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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I can just appreciate a really fine, well-groomed mullet. The crowd shots are a veritable smorgasbord. And, in terms of philosophy, Malibu is like the Jean-Paul Sartre of the Gladiators. Although, Gemini has some good mnemonics rhymes: stay low, land the blow.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    So many to choose from, but Assault would be my number one. And I would love to run through the Eliminator.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Just a head's up, the original American Gladiators is now on Hulu. If you're not watching it, I don't even know what to do with you...
  4. First of all, great pick! I think my biggest question, right off the top, is why are the people who already know who they are (e.g. Sharpay, Chad, and Taylor) presented to be the antagonists of the movie? Ostensibly, isn't finding out who you are and what you want to be the whole point of the movie? Yet the people who already know who they are are treated like monsters. It feels like a really mixed message.
  5. The time has come!!! What will it be?
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    Happy Birthday to all the April babies!
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    You mean a Fast movie doesn't pass the Feminism muster?
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Go on... Also, did you say you had a "fan" theory about an anti-piracy video?
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    That was exactly our intention. Seeing as he would be a first time movie goer, I felt it important to teach him proper etiquette before imposing ourselves on others.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I don't really have a heckling experience, but when we went to see The Hunger Games it was a pretty packed theater and there were three, I don't know, thirteen year old girls sitting right behind us. Anyway, through the first part of the movie they were doing a lot of "loud" whispering. The kind of whispering where you can tell they really want people to hear them and marvel at how how clever they are. It was pretty annoying, but it didn't go on for too long. Then, about halfway through, something happened in the movie that made one of the girls laugh. She tried her best to stifle it and be "cool," but was woefully unsuccessful. The result was this hilarious laugh that sounded kind of like some weird, cartoony donkey braying/hyena cackle. Kind of like a high pitched Goofy laugh. We both just started cracking up. We still mimic it to this day.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I've brought my son to two movies: Zootopia and Lego Batman. Both times, I took him at the 10AM show on a Tuesday a few weeks after the movie had been out. Both times we were the only people in the theater. I'm not a monster. I know what my son is capable of.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Followed by ten or so pages about whether or not coconut was good? Yup. That's the one. As the Historian, I like to refer to that era as "The Dark Ages." I hope you'll be around more often though. You've been missed.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    As the Forum Historian, I can tell you it was Deep Blue Sea. You had made a comment about the 8 foot fence. It's the top comment on maybe the 2nd or 3rd page. Don't ask me how I remember that... (Also, it's good to hear from you! ) ETA: I just double checked myself. It's on the 3rd page, SECOND comment! You had the top two comments on that page though, sooooo...still pretty impressive, no?
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I don't really have a problem with them as far as fitting the theme of the show, but I do feel like they've run their course. I feel the same way I do about Fate and the Furious as I do about them doing another Sharknado movie (i.e. a dead horse that's taken enough of a beating). There are so many awesome (bad) movies out there to be done, that rehashing the same thing for the fourth time just seems kind of boring. My only big complaint is I wish they would at least wait to do new movies until they are available to rent/buy. I just can't make it to the theaters all that often, like maybe once or twice a year. So when I do get a chance to go, I want to go for something I'm really going to enjoy and not just "isn't it cool that they're driving on ice." However, I recognize that their Fast & Furious episodes are fan favorites. I'll happily step aside, enjoy the episode, and let others have their macho car fun while I'm over at Musical Mondays talking about Zac Efron's amazing hair.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I don't think you're getting just how unwilling to share I am...
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I think you're underestimating just how good a spouse I can be...
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Well, if we're opening the field to include guests, while you guys are fighting over PFT, I'll be over here with my boy... I don't want to give up my beloved Scheer, though... Fuck it. The three of us can make it work.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    As I'm the leading expert on love on the forums, I would like to say, I think Paul would make a wonderful husband and Kate and Paul would make a fine match. If I were to marry one of the hosts of HDTGM, he would be my pick.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Neither does Foreigner.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raNGeq3_DtM Maybe they'll play this song at Paul and Kate's wedding reception...
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    Holy crap! Congrats, Ellen!
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    Um, Tom...I'm waiting on an explanation for that 1 1/2 star rating on Eight Legged Freaks. I recognize that it's a little more cerebral than your normal fair, but you can't give things bad reviews just because you don't "get it."
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    Bullshit. Everyone knows Taylor is the "Tay Tay" of her group.
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    What didja get?