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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. No, no. That's based on a short story I'm working on.
  2. She also complains of abdominal pains on her first day of school which made me really want IBS to be Vanessa Hudgeons' actor's secret.
  3. Can you "stop the beat" or is it an unstoppable killing machine out to destroy us all? Discuss.
  4. This post will be your legacy!
  5. I think, we might be imposing more sexuality on it than the intended audience would have. I think for 8 year olds (or whatever) it would have been like "they're close." Also, this dumb poster...
  6. Regarding Ryan's sexuality, it depresses me that they felt the need to pair him off in the 3rd one. Like, I don't think it ever had to be explicit that he was gay, but I think it's really shitty that they felt the need to closet him. It's funny, because I was going to say that I liked how at the end of his number with Sharpay, he throws his hat out into the audience and there are two boys and two girls vying for it. I totally get Disney wasn't ready ten years ago to have an openly gay character, but I thought that that scene was a nice, subtle nod to his sexuality. They didn't even play it for laughs which was refreshing.
  7. Well, what I wanted to bring up is right after he reconnects with Gabriela, he has a conversation with Chad where he's trying to justify being in a Musical or something and he says, "Sharpay's cute, too." I just thought that was a really weird thing to put in your "pro" column when you're supposedly head over heels for another person. Obviously you haven't seen Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. Luis Guzman is in it...
  8. How about the fact that Troy enters the party in a blazer like he's about to belt out "What a Fool Believes."
  9. Did anyone else notice that when Gabriela congratulates Troy for winning the basketball game she was wearing an entirely different outfit than what she wore to the audition? Doesn't this kind of imply that, given the opportunity to watch and support her boyfriend play in the big game (not to mention the rest of the team that helped them get to the audition), she'd rather just skip it. Real nice, Gabriela!
  10. Any guesses as to what Troy's mother does for a living? Did you see the size of their house (complete with basketball court)? There's no way they can afford all that, plus very nice ski trips, on a High School basketball coach's salary.
  11. All I can hear is Bill Corbett saying: "And you go to Hell!"
  12. This is mind blowing to me! Saved by the Bell came out when I was still really young, but I feel like it would be like if you were in High School when it first came out and enjoying it unironically. My 4 year old loved it. My baby threw up on me.
  13. That surprises me that, at the time, anyone your age would have liked it at all. I would say it was definitely made for middle schoolers and younger. I can appreciate it's innocence. It's pretty benign, the songs (for me) are catchy, and the leads are watchably charming. I just can't muster up the cynicism to dislike it.
  14. I was going to say the same thing. Disney is really good at spotting, not necessarily "talent," but that undefinable thing that will resonate with whatever demo their trying to reach.
  15. Do you think that the fact that you were the age of the characters portrayed in the movie when it came out has affected the way you feel about it?
  16. I wouldn't say it's horrible. I would say it's not for adults, though. ...which is why I love it.
  17. Okay, this makes sense to me
  18. I guess I feel like if the point of the movie is to show that people can have "multiple passions," then the movie chose the wrong couple to be protagonists--it should have been Sharpay, Chad, or Taylor. Troy and Gabriela say in their very first scene that they like to sing. They have no problem accepting that they can like more than one thing. They don't learn to like singing, they already do. For them, that's not the conflict. For them, being judged for doing something that they want to do is the conflict. That's why I'm saying the point of the movie is to follow your bliss and not worry about what other people think.
  19. I think I'm still not getting my point across, I'll try one more time. I get why they are the "bad" guys in the fiction of this world. What I don't understand is why, as a writer, you would write three characters (I included Chad in my OP) that are following their dreams to be the bad guys in your "follow your dreams" movie. For example, it would be like if I wrote a movie where farting is the key to happiness. Farting will make you a good person. Farting is Nirvana. And then I wrote my antagonists to be the most flatulent Farty McFart Pantses you've ever seen. It contradicts what I'm trying to say. Does that make more sense? In the fiction, I totally get that Sharpay is jealous. I get that Chad and Taylor want Troy and Gabriela for their own agendas. What I don't get is making the three characters who have accomplished what the movie wants you to accomplish and make them the "bad" guys. This movie says, "to be happy, you need to follow your bliss." Sharpay, Chad, and Taylor are doing just that, and instead of becoming what the movie promises, they become a bunch of assholes.
  20. Yeah, I mean I get their rationale, I just find it weird that the mission statement of the whole movie is "find that thing you love and pursue it with all your might" and the three characters who have already discovered that "thing" for themselves and are already living that message at the start of the movie are the three characters that are set up as the "bad" guys. So when Troy and Gabriela decide that music is their passion, are they going to be shitheads to everyone who doesn't share their passion?
  21. Lol--I was watching it this morning and I caught that "Pink Jelly" line for the first time. I was like (high pitched voice), "What the fuck is going on right now?"
  22. As far as I'm concerned, that's fine...since I've seen them all before anyway.