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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    Could be..? I thought it was more recent than that, but I could be wrong.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 238.5 — Prequel to 239

    Grawp (or whatever) was another pointless detour. I think that whole situation *might* amount to a little more in the book, but there’s absolutely no reason why that was included in the movie. It’s brought up once and forgotten forever.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 238.5 — Prequel to 239

    I agree. It’s fantastic world building, but the stories themselves are pretty clunky—particularly the later books, which I feel really needed some editorial oversight. Like, I get she was making people a ton of money at that point and it’s hard to say “no,” but there are plot lines that are introduced and dropped with no resolution or impact on the overall plot. For example, Hermione’s S.P.E.W stuff is a nice idea, but really slows the momentum of the books down—especially when you consider it never really pays off. The last page of the last book ends with Harry demanding a sandwich from Kreacher for Christ’s sake! Lesson clearly not learned! (Although I’m sure she has a BS excuse like, “Just because you defeat one evil doesn’t mean prejudices don’t still exist,” or some such. And even if that actually was her intention, it comes off sloppy.)
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 238.5 — Prequel to 239

    Here’s a funny Cracked article from a few years ago regarding Rowling’s petty revenge on Stephen Fry.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 238.5 — Prequel to 239

    In response to the first caller, I think it’s best to maintain a certain level of continuity even though you’re at home. Lunches shouldn’t be that difficult if you were already preparing lunches for school. You can just make a lunch the night before, put it in a lunchbox, and give it to them for lunch. You don’t have to straight up cook every meal just because you’re home Also, we try to take our kids for a walk or bike ride twice a day—practicing safe, social distancing, of course. Nothing super long, but long enough that they can run and get some of their energy out. This way they are less inclined to be crawling all over you while you are trying to work. Also, there are a ton of really cool educational apps out there for kids that can keep them pretty well occupied without being total brain rot. The Google Arts & Culture also app provides virtual tours that my kids love. Nothing is perfect of course, but these things have worked pretty well for us.
  6. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    I like this idea. Gonna probably have to talk about “The Covenant” and the mA geography battle. Unfortunately, The Covenant is episode 131 and just missed the cut off. Good memory, though
  7. That’s fair, and maybe we’re reading the post differently. The OP wrote that it’s “only $40” and that “it’s silly” which doesn’t suggest to me that they are jealous over comparative bank accounts, or even angry. Just “put off,” as they said, by the idea of making light of wasting even a little bit of money when 25-plus million people are currently out of work in America. They aren’t even saying that they themselves are out of work or that they couldn’t also cover that price tag if they wanted to. How I read their post was, given the current economic climate, any joke about wasting money on something as trivial as a bad movie comes off as a bit gauche when a sizable percentage of their listenership might be having to tighten their belts or are worried about how they’re going to cover rent/mortgage next month. It doesn’t seem to me that anyone is faulting them or jealous of their success, just pointing out that for right now, relatively speaking, $40 could potentially mean a lot to someone who is struggling. Yes, anyone can spend their money however they so choose, but you can also choose how, if, and when you talk about spending it. Again, it’s a timing issue. Everyone farts. It’s neither right nor wrong. But when and where you fart makes a difference. For instance, farting in a crowded elevator is more rude than farting by yourself in your shame closet (Which is something I assume everyone does). That being said, as I said earlier, I haven’t even listened to the episode yet so I can’t even speak to the context. I was more responding to how it made the OP feel, which I feel is entirely valid. I think your opinion is entirely valid too. I just wish everyone well, and I hope everyone is getting through these crazy times okay.
  8. I don’t think @Thebuttstartswherethetaintends was attacking them in a classist sense. No one is accusing them of being malignant plutocrats that we should all “eat.”. It’s more the optics, or whatever the audio equivalent of optics might be. It’s the timing of the joke, not the content of the joke or the people telling it. You can joke about a plane crash all you want, but it might be a bit crass to do so when you’re safely on the ground while you’re on the phone with someone who’s currently 30,000 ft in the air, you know? That being said, none of this is a “big deal” in any way that actually matters. No one is hating on anyone. It’s stinks a little bit of “let them eat cake” but nobody is sharpening the guillotine just yet. At most, it’s a sigh and an eye roll; we whistle “Imagine” and move on.
  9. I haven't listened to the episode yet, but I hear you. The $20 price tag on this movie has been something I've been discussing since the mini. I even tried texting Paul on that app thing about maybe postponing the episode until it was at least available to rent (literally this coming Tuesday!!!). I didn't get an answer. Of course, schedules being what they are, who knows? I think they were trying to do something special by doing "newer" movies with a big guest like Adam Scott, but I also feel like picking a movie that can only be bought at this time wasn't a fantastic idea. And if they joke about buying it twice in an economy where millions of people are out of work, then, yeah, that feels pretty tone deaf. Hell, in my neighborhood, three houses went up for sale just this week! This is the reality we are living in right now. People are struggling. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, twenty, or even forty dollars, isn't all that much. We all get that. And it's not like they are asking people to *buy* the movies. It feels super out of touch, though. And at any other time I probably wouldn't really care. It's their show and they can do what they want. I even think it would be different if it were a *big* legacy type movie for them like a Fast and Furious movie. But for fucking Bloodshot? Really? I guess good on them that they spent $40 on a shitty Vin Diesel movie and it be nbd, just know that the rest of the country is pretty stressed the fuck out regarding finances right now.
  10. Oh! Either way! I own it so I’m ready to go.
  11. Watch Sing Street! I think you would love it.
  12. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    From Ep 140 Mannequin 2: On the Move "Best Moment of a Host Attacking a City and/or Country" -- 10:07 (Paul's merciless attack on Philadelphia) "Best Guest Laugh" -- 45:58 (Steve Agee) I would say this is either "Best Use of Google" or "Best Tangent" -- 53:08 the gang Googles "Ken doll genitalia" this eventually leads to the classic "Where does the butt start?" moment at 55:42 Best (In-Studio) 2nd Opinion Theme -- 1:07:34 "Best New Movie Pitch" -- 1:16:23 (Malequin 3 starring Zac Efron, Kim Cattrall, Kristy Swanson, and Holly Hunter)
  13. We have been cleansed! We watched:
  14. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    From Ep 139 Simple Irresistible: "Best Impression by Host" or possibly "Grossest Sex Talk" -- 7:14 (Jason says he wants the actress to "get in his bed," but Paul thinks he's about to say "get in my belly" which starts a bunch of Fat Bastard impressions. "Best Realization" (maybe?) -- 15:30 (They talk about who/what the crab is supposed to be.) "Best Fashion Talk" -- 23:55 (Paul brings up a chef's "costume") "Best Realization" -- 48:56 (This is the "Vanilla Frog" discussion. It's really funny, but as @Elektra Boogaloo points out, it was a typo that was corrected in the mini so maybe it doesn't count...)
  15. This is, of course, a Musical dedicated to the discography of one Neil Diamond, is it not?
  16. Should...we come up with our on 90’s superheroes? How about: Plasma Bandyt Stargash Shrednaught Crashdown Ripsaw Terrorbait Scar Crow Slipshift Dreamthief Thunderbeak Shadowlight
  17. He’s proud of the fleas in his hair..? We watched:
  18. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    What about a “Hosts attack a City or Country” category? Im thinking when they go off in Canada in Little Italy or when Paul attacks Philadelphia in the Mannequin 2 ep.
  19. We brought this up in the Minisode thread, but it will be available to rent May 5th. I’m planning on waiting until at least then myself. @DanEngler, could you please fix the thread title so it’s more searchable? Thank you
  20. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    I’m listening to the Simply Irresistible ep* and they had a pretty good run regarding fashion in the movie. Do we or should we have a Fashion Talk category? It feels like it comes up pretty often.
  21. Cameron H.

    3rd Annual(?) Howdies

    He also had a lot of trouble with “Rowdy” Roddy Piper in Hell Comes to Frogtown. I think that’s a great category
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 90 Hair

    I don’t mind the title so much. I think the Berger voluntarily cutting off his hair for Claude, especially when he was so adamant he would never cut his hair earlier in the film, is effective—if facile— narrative shorthand. I don’t, however, like that he’s proud of the fleas in his hair.
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 90 Hair

    That’s right! He does, doesn’t he?
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 237.5 — Prequel to 238

    Since I was bitching about it the most, I think it’s only fair to mention Bloodshot is on sale on iTunes for $15 this week. Still a bit rich for my blood when it will be available to rent in two weeks, but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone else was interested. Also, a few weeks ago they announced they were doing a live show of A Sound of Thunder. Of course, things being what they are, I assume that show has been postponed, but I’m guessing they will still be doing it at some point. Anyway, it is currently 4.99 on iTunes, about the price of a rental, if anyone is interested in picking it up (I did ) before it goes back to full price.