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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. You're mother is simply the best.
  2. Cameron H.

    Ask Paul!

    This question is for Shannon or Dan: Paul hasn't answered a question on this thread since July of last year. Should it be retired in favor of the Explanation Hope Line? A request for people who have asked a question recently but never received an answer - please call them into the EHL (1-800-PAULASK) Those are exactly the type of things I would love to hear Paul talk about/riff on! Have a great day everyone! Cameron "Sprinkle King" H.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I threw up a bit at "round, mound of pound."
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay, this one is for Dom. I wrote it in Free Verse, because Dom is all about freedom. (free...DOM? Whoa...) Anyway, this is my best attempt at a Walt Whitman thing. Maybe I should have named it "Balls of Brass?" "The Right Tool in This Garage" Rough, ragged, staggered, stooped A baffling, bald-headed, Bacchus beckons us on and on and on and on, Deeper down neon flickered streets... We fly into our Flights of Fancy-- A Family in Fortune; A Family in Feast; A Family in Famine A Quarter mile passed, A Quarter mile gained, The whole world fades when you stray from your lane Stubbled, stump-footed, Street-Cracking American Steel wielding, Angeleno Haloed, Hallowed, Heart-headed Hesperus Charging through an eight second life in a nine second Dodge A Quarter mile passed, A Quarter mile gained, The whole world fades when you stray from your lane A Heavy-Lidded, Heavy-Handed, Heavy-Hearted Heavy Lusus Naturae--Nightmare of Nightmares A Wheelman, A Warlock, A Double-clutched Alpha A head shaking, knuckle cracking Hooligan Neck gripping, Tight lipping, Corona crowned Turbo Charger "Only pussies run nitrometh..." Transcendent Eyeball, eyeballing mini-skirted senoritas, Whispering uninvented words about the Sins of London Aggress across an unbroken Eternity, Freedom ain't for runnin;' it's for Ridin' or Dyin' ...and escaping that Ghost Girl behind you Haunting your steps like the wisps of a half-smoked Havana Salute mi Familia A Quarter mile passed, A Quarter mile gained, Everything else... is just fumes.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    The saddest part of 7 is when they show all the flashbacks during the Paul Walker send off and you're like, "Oh, wow. They've all aged terribly..."
  6. Thank you, Jammer, for the great pick! (Psst, one more post will do it)
  7. Nah, what I like most about you is your innocence at missing my very immature dick joke. But, yeah, Moby Dick is a great novel :)/>
  8. That's what I like best about you.
  9. Hey, CakeBug, take a look at this... I named him The Can't Stop the Music Thread.
  10. I avoided Nebraska. I was driving out of California. I want to say Nevada (boring) and Missouri (dirty) were pretty terrible, though.
  11. That's the best way to experience it.
  12. Have you ever been to Utah? It's the worst.
  13. As long as it takes to fart one out.
  14. Are you quoting yourself now?
  15. Maybe they're short. Like One Act or a couple minutes long?
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    So, I'm confused...Which one is Taylor named after?
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Wait. You guys don't call it a pee-pee?
  18. Why can't she be on vacation? It's Winter Break. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially if you have the means to do it. You pay the movers while you're away, and when you get back, your house is set up. I guess I just don't have a problem with the fact that they end up at the same school. True story: I met a girl a long time ago. When we first met, we connected based on the fact we had lived in the same town (different from the place we met) and had the same guitar teacher. We lost connection, but ended up at the same college (same state, different city). We lost touch again. I moved to a small town in a different state. One day, I'm passing the frozen section of my local grocery store and who should I run into... Turns out, she had moved here with her husband after college. This is like a one in a billion coincidence! Turns out my little town was exactly halfway between her work and his family. My point is, that happened in real life! That's fucking weird. So I can buy they both ended up at the same (very popular) family ski resort.
  19. I'm sorry. I thought Gabriella was on vacation, too. Did I miss something?
  20. You love it so much you'd be willing to move to Delaware? It must be good
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Start a new thread so we can all yell at each other about it.