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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. No, no. Your question was fine. It was Tom and Cam who were taking advantage of the situation. I've got my picks, but a couple of you have to double up. CakeBug = Tom Collins Me = (ugh!) probably either Maureen or Mark (my two least favorite characters) Tom = Angel Cam Bert = Joanne Fister = Tom Collins or Roger Taylor = Mark (nothing personal) or Joanne w/ Angel tendencies Quasar = Tom Collins Cinco = Joanne I don't think anyone's a "Mimi" (Thank God)
  2. I think you guys are using this game as a cheat to start talking about the movie. I'm on to you!
  3. Good question...
  4. Collins is Angel's boyfriend. Don't you mean...
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Let me see if I can clarify--and most likely contradict myself and expose my hypocrisy I'm talking about "good" movies. A "good": movie, to me, is something like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and...it was fine. It entertained. It was serviceable. It was "good." However, I have no desire to really "get into it." What you're talking about, to me, are "great" movies or "fantastic" movies. The difference between "great" and "good" is as wide a gulf (in my opinion) as between "bad" and "terrible." "Bad" is fun; "Terrible" is unwatchable. Let me put it another way: I baked a batch of homemade strawberry muffins last night from a recipe I found online. When they were done, I tasted one and it was...good. It was good because I followed the recipe to the letter, but I don't have any desire to share it with anyone. I may not even use it again. Now, let's say I deviated from the recipe (even slightly) and added lemon zest and vanilla and cayenne pepper. Assuming that it doesn't have any effect on the quality at all, subjectivity aside, we have three possible outcomes. They become inedible--I spit it out and say "never again." They become delicious--I call everyone I know and share my awesome recipe! Maybe I memorize the recipe down to the teaspoon. I wink as I share my "secret" ingredient (always love). I talk about how good "my" muffins taste. I take pride when other people tell me they've made them and loved them. I also never, ever, ever try to improve upon that recipe. They become bad--What was I thinking? Was it the cayenne pepper? (surprisingly, no) Did my ingredients just not work within the recipe? (Ha! Ha! You should have seen your face when you bit into it!) I've made a similar recipe before and it was fine, what was different this time? (Maybe I shouldn't "meth" while I'm baking...) Are my muffin pans okay? (These muffins don't look...right.) They didn't come out sweet. (Oops, I put in 1 1/2 cups of salt, not sugar!) They just taste weird...(Here. Have another bite). Maybe it was the eggs? (It turns out that they are racist and refer to the gallon of milk in my fridge as a "Lactoid.") I was just trying to make a delicious muffin, maybe I just can't bake for shit. I should try again... As for giving Legion "a few episodes," I'm sorry, but no. I was just having a conversation about this the other day. Had you asked me 5 or 6 years ago, I would have said okay, but I just don't have the time I used to devote to something I'm just not feeling. The best I can say is maybe, when my mood is more amenable to it, I might give it another shot. I don't doubt that it's a quality show (and that it's miles ahead of Iron Fist), but it had its chance to grab me and didn't. I shouldn't have to give it three hours of my life for it to "get good."
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Iron Fist is the humiliated carrot being thrust at Seagal's creepy gross Van Dyke of Marvel adaptations.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    For one, for me personally, good is boring. I feel like watching something "good" is a passive experience. You sit there. You absorb the media. You say, "Bravo." You move on. Afterward you may say, "Wasn't that good?" And someone will reply, "Yes, it was." *yawn* I want to be involved. I want a discussion. I want to make fun of shit that I don't understand. Which leads me to the fact that I feel that more can be learned from an artistic failure than an artistic success. Why did this fail where others didn't? What mistakes did they make? What could have been? And finally, I wasn't feeling Legion. I watched the first few minutes, but it just wasn't doing anything for me. At least IF frustrated me. It angered me. It made me laugh (unintentionally). But, if you want to talk Legion, feel free. Convince me to give it another chance
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Oh, Elektra B. (How are you today?) I'm going to really miss your recaps, but I totally understand. Please let us know when you'll be doing one for The Defenders! P.S. Thanks for the shout out :)/>
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Pictured: Everything I've ever wanted.
  10. I liked Tom Collins and Angel, and pretty much noth--Wait a second! Stop trying to get me to talk about it!
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Another Gaorrection & Gaomission Lewis Tan to Vulture: If only!
  12. Ah, yes. The charismatic Adam Pascal. How could I forget..?
  13. (We would have our first Musical Mondays All-Star with Sarah Silverman...)
  14. Okay, okay. I'm NOT talking about Rent. Okay. I'm just saying, the titular song reminded me of...
  15. Why can't it be Monday? I should have waited to watch this...
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    It's totally cool, man. I've definitely had those days (it feels like more and more often lately). Sometimes shit just bugs you. Just know that we love you and we'll always have your back. You know why? (I hope your day gets better)
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I love ALL Rocky Movies unironically.
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    No, it's fine. You just seem to be getting...upset.
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Nobody's bragging dude. We just don't like them as much as you do. You're the one who brought it up. I've said I liked Seven. I've enjoyed them all just fine. I'm not attacking it at all. But don't attack someone whose taste is different than yours if you're not prepared for people to disagree. And we're not "falling all over" Iron Fist. We're discussing it like we discuss any dumb movie on this site. You don't have to participate if you don't want to. RE: "High Art" I brought that up since you made the Marvel comparison about them being "uninspired." My point is, so are the F&F movies.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Co-signed. I also get origin story fatigue. Maybe if Marvel could follow the DC formula of constant failure they wouldn't have to keep introducing all these new characters.
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I think you may be the one taking them too seriously. I dont think, "Wow, this Thor movie is teaching me so much about fraternal love." Like F&F, I just watch it for the spectacle--just like I would for a Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Jurassic Park movie. I could easily make the same argument and say, "Ugh! These F&F movies are all about family. I get it! Lighten up and drive a car off a mountain." It's all just melodrama. So again, if you'd rather not watch them, that's fine. I get it. But they're essentially the same thing. ETA: Since you edited in another argument...the characters in F&F movies have been established for nearly 20 years. I'm sure there was an "origin story" in Tokyo Drift when they tried to introduce new characters. It's not like the "Winter Soldier" or "Civil War" are "origin stories." They are a heightening of the same character. Which is exactly what you said you like about the F&F movies. Again. No different.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Like, I get that you like them more, and that's totally fine, but let's not kid ourselves, even in comparison, that the F&F movies, with their meathead philosophy and glory shots of women's asses, are anything close to High Art. They're both bankrupt creatively. We just enjoy different types of trash.
  23. Not at all. And I'm trying not to talk about it, but that's how I watched it. I chose to view Mark's camera as a time capsule preserving a very specific moment in time.
  24. But it was written during the late Eighties/ early Nineties...If you were to find a screenplay written and set in 1950, but decided to film it today, but keep it in the year it was set, wouldn't that be the same thing?