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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I just wanted to say that this movie was waaaaaay darker than I remember it being.
  2. I can't believe we're still talking about this fucking movie... ETA: But seriously, no Ryan at all? He must be killing is at Julliard. That makes me happy.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 162.5 - Minisode 162.5

    I think it's a matter of how creative they are being when they make the comment. If it's just, "Vin Diesel was in this and that...SHARED UNIVERSE!" then that's just lazy and uninteresting. Same with JLS's. Every time there is a minor accident in a movie you can bet an audience member will bring it up. That's not being creative, that's being mildly observant. If the hosts are into them, that's fine. I'm just saying that I think it's become a crutch for cheap laughs -mostly from the audience. This show and it's hosts have always been better than relying on a couple hacky catchphrases like they're Larry the Cable Guy or some shit. "Bobo," "on the spectrum," and even "kumite" have all been retired. If the hosts want to continue making these jokes or comparisons, that's fine. They're good at them. I think it's more the people who stand breathless at the microphone at a live show and say, "what if blah, blah, blah shared universe/JLS!" that we're tired of. I'm not even suggesting "go away forever." More of a "let's have a trial separation and see how it goes." We can always get back together if we miss each other. :)/> ETA: I also recognize neither of these things are ever going to go away. Unless of course the hosts were like, "Don't say this anymore" which would be really stupid and petty. Again, I think we're just tired of the joke, not that we expect anything to be done about it. To use your metaphor, I came to the party to see my friends, meet new people, and have some fun. Just because I don't like to play pin the tail on the donkey anymore, doesn't mean I'm not otherwise having a good time.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 162.5 - Minisode 162.5

    Confession time: after the first two EHL calls, I skipped through the rest. However, if this is what someone called in with, then I'm really glad I did. Apparently people need to get something straight: when Jason says something in a movie made him "jerk off" it's what they call a "joke." I know it's hard to grasp*, but he's a professional and what he's saying didn't really happen. When he says something like that - based on the context, delivery, and timing - it's funny. If you're just some random middle aged dude calling into a podcast to reminisce about an actual time you jerked off to a movie, that's fucking gross and creepy. Please, think twice next time. *heh
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 162.5 - Minisode 162.5

    If you think about it, the day that we're born we begin to die. So, really, isn't a person's whole life just one big Jacob's Ladder Scenario?
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Not only would that be amazing, but I have no doubt he could do it.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    So...basically the cast of Hamilton? Yeah, good luck with that guys. And Lin as Mark? Wtf? The only ones I could kind of see was either Demi Lovato or Lea Michele as Maureen. The rest were picked by crazy people.
  8. Ooh! They can do ours as a double feature! They can bill it as Cam and Cam w/ Cameron Esposito (ft. Terry Kiser)
  9. Pacific Rim kind of left me cold. I bought it, watched it once, liked it well enough, but haven't really thought about it since. I would be more than happy to revisit it though. In fact, I may just do that soon...
  10. Hey man, MK: Annihilation is bound to happen some day
  11. Welcome to the boards! ...and I 100% approve of all Weekend at Bernie's themed parties!
  12. A couple months ago, HDTGM did Airborne. This was a movie that was at the top of my list of movies I've always wanted them to cover. I was wondering if you could pick one (and only one) movie for HDTGM to do, what movie would it be? I'm at a point that I'm pretty much happy with whatever they pick, but I wouldn'y mind if they covered... I love the original, but I remember hating this one. What ONE movie would everyone like to hear them talk about? (Although, I think we all know which movie Smigg is going to pick )
  13. Perhaps they felt it "Bopped to the Top..."
  14. As if that will fix anything... Tay Tay's memory is long.
  15. I agree with you. There's only so many times you can watch/hear "that" joke, you know? I think Sycasey is right in that I prefer Comedy to be packaged with something else. Like, it should be the peanut butter in a Reese's cup. The chocolate has to either be drama (Hunt for the Wilderpeople), Horror (Shaun of the Dead), Action (Beverly Hills Cop), or Sci-Fi (Guardians of the Galaxy). Otherwise, you're just handing me a Hershey's chocolate bar (The Hangover) and who wants that shit?
  16. I get it. I liked it a lot, but I didn't love it. I think my problem also might have been that by the time I saw, people had built it up to be the funniest thing ever made. I also agree about Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
  17. Eh...maybe for some people, but I don't watch television comedies either. I think I just like my comedy to be spontaneous, like as a part of a conversation - and especially if I'm a part of the dialog I don't know...Maybe there's just something about the whole "I'm going to make you laugh with these jokes" that comes with movie and television comedies. I have a tendency to be stubborn and that feels like a challenge. Are there exceptions? Certainly. But for the most part, I don't find much of it to be worthwhile. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Re: Popstar I like The Lonely Island, but none of the trailers did anything for me. It looked like the type of thing that would be funny for a little while, but would wear out its welcome pretty quickly. However, I'm not really a Comedy movie fan for this same reason. Typically, I get more enjoyment from laughing at/with an earnest movie than a straight up Comedy.
  19. "Cosmic Castaway" ftw!
  20. That image is being weird. I've had to put three different ones up there. I assume Disney is to blame. The movie was John Carter.
  21. Do you know I never even thought of that as being a flop? Good pick!
  22. I feel so bad for Kitsch. He was even a pretty decent Gambit. Certainly one of the better things about the first Wolverine movie.
  23. It's been awhile since I watched it, but yeah, Waterworld isn't that bad. And even though I prefer Tombstone, I don't hate Costner's Wyatt Earp.