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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I think this is it. I was watching 7 this morning (for poetry research) and it definitely seemed like she wanted to tell him something. Just as she's about to, he gets called in to see Hobbs. Considering it's the same writer, I can definitely believe that her pregnancy was always the intention, or at least it was his intention when he wrote the hospital scene.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    For all of you waiting patiently, here's my next poem! (No, I was not joking. And, yes, I'm really doing this) This one is for Letty. It doesn't have a title because it was done in the style of Emily Dickinson. Upon this dusty road Dark-feathered Phoenix fly - A dram of Dom upon your lips - Into his arms you Die - Forget not this, Your Name On Streets of Fire Burns - Wars of Race you Rage against - The Smell of Skank you Spurn Fearless Fighter flying On Veins of Liquid Gold - A Woman set upon a Mission To light her Darkened Soul Roadblocks lay in Ruins - Beneath Her booted feet - As tank-topped asservations Await Her down the Street
  3. Because she's awesome. Duh.
  4. Cameron H.

    A Knight's Tale (2001)

    He's the most amazing thing in whatever thing he's in
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    For the record, it would not ruin my experience AT ALL if June, Paul, and Jason were the only other people in the theater and they laughed through the movie. Also, speaking of Poet Laureates... I was unable to watch Fate of the Furious, so in lieu of any Corrections & Omissions from me this week, it is my intention to write at least one poem a day--each in a different poetry style--for as many of the Fast characters as I can. In this way, I hope that I can become the official poet of both the HDTGM forums and the Fast franchise in general. So, I guess you all have that to look forward to. Wish me luck! I'm feeling good about this... Let's start off with an easy one: "Ramsay (A Haiku)" Okay, so I'm here, Luda's pushed me to the side, I feel redundant
  6. More than "fine" if you ask me...
  7. This is libel! "Bet on It" isn't even a dance for two people! "Bop to the Top" on the other hand...Yeah, we did that.
  8. Cameron H.

    A Knight's Tale (2001)

    For a second I was going to say, "What are you talking about? My name is..." Good one! You almost got me.
  9. Cameron H.

    A Knight's Tale (2001)

    In regards to "net making," William's father was a thatcher. Hence William's name, "William Thatcher." Back then surnames were based on your profession. For example, Farmer, Cooper, Smith, etc.
  10. I guess we know who Tom is now...
  11. You can be a "Troy," but you can't say you're one. That's like walking into a room and announcing you're the coolest person ever or the world's greatest lover. Even if it's true, no one's going to take you seriously.
  12. I feel like I'm being teased, but I can't figure out how so I'll give you a straight answer. Yes, four different schools. Freshman year was, iirc, like Fister described where we had 4 in the Fall and 4 in the Spring, with, I think, electives that would go quarterly...I'm not exactly sure, but I know I ended up ahead of the game with credits. Sophomore year and the first couple of weeks of Junior year I was in some dumbass Redneck school that sucked out my will to live. They, no surprise, had the very basic, traditional schedule. The remainder of my Junior year and first half of my Senior year I was at a more suburban school. They did the other type of rotation Fister mentioned (4 classes one day, the other 4 the next). Then, over Winter Break, my parents told me they were moving. I had the choice of either finishing out my year or transfering. Seeing as I didn't really have a ton of close friends (See: moving every year) I opted to move. BUT, because of all the crazy schedules I had had, I only needed three classes to graduate. So I convinced my parents to let me just go to the Community College and finish out there. It was cool because classes didn't start until, like, February or something. So when I got off for Winter Break, I didn't have to go back to school for a couple months. Also, I only had to go a couple days a week for a couple hours in the morning. I'd do my classes, chill at the library for a little bit, and then go home. It was a sweet deal. I also feel like Iike I've said all of this before. I guess, you're welcome!
  13. And listen to her bullshit? No thanks. I'll skip.
  14. I went to a bunch of high schools each with their different ways of doing things (Which worked out great for me in the long run), but my Middle School, in 8th Grade, did that revolving schedule thing. I remember one day I sat down in class and just started chatting with my friends when someone asked me what I was doing there. I suddenly realized I was in the wrong class. I quickly left. The bell rang (ending the scene) and I was still wandering the halls like a ghost. I was freaking out. I think I tried to other classes before I realized I was supposed to be in English. I just barged in there and was like, "I know I'm late, give me the detention." The cool thing is my teacher held me after class and asked me what happened? When I explained the situation he let me off the hook. I think he was more annoyed that I made kind of a disruptive entrance. The point is, I feel your anxiety.
  15. That's what I mean. Homeroom for us was where you would congregate for maybe 20 mins at the beginning of the day. You might listen to or watch the morning announcements, but nothing is taught and you don't get to choose your homeroom. So I get why someone like Chad might be in there for homeroom. He wouldn't have a choice. But in HSM 2 they are counting down the clock to 3:10, and she's teaching a class. Why would Chad be there for that? If they were already taking Drama to begin with, why would it even be a thing if one of them wanted to perform? Also, my phone keeps auto-correcting "Chad" to "Chas" as if that's the more well known name. I think my phone might be a WASP...
  16. Here's a question: HSM2 starts just as summer vacation is about to start, but they're ALL in the drama teacher's class. In HSM I just figured it was homeroom, but she's actually teaching class in HSM 2 (Which is totally dick move, teach. It's not like they're going to be tested on any of this). I guess my point is, why are all these people who hate Musicals taking Drama as an elective? Why do they all seem to be taking the same classes all the time? Can they really not be apart for even an hour?
  17. Also, as Rifftrax points out, most scenes begin and end with a school bell ringing, even if the scene only lasts for a second.
  18. Here's a moment from the 2nd one... At the end of the movie, Troy tells Sharpay that he can't perform with her because he's "part of the staff." He also tells her that he's resigned his cush position as Assistant Golf Instructor to work back in the kitchen with the rest of the Wildcats. Of course this is all a ploy for Sharpay to loosen her stranglehold on the staff so they'll be able to perform, which is why I found it hilarious that when Troy is introduced at the show it's as the "Assistant Golf Instructor." I guess all that talk giving up that job was just that, huh? Talk. Also, Sharpay is introduced as his partner, but Gabriella is the one who sings with him. Don't you think Sharpay's parents, who know nothing of the BS drama going on, would be like, "Wait a second! Where the fuck is our daughter?"
  19. I wrote the outline of one in just a few minutes this morning. It's actually pretty easy if you have a good subject.
  20. So is it going to be, High School Musical: the College Years? Because that makes no sense. Why not High School Musical: Reunion?
  21. My guess is that it's a word that sounds fancy, but isn't necessarily flattering. It's a way of showing how superficial she is. Why Ryan doesn't have an equally insane name, I guess we'll never know...
  22. I've got quite a bit left to say about 2. Now that I think about it, I probably have more to say about 1, as well... Like this moment, when things went from "innocent fun" to "fucking weird."
  23. Don't get me wrong, I laughed--a lot. I just don't want anyone to feel like they have to watch 2 and 3.