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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I don't know... Here's an Artist's representation of what my heart does every time I talk to any of my forum friends...
  2. I agree with this 100%. The way I see it, they do ~26 full episodes every year. At their quickest, FF movies come out every two years (not even as fast as Sharknado movies). I think, out of ~52 episodes, if they want to talk about one movie that they actually do like, then why not? It's their podcast, their fans like them, and the more Adam Scott, the better. I would also like to add, I do feel like these movies fit the (rhetorical) question of How Did This Get Made? Yes, they made a lot of money, but how? Or better yet, why? For all intents and purposes, these movies are ridiculous, live action cartoons with people attaching grenades to helicopters from car windows as they soar through the air. That's preposterous! If any other movie tried to pull that kind of shit, it would be laughed right out of the theater. But somehow, intelligent people (like our hosts and their fans), can watch a bunch of meatheads drive muscles cars on the Arctic Ice while being chased by a submarine and suspend their disbelief long enough to think, "Sure. I buy that." So, if you really need to know how these movies fit the criteria of the show, that's it. It's finding the ludicrousness of what's going on (e.g. Statham fighting with a baby carrier) and trying to identify the X Factor that makes it work in these movies, but not in others. For these episodes, try not to think of the question as "How Did This Get Made," but rather "How Did They Get Away With This (And Why Does it [Apparently] Work)?"
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    No, I was being unclear. (Thanks, Repo!)
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Ha! No, no. I own the floppies already. It's like my favorite run ever. I just want them all in a lovely omnibus
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Over the past year, I've bought the Omnibus editions of Guardians of the Galaxy, Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, and War of Kings. I'm thinking real hard about getting the Road to War of Kings for my birthday coming up, but...I already have all the Guardians issues from their Omnibus. I don't know if I want to pay $72 dollars to get 12 repeat issues. However! It does collect the Novas from that era, so I might be persuaded
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Your chiropractor and Cam Bert should come over to my house, eat some Rice Krispie Treats, drink some Sunny D, and read comics. We can all talk about how Sam Alexander can never truly replace Richard Rider.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Personally, I would have loved to have seen Rufus Sewell as Maximus. I am also a sucker of Marvel cosmic. Yeah. I'm always very cynical about these things. Talk Shows feel so phony at this point, but when I saw his hands shaking like that I was like, "Oh, damn..." Still, Mark should have brought a shirt...or some college girls.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Gosh, first U2 then Mark Hamill... Adam's trembling fingers just made my evening.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    True. But I read some around "War of Kings" and I really liked what I read. Not enough to hunt down back issues or anything, but I liked the concept. I would have really liked it as a movie. And I kind of would have liked Vin Diesel to play Black Bolt (as was rumored)
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 161.5 - Minisode 161.5

    Anyone get a chance to check out this shit out? At first I was like, maybe it's just a lame picture. Maybe we got to see this in action. Then I found out Inhumans has the same showrunner as Iron Fist. Elektra ("How are you today?"), I can hardly wait to read your Tumblr on - what is looking to be - an absolute clusterfuck.
  11. First of all, which version: Sharpay & Ryan or Gabriella & Troy? Secondly, I listened to the entire soundtrack on the treadmill the other day. The time flew by.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 10 (Ellenmc's Pick)

    Holy Shit! No worries, man. You and yours just stay safe.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay, so it's been a day and I really haven't had a whole lot of time. However, I really didn't want to break my streak, so here's a Sonnet for Shaw. It's written in the Shakespearean style because, d'uh, he's British. I'm not really that proud of this one to be honest. The rhymes are a bit too slant in places, the volta's for shit, and don't even get me started on trochees... Anywhoo, here it is... "Dark Pursuit" A winter bred wolf enshrouded in gray, A shadow that shimmers dripping red jaws, Guided by Pluto, he's hunting his prey, The Hound's in pursuit--the tooth of the Shaws, You can run where thou may, run where thou might, A peregrine sniper with eyes that can't lose, Nothing can hide from his Unholy sight, Strike him and only your knuckles will bruise, Demonic heart burns--Infernal Engine, God's Eye may watch, but He's blind to his sins, With greasy, black blades thirsty for vengeance, When thou fightest the street, the street e'er wins, Righteous rage lead thee ever and onward, Guiding thy fist for Brother and Honor
  14. Cameron H.

    Earwolf Forum Rules - PLEASE READ

    This all sounds amazingly reasonable.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Coooooooooool! (Can I start calling you Mr. Ginger Beard?)
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Good Morning! Today's poem is a somber affair. It's an Elegy written for Brian. "Elegy Written Over an Empty Corona: or To a Brother Retired" Westbound highway take me home, Where family waits and oceans foam, Laughter streaks sun-bleached sands, A place to rest my weary hands, Cut and calloused though they are, I reach them out, I touch the stars, Ne'er a buster, ever a man, I found there's a price for every plan, I miss the bullets, the bullets missed me A life now lived at much slower speeds Catch me, O catch me, here as I fly, Too late for good mornings, Too soon for goodbyes Throttle the engine, the horizon is crested Taking solace in this, the peace I have wrested So onward I drive this highway alone, I look at the map, five miles from home, The scent of the 'que as it chars on the grill, I don't miss the speed so much as the thrill, Coronas sweat rivers in buckets of ice, With friends and with family--my paradise So... With bated breath I seek your door, That I might enter-- at least once more
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I don't know if they've ever picked them out specifically to be contrary, but they've definitely done Third Opinions (One star Reviews) before.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I had the same thought. Didn't he only read one and give up on 2nd Opinions altogether? I think it would have been funny to hear their reactions to people who didn't like it. Oh, well...
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Hey, everyone! Okay, today's poem was a lot of fun. It's for Ludacris' character Tej and I wrote it in the Dadaist style. Basically, I took a bunch of single words from Tej's dialog and wrote them down on a piece of paper. Then, I meticulously cut out each word and placed them in a Ziplock bag. I shook up the bag and pulled out each individual word. Whatever order they came out, is how they are written in the poem. Enjoy! "Lu-Dada" Shaggy of race money, Hack Tech Plan B, Sexy sure, Drone watch orange, Deal. Smack Rick James spaceship, Big-ass, tell tank Hell, Change bottom top breakfast, Sky. Front build functional finale, Good swaggerless commitment balls, Straws me, Shit band bridge back, Emotion. Keys shop rain, Barrel, gimme the first candy-ass jacket, Raise, fellas. Tags slap Millionaire, Gonna be a'ight, Laid the status, Alphabet grab me end, Owe beautiful out, Awkward Scooby-Doo.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 10 (Ellenmc's Pick)

    For those who have them, it's on Amazon Prime and Hulu
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 10 (Ellenmc's Pick)

    Awesome! Never seen it!
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay, this one is for Elena. It's a limerick which is supposed to be a bit bawdy nonsense. "There Once Was a Cop From Brazil" There once was a cop from Brazil Who'd forgotten to take her pill Got knocked up by Dom So now she's a mom The fact she's been "fridged" makes me ill
  23. Life is all lollipops and raindrops, motherfuckers! So have a brazzle, dazzle day, because we watched...