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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Comic book ages are so weird, and it doesn't help that they're always drawn to look way more mature than they are supposed to be. For example, when Jean Grey dies after the Dark Phoenix Saga, her gravestone says she's only (I think) 21. Which means Cyclops would be around that age, but he's always drawn to look like he's 35 or something. In Iron Fist's origin story, they say he was 9 years old when the plane crashed in K'un Lun and that it reappears every 10 years (not 15 as in the show) which makes him 19 or 20. Luke was supposed to be considerable older--and by considerable, I mean probably late twenties, early thirties. (Interestingly, Misty Knight, his one true Forever Love, was also supposed to be a bit older than him. Which is kind of cool. Not only were they pushing an interracial romance in the early Seventies, they were also going against the ageist norm that the man has to be older than the woman.) Anyway, you can throw all that out the window because in the excellent final issue of Fraction's Immortal Iron Fist run ("Happy Birthday, Danny") they firmly establish that he is 33 years old. So unless Luke is currently pushing 50, I think it's safe to say their ages are pretty fluid. (Have I lost everyone yet? Please guys--do not operate heavy machinery while reading this.) Basically, I think it's all about what kind of energy they wanted to add to the mix--goofy, impetuous youth or goofy, mature adult. Unfortunately, they seem to have created a third option: overemotional dumbass who talks a big game about being centered but throws hissy fits at the slightest inconvenience like a toddler being refused a lolly pop. I didn't really know who Finn Jones was before IF, and I really don't care for him now. Especially because he seems to be blaming everyone under the sun for the bad reviews. Hey man, the phone calls are coming from within the house. Deal with it. As for Body Parts, I barely made it through it. And what I did watch, I barely paid attention too. I thought I might have something to add, but I think I'd rather bitch about Iron Fist
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Wow! I finally had a chance to listen to the episode. It was a really good one! Regarding, Dr. Webb as being his literal mother. No. Not even this movie wouldn't dare to try to pull that off. There is no way a judge is going to sign an execution order that reads: Death by Experimental Surgery Performed by His Own Mother.
  3. Don't ruin the Shyamalanian twist I'm going to drop on you guys when this is all over.
  4. (What I wrote here was not my place to say. Sorry.)
  5. Every time this movie comes up (which I've never seen), all I think about this...
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Or the ability to run and not look like the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz... Pervs.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    That's exactly right. To be honest, Iron Fist was the show I was looking forward to the most. And although I would have preferred Ryan Kwanten for the role I got that he had probably aged out of the role. So I was okay with Finn getting the part. But the part that really got me worried for this whole thing is when I read an article that Mike Colter and Finn Jones didn't even meet each until they were on the set of The Defenders! That's insanity! Luke Cage and Iron Fist's relationship is EVERYTHING! Hell, they flew a bunch of kids down to do chemistry tests with Robert Downy Jr. when they were casting the new Spider-Man, why wouldn't they have done something like that here? At this point I'm really scared that
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Let's put it this way, the show should be called The Meachums ft. Iron Fist. (Yeah, I know, I've already used that joke behind one of my spoiler tags. It's 100% accurate though.). It's kind of an adaptation of Iron Fist's first appearance back in the Seventies, except what was told in two issues and was sort of interesting, has been stretched for thirteen, hour-long episodes and made super boring. As a fan (high five, btw) I'd say skip it (God that hurts to say) and just find his fight with the Drunken Master on YouTube. I don't feel like anything happens that will have any significant baring on The Defenders. ETA: At this point, I think he should have been introduced like The Punisher was in Daredevil. They could have just introduced him, fully formed in Luke Cage or The Defenders, and if the audience responded to him, then they could give him his own show.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Elektra, please, please, please change your member title to "Mistress of All Agonies!" If anyone gets to be that cool (besides Gao), it's you.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    I've been reading your journal and it is spot on . God, I hated that disgusting thing that happens in Episode 7 I can hardly wait to hear your thoughts about how a certain character completely changes their personality afterward. I speak A LOT about how wrong that scene was in one of my other posts
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    I talk a little about my feelings about Claire behind some of my spoiler tags
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Don't you mean...
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Excuse me? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI-TVRYcucU
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I disagree. And I would be fine with Walk Hard.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    No. I put my foot down on biopics.
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Of course! I didn't mean to rub it in.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Excuse me? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2pt2-F2j2g
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    I think they're called pretty shitty at their job if even Claire can take them out. I'm not trying to take anything away from her, but how is someone who has had the equivalent of a year's worth* of weekly, one hour self-defense courses at the local YMCA able to take out ninjas that have been training their whole life? It certainly minimizes the hard work and sacrifice Iron Fist, Colleen, and Daredevil put into their craft. "Oh, you were beaten with sticks and had to carry heavy jugs of water a mile up a mountain everyday? Me? No, I've been coming here after work on Tuesdays for the past two months. I like it because it's right next to Chili's and I like to grab a drink afterward. Hi-ya." *A year's worth at BEST!
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    For our purposes, yes.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    It freaking broke my heart how terrible it was. Like, really? WTF?