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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    But think of how much better they would have been...
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    They also say they taste fine if you "close your eyes." I get what they're saying, but I can't help thinking, "You don't taste with your eyeballs!"
  3. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    ^My problem with that trailer is that I feel like it gave the entire movie away.
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I can't say for sure, but I think it would be easier for me to accept my wife or girlfriend leaving me for a woman than another man. If I really love her, and she's attracted to women, then I don't want her to be living a lie--it wouldn't be fair to either of us. I just thought of something...does the Buzzline negotiation even happen ITSF? I don't think it does. That really muddies things up doesn't it? If there was just more something more explicit, I'd be happy to buy into the Mark is just after Maureen scenario or trying to sabotage Joanne' s relationship, but Mark's really such a non-entity. He doesn't even have a scene alone with Maureen.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I think being hung up on her and actively trying to win her back are two different things. Both he and Joanne are whipped. I think my problem is there seems to be this line of thought that Mark is this treacherous figure trying to mess up Maureen and Joanne's relationship and I don't get that. He had his heart broken, but somehow what's going on between Joanne and Maureen is his fault? If, after the tango he was constantly whispering in Joanne's ear, then I would agree, but after that song Joanne and Mark are friends. It never comes up between them again. And seeing as they are all friends, I think you have to take it at face value. No, we don't have any evidence of cheating, but Maureen's partners have absolutely no problem believing she's capable of cheating. And since Maureen is not a POV character, we have to go with what M and J are telling us.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    That's my point though, she brings it up, not him. (ITSV during "Rent" it is made even more explicit). My response is that you seem to be pinning a lot on Mark here. You said the were "fine" before he started suggesting stuff. My point is, she started the conversation and they weren't fine. Mark is actually being pretty cool here. He was dumped by Maureen less than a month ago and now she's dating this new person. That doesn't say that she was cheating, but it is a pretty quick turnaround. Despite all that, Mark is willing to help out and it doesn't ever seem like he has any ulterior motives. Never once does Mark imply that he is only being nice to get Maureen back. You also have to consider their animosity toward each other. Okay, maybe Mark is upset that this is the new person in Maureen's life. It's understandably if he's a bit put off by that, but if everything was on the up and up, why should Joanne have a problem with Mark? Mark isn't making any moves on Maureen, he's helping out, he's not causing a scene, and she's the one with Maureen. I also don't think Maureen is the type of person that would bad mouth Mark and then ask him to help her out. The explanation I came up with is that Maureen cheated on Mark with Joanne. Joanne, being a decent person, feels guilt over this so has to internally villainize Mark.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    That's not true. Joanne is bending over backwards doing all of this stuff for Maureen and she's feeling used. I don't think Mark was trying to plant anything in her head so much as they were bonding over their neuroses. Joanne starts it by complaining about how she doesn't know what she's even doing and Maureen didn't even bother to show up. Mark then says, "Doesn't she just make you want to drink gasoline?" and she replies, "As a matter of fact..." This all occurs before the "pookie" bit. He then says the "Pookie" line and she's relieved and smug ("Never"), but when he asks her if she's ever doubted a kiss she's says that's "spooky." So later, when Maureen calls Joanne "Pookie" it's like it's happening all over again. Now Mark is the smug one. By the end of the song, they both say "She cheated, she cheated, Maureen cheated, fuckin' cheated." Now I can't say for sure if Maureen ever cheated on Joanne, but I'd say she definitely cheated on Mark. When they are exchanging the "she cheated" lines, Joanne could have easily said, "No, dude, you guys were broken up..." "The Tango Maureen" is about two ocean waves bonding over the feelings they share about the rock they keep dashing themselves upon.
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I think she cheated on Mark. That's how he is able to get into Joanne's head: if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. I also think it's cyclical. She's a naturally flirty person who craves stability (i.e. Joanne and Mark). However, J and M's insecurities drive her to her infidelities. "I've done nothing to betray your trust, but you treat me like I'm an adulterer. If you're going to treat me like in a cheater, then I might as well cheat."
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I'm not familiar with the opera, but if he could see the relevancy between the original's themes and the story he was trying to tell, then I don't see the problem in updating it a bit. To me, that's like asking why Clueless or 10Things I Hate About You when both Emma and The Taming of the Shrew already exist.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Speaking of Lin... http://www.playbill.com/article/lin-manuel-miranda-and-leslie-odom-jr-reveal-how-rent-shaped-history-and-hamilton-com-341546 What if a 13 year old boy hadn't seen Rent?
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    And what if Van Gogh hadn't shot himself? What if his brother Theodore hadn't become an Art Dealer? And what if John Lennon never met Paul McCartney? And what if George Washington had died at Fort Necessity? I mean, I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is that it ran for a long time. Whether it would have made it if he hadn't died, I have no idea. Maybe? It's good, but not the greatest. But that applies to a lot of things that have had a lasting impact. I guess I just don't see how it matters unless there was a specific Musical at that time that was awesome, but overshadowed by Rent's success.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Here's my thing: what else was going on on Broadway in 1996? It sounds like you're attributing its success on its creators death, and I'm not saying that wasn't a contributing factor, but maybe it really was the best thing going on at that time... ETA: I also love the Book of Mormon.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    There was a Cracked article the other day making fun of Mike Huckabee's dumb tweets and that night Patton Oswalt was on Jimmy Kimmel performing them as stand-up. The sooner people don't realize they aren't original, the better. I have. I used to be hung up on originality and it wouldn't get me anywhere. I recognize that the thing that I've been working off and on for the past year isn't groundbreakingly original. My goal is just to make it the best version of that story I possibly can.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    As far as plagiarism claims: The first image is from Neil Gaiman's Book of Magic about a bespectacled, dark haired English Boy who becomes a wizard. He has a pet owl. I'm not sure who the other picture is of. The point is, Gaiman's version of a boy destined to be the greatest wizard ever came years before Harry Potter, and while people pressed him to sue Rowling, he never did. I can't find his exact quote, but basically he said they were both writing against the blond-haired, blue-eyed, jock, archetype which had been the standard shorthand for "hero" for years. To each of them, the opposite of this archetype was brown-haired, brown-eyed, nerd. So it's not insane to think that they both created similar characters. There are others who have sued her and failed on similar grounds. They failed because even though their characters were similar (right down to the name in some cases) their circulation was so low, the chances Rowling had ever seen them was almost nil. The problem is, unless you have evidence of someone breaking into your house and stealing your manuscript, it's really hard to prove plagiarism. I vividly remember writing a song one day and really liking where it was going. Suddenly, I stopped and sped up the riff and realized I had just "wrote" "Enter Sandman." I also started writing a novel about a normal boy who dresses up like a superhero and finds himself in over his head. A year later, Kick-Ass by Mark Millar was published. It just doesn't sound like her story was so original that someone else couldn't have written something remarkably similar.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I saw this before I knew that story. I liked the stage version quit a bit. I'm sure it helped get it out there initially, but it had to have resonated with people on some level. The romantic death of the creator just before opening night might give it a bump of notoriety, but something more would be required to give it the longevity it has enjoyed.
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Here's my guess: That was Benny's apartment from the get-go and he let his friends live there with him. I don't think he was ever an "artist" but he wouldn't necessarily have to be to be friends with them or be a part of their scene. My theory is that he saw how run down that area of town had become and wanted to revitalize it in some way. Maybe he grew up there or something? Regardless, when he starts out, his intentions and ideals are pure, but as he is traveling in these circles he meets a woman whose father is a big deal real estate broker. Instead of working toward his goal and making it on his own, he marries this man's daughter as a matter of convenience. Since he still wants to improve the neighborhood, he probably doesn't see this as "selling out" so much as "buying in." Ultimately, though, he is seduced by the material comforts wealth grants him and instead of trying to renovate Alphabet City because it's the right thing to do, he's doing it as a way to make more money. In this way, his "sin" would be a mirror of Mark's and this is why Mark is so despondent over the tabloid news opportunity. He sees it as a bite of the apple that corrupted one of his best friends and he doesn't want to go down that route.
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Mass Effect?
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Ha! I didn't! I was like, "That's interesting..."
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Are you watching Father Ted now? Beware of Spider-Babies. They have the body of a spider, but the mind of a baby... ETA: I'm thinking of starting a cooking blog. I'll let you know when I get started with it
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I love naan! And, no, of course not. My kid's don't eat anything that doesn't have a cartoon character on the box. You kidding me? I'm going to try this recipe. I've never made it from scratch before. It should be exciting.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I was planning on making some vindaloo this week (I love to cook.)
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    The Ultimate "How 'Le Vie Boheme' Are You?" Quiz Are you "Boheme" enough to hang out with our beloved Renters? To play, review each item from the song "Le Vie Boheme" and rank how meaningful it is to you and the way you live your life each and everyday. 3-Very Important 2-Somewhat Important 1-Not At All Important 0-I don't Even Know What That is (Googling is cheating. If you have to Google it, it isn't a "thing" for you. Don't be a lame-o.) 1) Days of inspiration 2) Playing Hookey 3) Making something out of nothing 4) The need to express 5) ...to communicate 6) To go against the grain 7) ...Going insane 8) ...Going mad 9) ...Loving tension 10) No pension 11) To more than one dimension 12) ...starving for attention 13) Hating convention 14) Hating pretension 15) Hating Mom and Dad 16) To riding you bike mid-day past the three pieced suits. 17) To fruits 18)..no absolutes 19) To Absolut 20) To choice 21) To the Village Voice 22) To any passing fad 23) To being an "us" instead of "them." 24) Hand-crafted beers made in local breweries. 25) Yoga 26) Yogurt 27) Rice and Beans 28) Cheese 29) Leather 30) Dildos 31) Curry Vindaloo 32) Huevos Rancheros 33) Maya Angelou 34) Emotion 35) Devotion 36) Causing a commotion 37) Creation 38) Vacation 39) Mucho masturbation 40) Compassion 41) Fashion 42) Passion (when it's new) 43) Sontag 44) Sondheim 45) Anything taboo 46) Ginsberg 47) Dylan 48) Cunningham 49) Cage 50) Lenny Bruce 51) Langston Hughes 52) The stage 53) To Uta 54) To Buddha 55) Pablo Neruda 56) If you were Dorothy and/or Toto, would you go over the rainbow to "blow off" Auntie Em? 57) Bisexuals 58) Trisexuals 59) Homo Sapiens 60) Carcinogens 61) Hallucinations 62) Men 63) Pee-wee Herman 64) German Wine 65) Turpentine 66) Gertrude Stein 67) Antoniotti 68) Bertolucci 69) Kurosawa 70) Carmina Burana 71) Apathy 72) Entropy 73) Empathy 74) Ecstasy 75) Vaclav Havel 76) The Sex Pistols 77) 8BC 78) No Shame 79) Never playing the "Fame Game." 80) Marijuana 81) Sodomy 82) S&M Score of 201-246 Score of 151-200 Sore of 101-150 Score of 51-100 Score of 0-50
  24. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    They all come off better in the stage version--Benny even more so.
  25. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    One thing that did kind of bother me about Rent was the Musicaliness behind the premise, "If you get her to stop her stupid, five minute, slam poetry, fever dream--that no one even cares enough about to cover on the News--you can live rent free in this million dollar loft FOREVER!"