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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Max, we've come to a consensus. You have to quit your job.
  2. I don't think I said this earlier, but thank you, Ellen, for the interesting pick! I can safely say, I wouldn't have watched Repo! if not for Musical Mondays, and I'm glad I did:)
  3. Happy Mother's Day to June and all the other HDTGM mothers out there! Treat yourself!
  4. Oh, I don't know...I think it would depend on whether we "discovered" the planet before we learned of the aliens that lived there. Like, if I learned there was an alien species and they called their planet "Kleebor," I think I would just call it that. But, if prior to knowing of their existence, I had "discovered" their planet and named it Cameron H's Bitchin' Party Planet, and then later discovered there were people living on it, I think I would have a hard time calling "Kleebor." As far as this movie is concerned, the aliens don't seem to have any knowledge of Earth or humans before Dr. Steven's radio beam. Since they didn't know that our Solar Ststem already existed, they would have no reason to have pre-named any of our planets. In which case, it makes more sense for them to use our names for them rather than just make up new ones as they pass by.
  5. Yeah, Cam Bert made the same point a couple of pages ago, and while I was initially inclined to agree, I don't really see a problem with it. The alien's research, while not perfect, is pretty extensive. They're aware of Popeye, and dresses, and the "Christians and the lions" and a bunch of other things. And since they weren't aware of humans and our Solar System prior to Aykroyd's transmission, there's no reason they'd have another name for Saturn. They'd just refer to it in our own tongue.
  6. For sure! I had such an issue with that. If you're incapable of eating celery and dip without looking like a fucking spaz, you're no longer allowed to leave the house.
  7. I'm sure this will just shine a spotlight on my own ignorance, but I'm actually curious... When we look at the interior of Jon Lovitz's radical beach house, is the totally tubular decor supposed to be enviable or ridiculous? Like, if I lived in the Eighties and I saw all the fluorescent pink accents and the glass wall-cubes, would I be thinking, "Man, what a joke" or "Dude, that guy has got it figured out?"
  8. I'm not sure how you can tell his blazer is wool-lined or why he would be wearing a wool-lined blazer in California, but I'm willing to buy that over the other theory.
  9. How about this as an alternative theory? While we don't know much about Jon Lovitz's character, we do know that he's obsessed with his own image and pretty unscrupulous. Just before he remarks that it smells like fish, he makes a point saying that the jacket is a Ralph Lauren. Maybe it smells like fish after it gets wet because it's a knockoff brand that he bought on the cheap just to look swanky at Mingles? I know there's not a whole lot of evidence to support this theory, but I think it might be a little more likely (and much less crass)...just a hunch.
  10. How often do you think Dr. Steven has informed Dave the Dog that Sirius is also known the Dog Star? My guess is a lot.
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

  12. Regarding Aykroyd's bedroom door, vis-à-vis it being open while he's having sex while a young child is within earshot, I think that it's probably pointless to close it if there's going to be a full fireworks display every time they orgasm. I also think that you probably won't be seeing Willow at many Fourth of July picnics in the future.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    This shit is getting spooky...
  14. Another thing that really bugged me was when Celeste was showing off how advanced her species is and says, "We use 104% of our brain capacity as opposed to to you 36%" First of all, human's use 100% of our brains. It's a very complex organ that has to take care of a lot of voluntary and involuntary functions. Second of all, Ms. All-Knowing-Alien-Who-Likes-to-do-Math-On-Vacations, how exactly are you using 104%? Do you have an external drive or something? Because, you should know, since you're from a logical species who loves math so very, very much, that you can't use more than 100% of anything. I know you're trying to show off how superior you are and everything, but that's a really stupid thing to say. Even Homer Simpson gets it... Also, here's a bit of an icky observation, but here it goes... After Steven and Celeste have sex, she sneaks out of bed and melds(?) with his computer and downloads(?) all of his files into her brain(?). Once she's done this she sniffs dismissively and says, "Kid's stuff." So, if all the research that this dual PhD holding Astrophysicist from M.I.T has on his computer is "kid's stuff," does that mean that mean, from her perspective, that she just had sex with a person with a brain like unto a child? That's some sick shit right there.
  15. I think where this movie struggles is in order write comedy one must first master and understand basic human communication. There were so many times in the movie where an event would happen, people would say something in reaction to that event, and based on the tone of the delivery, we are to just meant to understand that a "joke" just occurred. However, what the ten or so writers writing this turd failed to remember is that even if the premise of a joke is absurd it still has to follow some kind of internal logic. For example, when Willow is rushing Aykroyd to the party, he asks her, "Do we have any socks?" The movie cuts to him in the kitchen pulling a pair of socks out of the oven. He then smugly tells her, "See, I knew I had a pair in reserve. And they're dry. I've been cooking 'em since yesterday." So the payoff to the set up, "Do we have socks?" is "Yes, we do. I knew where they were all the time. And since I was the one asking the question, I'm not really sure why I added the 'See' first, like, I'm proving something to you. I guess I'm just a condescending prick. Anyway, I just needed an excuse to show the audience how quirky I am." Another example of this that really bugged me is when Aykroyd takes Basinger to his lab. They are stopped at security, but somehow, even though they are acting extremely odd, they are able to convince him that she's from DARPA. Inexplicably, security waves them through the metal detector. As Basinger passes through the metal detector, the alarm goes off, and behind her, Aykroyd rushes through and yells, "I'm with her." Ha ha ha. But seriously, that joke makes no fucking sense. Think about it. You're entering a secure facility with someone you just met. She passes through a metal detector and it goes off. Are you really going to throw your hat in with that person? Who knows why that detector went off?!? What if security decided to do his fucking job and search her? What if she wasn't some friendly alien, but a terrorist or something? You don't know who this person is or why she has an interest in your Top Secret project. Do you really want to claim that you're "with" that person?
  16. I still don't know exactly what they were trying to do with his radio(?) waves, but I don't think it has anything to do with FTL travel. Handbag Dick creature tells her at the beginning that they made great time when they're passing Saturn. Their planet is over 92 light years away, and I believe this is supposed to be the next day after his signal hit their planet. My guess is his signal did something good with their planet and they need him to do it again to fix it once and for all. ...And then kill him and all of planet Earth so he won't be able to help them ever again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. Fantastic episode! So after Aykroyd gets fired, he goes home and tells Willow what happened. Reluctantly, he admits to her that he'll probably have to get a teaching job. He tells her, "You know how that is. One opening for every 16 applicants." Cut to Aykroyd fretting because he can't fit Neptune into a picture he's trying to take of a very basic model of the Solar System, and then freaking out after he breaks Neptune off completely. Willow then steps in and tells him to get dressed for the party. He starts to protest and tells her, "I haven't finished the M.I.T, proposal yet." So, correct me if I'm wrong, but was his proposal to M.I.T going to include a picture of this rinky dink Solar System model taken in his pig sty of a bedroom? Hey, bro, maybe the problem with getting these teaching gigs isn't so much the competition as it is your insistence on including shitty Polaroid pictures of crappy baby toys with your proposals...
  18. Tanks, tank tops, and tighty-whities. It's got everything its sequel Guatama Buddha Respected Journeyman lacked. We watched:
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    Oh. Fuck. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/jesus-christ-superstar-live-tv-194502110.html Should we save the date? Maybe live post this motherfucker?
  20. Good question! Since it's an older film, I'd say call it in.
  21. Low blow, man. CakeBug: "Now let me tell you cock-a-roaches why Shakespeare in Love deserves to be in The Canon..."
  22. How does me calling you a nerd make me a narc? However, I would like to talk to you about the kilo of coke I found hidden in The Canon's forum...
  23. I'm on my phone so I can't confirm, but I think you just go to "edit my profile." It should be one of the fields. ETA: I think there are some requirements to unlock some customization, though. Number of posts or likes. But you've probably hit those benchmarks by now.