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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    What would have happened if Sandy (or God forbid) someone else was standing in the exact spot the tree appeared? Would they have been impaled, stuck on the top of the tree, or would their molecules somehow bonded together and created some kind of horrific human/tree amalgam?
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    Great Episode! The thing that really stick in my craw about this movie is the characters' utter indifference to the phenomena that they've stumbled upon. I don't think they once write, "This is some spooky shit, huh?" Like they said in the episode, Keanu and Sandy, and their close associates, treat it as though it's a mild curiosity. No one ever asks to be driven to the Lake House and see for themselves. It's just treated as a harmless idiosyncrasy that Sandy and Keanu share. But here's the problem: what's going on in this movie is some serious shit. Someone, or something, has decided to fuck with the space-time continuum with reckless abandon and not one character in the movie is the least bit concerned. And, sure, it would be great to know who is behind it all, but honestly, the "who" of it all is the least of their problems. Whoever is meddling with time, whether through Divine, Scientific, Magical or Canine means, has an agenda. Possibly, a sinister agenda. What we should be asking ourselves is"Why." Why is it so important that these two bland, mediocre, and quite frankly, schlubby individuals get together? Sure, planting a tree is cute, but with every tiny change they make, they are changing the future. Why is someone trying to change the future? Sure Keanu might seem kind of like a nobody, but think about this: what if the person driving the station wagon that was involved in the crash was a serial killer? In the unaltered timeline, perhaps the accident paralyzes him and he is unable to act upon his demeanted impulses, but in the new timeline, a bunch of people could possibly end up being murdered. It doesn't even matter how many, one, one hundred, one million. By not dying when his time was up, Keanu may have irrevocably caused limitless pain and suffering on countless innocent lives. So, why? Why these two? Is it for altruistic or nefarious purposes? Do they give birth to the Anti-Christ or the Messiah? Why would someone go to all of this trouble for these two specific people for this very specific reason? All I'm saying is they were in correspondence with each other for at least a year, and maybe instead of writing epistles dripping with goo-goo eyed sentimentality, they should have been Scooby-Doo-ing the crap out of this mystery?
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    You should try and get this published in The New Yorker.
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    Tell me about it! And now that he's covered in snot all the time, he's a goopy asshole. Here's a recent picture...
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    I think so! I was going to blame you, but I never got around to it. Hunter has it now, which is miserable since he won't just sleep through it. I've been up since 11:30 last night.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    I would have been happy with either one, but points for picking one I already own :)/> (I hope you're feeling better. I've been sick for about a week)
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    Us: What movie did you pick? Jammer:
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    That's my opinion of them honestly, but what am I supposed to do? I'm not going to fly in the face of tradition and not eat at least one. If I had my druthers, I'd just eat Cadbury Caramel Eggs and various Russell-Stover chocolates.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    It's cool. We can eat Peeps together.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    That sounds like just the kind of whining I'd expect from a dirty Peep eater...
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    I concur! It will be great whatever you choose.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    Yay! I'm the only person in my family with the balls to eat an entire Peep! Happy Easter, bitches!
  13. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    I'm pretty excited...
  14. Cameron H.

    Nine Lives (2016)

    You let yourself be deceived.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    Full disclosure: I haven't listened to the episode yet, so if I'm repeating anything they've already said, I apologize. The problem I have with the "take the mailbox" scenario is it's extremely likely that that might fuck everything up. Nothing says that the mailbox is the source of all the magic (The movie is called The Lake House, after all, not The Mailbox). For all we know, the house (or the dog) is the magical object and the mailbox is simply a conduit. Think of it like a television set. The mailbox is like the screen, and the house, dog, lake, etc. are all the other working parts. If you remove the screen from the rest of the television, it's not going to work anymore. So while removing the mailbox might sound like a good idea, it could also mean severing that connection permanently. When faced with an anomaly like a postal time portal, I think a more scientific approach might be more appropriate than just ripping things apart.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 160 - The Lake House: LIVE!

    While I think it would have been easier had they just come up with a place that's a little bit closer, if I were ever to come across a magic mailbox that allowed me to communicate with someone in a different time, I think I might be willing to make the drive--especially if I started developing feelings for the person with whom I was corresponding. I don't think I'd be like, "I guess it's cool that this utterly insane, physics defying, supernatural phenomenon is happening, and you do seem like a really nice guy that I would love to get to know better, but...the drive is killing me!"
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    Oh, shit...didn't you hear? The episode got delayed until Monday. Sorry. Have a great weekend!
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    Especially because...
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    I only meant Jeremy Renner not the REAL Hawkeyes.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    Shitting myself would not be my intention, but if it happens...
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 9 Pete's Dragon (1977)

    If I ever started a podcast it would be so awesome everyone who listened to it would straight up shit themselves.