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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Uh, Gabriella ain't no Helen of Troy.
  2. Oh! AoU! I was thinking AtU...
  3. I've also figured out who I am...
  4. Oh fuck, guys. It's 6:30 in the morning, the house is still asleep, and I just laughed real loud at "'T' as in Troy..." No, dummy! Everyone knows...
  5. Um, I believe the line is, "Et tu, Bru-tay-tay..." Also, what did Dumboy have to say about AoU?
  6. It's been years since I watched it, but he sings the "Boys are Back" w/ Efron in the third one. Not sure if there are any other examples...
  7. Since I'm not going to be watching Fate and the Furious, I'm really glad High School Musical 2 is on Netflix... Thanks for the head's up, Fister!
  8. I get what you're saying, but...no. I'm nobody's second banana!
  9. How CakeBoogie sees himself... It's aggressive and disturbing.
  10. Ha! How'd you know I was looking for the perfect gif to express my incredulity? Lol
  11. So...he robbed a place called Five Buck Pizza? Shit, man. Set your sights a little higher, huh?
  12. Tay Tay when she sees this... Also, I hope Taylor's feeling better
  13. I'm dying to know who wins Cam Bert's mother chooses for the TNH award....In the mean time, does anyone want to take a stab at which High School Musical characters we all are?
  14. This would have been so much better had it ended with them killing themselves on the Theater stage...
  15. I agree, but as far as this movie's concerned, there's not much of a drama club. When they do their tryouts, their "fans" consist of about six people.
  16. Oof! That's a tough one. As much as I would like to see that, I wouldn't want to live in a world that didn't have High School Musical in it.
  17. I think so... Known groups at East Side High Skaters Nerds Smart Kids (that seem to be in a different caste than the nerds) Cheerleaders Basketballers Drama kids (which consists of two members, although that may just be because they don't accept many members)
  18. I would say she was "well-known," but not popular. She doesn't really have any friends outside of her brother, and the basketball team (i.e. The epitome of cool) actively makes fun of her. In any other movie, I'd say she definitely fits that popular/mean girl trope, but not so much in this. What does everyone else think?
  19. I don't know if the look is supposed to be "cool" so much as "flamboyant." They're certainly not portrayed in the movie as being a part of the "cool" crowd.
  20. Does anyone else feel like this would have actually been better had it been Grease 3? As it stands, it's kind of a hybrid Grease 1 and 2, but if Troy had been a T-Bird rather than a jock, I think his dilemma would have made much more sense. It would have created more drama than just "which extracurricular school activity do I want to do more." It would also be more dramatic if the auditions were taking place when a rumble, a race, or some other Greaser nonsense was happening. It would highlight that feeling of "do I do what I want to do or do I stand with my friends?" At least that would give this movie some stakes instead of the self-imposed "the drama teacher is being bizarrely petty and intransigent, so (at the request of a student) she rescheduled a school event to directly conflict with another school event." However, I get that they wanted to update the story for modern audiences, and Greasers (or whatever 21st century group you'd use in their stead) wouldn't have been appropriate for a kid's movie.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    So I was Googling whatever happened to the American Gladiators and found out that "Lace" was briefly married to our very own...
  22. Same! I own all the Twilights because of them! I wish they would do more Blockbuster commentaries, but I get why they don't do them as much anymore.
  23. I bought it too, but just for me So if you see me outside--mowing the lawn, laying mulch, glistening with manly sweat--just know that what's playing in my earbuds is: "We're all in this together!" That's Cameron H's secret.