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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Seriously, I'm so apprehensive about this pick. I'm relishing the uncertainty.
  2. That's exactly right. She literally loves it so much she can't watch it. Actually, it's like me with The Beatles. I've been listening to them since I was fourteen and I've learned how to play the majority of their songs on various instruments. But since I have been so immersed in everything about them, catalog and history, it's gotten to the point that I don't actually listen to them all that often anymore.
  3. I think its streaming...I know I've seen it on either Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.
  4. My wife said she wouldn't watch it if it was Moulin Rouge. Too sad.
  5. Well, before your clues, I was really thinking Moulin Rouge. After your clues, I had no idea. I've seen Mamma Mia, though, and I didn't hate it.
  6. But...I love The Beatles. You know what? Fuck it. I'm excited about this. ETA: My guess turned out to be wrong, but my wife guessed it.
  7. You motherfucker...lol
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    And didn't they give him shit for that? I'm pretty sure they did because I noticed nobody had anything to say about Snake' s earring...
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Since there were "no rules" I think Mitchell's decision to cut the course was open to anyone with the balls to try and do it (plus it allowed him to get airborne). Throughout the race, we see multiple skaters cutting through people's yards and whatnot. It's all about rollerblading skills. As long as you cross the finish line, you can do whatever crazy shit you need to to get there.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    I find it hilarious we both individually and simultaneously thought to use "What Wiley' s Dad Does when he's not driving a Zamboni" as a premise!
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    "Yeah, my father has always been a zamboni driver, although I'm not sure why, he doesn't even seem to like hockey. But the crazy thing is he went to UCLA film school. He wanted to be a director. My Dad! Can you believe it? Anyway, he was always going on and on about making this movie about a man who falls in love with his Operating System. Then one day, about two years ago, he just up and disappeared. Proof! Gone. My Mom was freaking out. We thought he was dead. We had a funeral and everything. 6 months later, out of the blue, he just shows back up on our doorstep. He doesn't say a word. He just walks in, turns on the TV, and sits in his favorite chair like nothing happened. Turns out: my Dad shot Her. It was weird."
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    In the diner scene, as Nikki and her friend return to the booth, we catch Wiley and Mitchell at the tail end of a conversation. Wiley says with a laugh, "My Dad shot her, it was weird." Personally, this line sounds the most "Seth Green" of all his lines and I have no doubt that he ad-libbed it, but it does kind of want me to bring back a forum game that we last saw during The Boy Next Door Episode. Basically, can someone please tell me what the rest of that anecdote was? The only rule is that there are no rules and it has to end with lines spoken in the movie. Good Luck!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    I agree 100%. I mean, I hate to bring this up since it was literally the cold open of the episode, but did you, at any second, have any trouble following the thread of this movie? Surfer kid moves to Cincinnati. When he's not surfing, he likes to rollerblade. Cincinnati kids are bothered by new kid because he's not like them. They like to play hockey, but when there's no ice, they like to play hockey on rollerblades. Rollerblades therefore become what is often referred to as "common ground." Or, to put it another way, if there were a Venn Diagram depicting "extreme" sports and "traditional" sports, rollerblading would be the area of overlap. It's like no one on the episode could handle the fact that people can have multiple interests... Also, to Kumail's point regarding Mitchell arriving centered and leaving centered, that's not exactly true either. Yes, Mitchell arrives pretty Ghandi'd out, but he is also resentful of where he is in life. He's dismissive of the bullies and lashes out at them because a) they seem less enlightened than himself and b ) he will be leaving in a few months and he doesn't feel like they're "worth it"--his words. What he learns, through the shared magic of rollerblading, is that just because someone has a different point of view doesn't automatically make them a "bad guy." That's not to say there aren't bad guys out there (I.e. The preps), but it's important to not get so hung up on your minor differences that you ignore the real threat. Oops. Not only was that topical, but I also seem to have just inadvertently answered the question "who is the bad guy" too... This isn't to say this movie is flawless--far from it. In fact, it was one of the movies I recommended in my very first post on the forums, but I do think that some people are watching it with their adult sophistication turned on and ignoring that, ultimately, this is a movie for kids. When you're a pre-teen (this movie's prime demographic) and you feel like everyone's out to get you (while also trying to figure out who you are and chaffing under the yoke of an unfair world that you are powerless to change) just fitting in is stakes enough. This movie must be watched with the innocence of a child. I for one would rather watch Airborne a million more times than watch one more nauseating and pretentious second of a movie like Zardoz. Also, that's very interesting about the garter belts. I was not aware of that either.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    I felt worse for poor Travis. Oh, who's Travis? Just the guy they bench so Mitchell can play in their roller hockey game over in the Thunderdome. During the first game they were actually short players and needed subs, but not for the second one. I 100% get why the rest of the team gets behind Mitchell after that, but you know there's one guy just seething on the sidelines at the glory that was robbed of him.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Well, damnit... (But I'm with you. This movie was the best. I can't believe more people don't get it. I mean, it's obvious why Wiley has all those outfits, right? I mean, Mitchell basically spells it out for the audience after the montage is over. How are you and I (and Cakebug and Cam Bert) the only ones that get this movie? It was amazing from start to finish.)
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    To Scott's point regarding nonsensical dialog that should either be removed or re-written, here's a small moment that bugged me a lot. Mitchell: You were the first smiling face in three weeks. Nikki: Thank you. Um..."thank you" isn't remotely an appropriate response to the comment he just made. It's not like he was waxing rhapsodically on the beauty of her smile or anything like that. He was simply making an objective observation. It would make just as much sense if she thanked him for telling her that she has a nose. No, he should be the one saying "Thank you" because her smile makes him feel good. And she should respond with either, "You're welcome," "I'm sorry it's been so rough for you," or, if she's feeling kind of flirty, "I'm glad I could make you feel better." And I get it. Sometimes you're at a restaurant and the server tells you to enjoy your food and you respond with "You too," but that isn't the kind of awkwardness that's being played here--although it might have been more charming if it had. No, what I think was happening was the writer was so busy working on his super dope "Speech Teacher" character that he completely forgot to make sure the rest of his characters weren't speaking complete gibberish. I also wanted to point out, since it happens around this same time, it was really cool of the city bus driver to wait so patiently for Nikki to formalize her Friday night plans with Mitchell. That was really sweet.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    Thanks Shannon! I almost bought this the other day, but now that it has your seal of approval, I guess I'll have to. I really wish you could join us too! And I'm not sure if I ever properly thanked you, but Assassins was awesome! I love it!
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    So, wait. This guy has the opportunity to write himself a role in a motion picture and he chooses "incompetent Speech teacher?" Nice.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    While these are all good points, my argument would be maybe it's not the start of a new school year, but the start of a new semester. I used to have classes, particularly electives, that didn't run the whole school year. Maybe that's what's happening? ETA: But, yeah, I agree. The teacher should still 100% be fired.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Okay, I'll concede that the area of Australia in question might not be the Mad Max-esque cacotopia I imagine the entire continent to be, but that doesn't change the fact that if Mitchell's parents are going to truly assimilate into the wombat hierarchy they're going to have to make some drastic lifestyle changes. First of all, they'll have to learn to poop in cube form (thank you, Tomspanks and Cam Bert for that bit of trivia). And secondly, as wombats are fossorial creatures, I'd imagine the Goosens will have to adapt to a life lived underground, and I think we can all agree that subjecting their obviously "Airborne" teenage son to such a fate would just be cruel.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    In defense of Mitchell's parents, maybe it's not so much that there are no schools in Australia, but that they were planning on living Dian Fossey-style amongst the wombats in "the Bush" (is that correct my Australian brethren?) In their attempt to get the wombats to accept them as one of their own, they couldn't exactly have their air headed teenage son blundering about barefoot defining what "stylin'" is to the local koala population, could they? Of course, a line of dialog or two to clear this up probably would have been helpful...
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    You could have been kick-ass Kit Walker, but noooooooo.....
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    So you just IGNORED the conversation Cakebug Tranch and I were having a week ago?!? ETA: And now you made me fuck up my joke! Ugh! You're the worst!