ain't going gonna get that with reruns of Gilligan's Island" So, no, ratings aren't really important in the way we would normally view them, but in this case, I guess ratings are important as a means to measure how good a show is at distracting the people from their miserable little lives. If they're busy watching The Running Man, they aren't out on the streets rioting.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Yes. I remember being very persuasive about the matter. And charming. And witty. And handsome. But mostly persuasive.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    ...And get the soundtrack
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Great episode, guys! It was great to hear Kulap with you all again! What I found really strange about this movie was how easily Arnold Schwarzenegger's character just seemed to accept his fate with almost joyful abandon. For instance, the reason he is a contestant in the first place is because he was falsely accused of massacring a crowd of protesters, but instead of ever trying to convince people he's innocent, he goes on a brutal killing spree. Granted, he and his compadres are being hunted by bloodthirsty Stalkers, but it's hard to believe it's all in "self-defense" when he takes such pains to deliver a pithy one-liner after each kill. I mean, I'm glad he's showing resourcefulness and the crowd is coming over to his side, but he really isn't doing a whole lot to convince people that he's not the "Butcher of Bakersfield." If anything, he looks even more guilty.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    I've never seen the director's cut...are there additional songs or anything? I do think the theatrical cut is damn near perfect, btw.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    You are in for a treat!
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Oh, Lord. Be safe. We're really not worth getting in an accident over - although by telling us your pick so early, you did save yourself coming back to about three pages of "impatient" gifs.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    I love this movie! I bought it on iTunes a couple months ago, but I haven't had a chance to revisit it. Stellar pick! Also, if I'm not being too forward, where are you going? I'll be going to Florida in a few days myself. I'm looking forward to it
  13. No, thank you! It was lots of fun. Feel free to post anymore notes you have. I'd love to see them!
  14. Thanks again for the solid pick, Max! I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to any of the sequels
  15. That shirt is awesome! I hope you put the design up at their shop. I'm sure lots of people would want it.
  16. Wow! So jealous, guys! I'm really sad I wasn't able to make it out there, but it just wasn't in the cards this time. I hope something works out in the future where we can do a huge meet up type thing. I'd love to meet you all irl. I'm glad it lived up to the hype and I hope this means that they'll be doing more traveling. Have a good night sleep!
  17. Ah! So at least you two were able to meet up! That's so cool. How'd it all go? Was anybody able to get a C&O in? Was it a good time/show? Did it ruin any of the mystique being there in person? Did anyone go to that mystery show thing, and, if so, what was that all about? I'd love to hear more details.
  18. Have fun tonight, guys! I wish I could be there with you all
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Holy Crap! They're finally doing The Last Dragon! I am so excited! I legit love that movie.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 162.5 - Minisode 162.5

    I would love to see it! It is very much a part of the show. Nobody "hates" it. In fact, it's very funny. It's exactly what Fister said. An awesome shirt does not fall into the same category at all.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 162.5 - Minisode 162.5

    Just as a head's up, Running Man is on the Tribecca's streaming channel. They also offer a 7 day free trial, if anyone's interested.
  22. Phew! I ain't LION, but I had just run out of rodent puns. Thanks for helping me avoid that CATastrophe!
  23. That's actually a good point though. I kind of gave it a pass on this movie because of the time period it was set, but when I was watching Rescuers Down Under a couple of weeks ago, I had a real problem with all the vermin setting up their fancy restaurant in the chandelier of a fancy human restaurant. Can you imagine going out for a lovely supper only to have these little plague carriers nibbling scraps just above your head? The Health Department really needs to shut that place down.
  24. Me too. It's like he doesn't even remember the time we sat up late, holding each other like a couple of cozy chinchillas, watching Nights in Rodenthe...