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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. You're not supposed to make a big deal about it, nerd.
  2. Also, according to a review I read on iTunes "Zydrate Anatomy" was written specifically for the movie. That may be another reason why it's a little more polished.
  3. Confession time: I'm really starting to like "Zydrate Anatomy." It was the first song I played during my warm up this morning, and I have to admit, it had me shaking my booty As for Vega, here's one problem. She's singing from the attic and this needs to be coming from the basement. Another problem I had is that she had a real case of "Department Store Pop Princess" going on. A DSPP is a young teenage girl* (around 12-14) who walks around a store with her friend, singing to herself. There's always this air of "Oh, was that out loud. I'm sorry, the music sometimes just comes out of me." Also, it's not singing to whatever's being pumped in to the store. It's always some random song that she feels like singing for all the lucky passers-by - all in the hope that someone will stop her and tell her what a lovely singing voice she has. Like Vega, it's not that they're "bad," they hit the right notes and everything, it just always sounds so generic to me. *I'm sure there are teenage boys who do this, too. I've just never come across one.
  4. I know someone else mentioned this, but how do you have Joan fuckin' Jett in your Musical and not have her sing? I guess she's the only one capable of hammering out those power chords...
  5. Save it for your next pick
  6. So, 100% still handsome.
  7. They're twins! Right down to the douchey smirk!
  8. I just wanted to say, that while I didn't purchase the full soundtrack, I did get "Zydrate Anatomy." I was listening to it and thinking, "If more of it had been like this, I might have been onboard." Then Alexa Vega started singing. Jesus, I had forgotten she sang on this one. She's terrible.
  9. And God knows, if you have some talk-chanting to do, you don't outsource that shit to Paul Sorvino. There's only one man who can deliver on the sprechstimme...
  10. I mean it could also just be Shilo reminded him of her mother... But I agree, leaving it to her is stupid. She's been cloistered for 17 years with minimal schooling and no business sense. And with Rotti's imminent death, it's not even like he has the time to mentor her into a proper heir. He might as well have chosen some random Zydrate addicted street urchin to run his company.
  11. I wondered if Rotti might be her biological father. Is that possible? Do we have a definitive timeline?
  12. I'm struggling to remember anything of significance to talk about...
  13. double post...I'll make it up to you
  14. Only if you promise to star in it
  15. Do you remember how long you got in your first sitting? I know Cake, Tom, and I each tapped out after 20 mins. It's funny too, because nothing is even really going on then. I do think it's right after Vega's first song, though, so that might have something to do with it...
  16. Did anyone get through it in one sitting? It took me about 4 hours over the course of 2 days.
  17. That's why I referenced it in the first post. I really didn't retain too much of the music.
  18. @CakeBug - I had no idea he was related to Murray Head! That's awesome! I love that song! "Siam's gonna be the witness to the ultimate test of cerebral fitness" "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine."
  19. Goddamn it, Anthony Stewart Head! Stop it!
  20. I don't have a problem if someone likes it. That's totally cool. It just didn't do anything for me. What I will say, though, is this is kind of movie that makes Musical Mondays fun. It doesn't matter to me if I like every Musical. What matters to me is being exposed to as many different Musicals as possible. I will also say that I think it's funny that you mention JCS, because this reminded me of it in a way. Particularly how they tried to have as little spoken dialogue as possible so there would be moments between songs that felt very much like, "I'm just singing atonal nonsense until the next big number."
  21. Yeah, I get what you're saying, but it's better to be safe than sorry
  22. I get the joke, but I can't help thinking that when making this the filmmakers were like, "This is the music of the future!" and less than ten years later it all feels kind of dated and silly. Anyone else feel that way? ETA: I also laughed at the song and the slap.
  23. I didn't find it "difficult" exactly. If anything, I found the plot to be just as superficial as the subject matter. Ooh..,
  24. I appreciated that this movie was trying to open the Musical/Opera genre to other types of music. That's a very difficult thing to do, and do well, especially when an art form become so entrenched in its own status quo. It's not unlike what Lin-Manuel did with hip hop. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, Repo! Is just like Hamilton and Miranda should be sued for plagiarism.