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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    I know what it is.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    To me, one of the more interesting relationships in the movie was actually between Jack and Augie. These two guys are the living embodiment of brotherly love. They are always springing to the defense of one another. For example, when Augie interrupts Mitchell's speech--and Mitchell walks away muttering some smartass shit under his breath--it's Jack, not Augie who threatens Mitchell. And then, in the hallway when Jack's girlfriend is flirting with Mitchell, it's Augie who threatens to beat up Mitchell! All I can say, it was nice to see those guys having each other's backs like that. It was a beautiful thing. Another thing I found weird about this movie was Mitchell gains the respect of the bullies at his school by pantsing Blaine, and in effect, becoming a bully himself. And, what's even worse, is he does it right after he punks out of a real confrontation with Blaine. Okay, so you back away from a fair fight, but as soon as the dude's back is turned you strike? Great message movie.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    It's freaking unnatural that I look forward to Mondays as much as I do now. What kind of topsy-turvey world have I stumbled into?
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    Have I seen it and do I hate it?
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    I want it to be GAAARBAGE!!! And then, I will never let you live it down...
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    I also wanted to raise my.voice in praise of your pick, but then I saw what an ego you were getting about it that now I won't and I never will I am excited about what Cakebug has in store for us though...
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    If this isn't the C&O of the week it would be a fucking travesty.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    They do. The have a three way high five. Also, it's about having the best team, not just having one fast skater.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    While there are no rules, the rule is the first team to get three people across the finish line wins. Snake gets there first followed closely by two preps. So only Blane is required at that point for the preps to win. Jack and Mitchell both need to cross for Central to win. The lesson is Blane's anger leads him to lose it all for his team.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Speaking of which, has anyone else ever seen this turdburger? I feel like it's a spiritual successor to Airborne. Here's the breakdown: Tom Sawyer story set in the seventies (although it doesn't ever really commit to that) Mid-Westerner sent to live with Aunt in California. A big surf contest Murder mystery And if all this doesn't pique your interest, I have three words for you. Brian. Austin. Green.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Annnnd...are they twins? They look to be about the same age. Does this explain some of the sexual tension between Jack and Mitchell? My second favorite quote from my wife while watching this movie. (Mitchell enters his new Cincinnati home) Cameron H's Wife: Ugh...it's all middle class and lame.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Currently rewatching Airborne with my wife. Favorite part: Jack: Stay away from my sister! Cameron H's wife: (jaw hits floor) Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? This movie just got good!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I didn't say Duckie wasn't also a tool...
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Villain? No. Major tool? Hell yes.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I want to see the Airborne prequel where Mitchell permanently maims a child who tries to get on "his" wave.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I have to respectfully disagree that leaving Cincinnati is the "only" stake. What other stakes would you have liked? Keep in mind, this is a fish-out-of-water story for children about a rollerblading surfer. I also disagree that deciding whether or not to go home is a "critical piece of plot." Realistically, he's a teenager and he either goes home or stays at his parents' discretion. What's more important, to me, is his acceptance of where he is. Throughout the movie, the only place he wants to be, even when things are going okay for him, is "somewhere else" (i.e. California...or Australia), but by the end of the movie he has learned to "be here now." It's not about worrying about the future, it's about enjoying the moment that you're experiencing right now. At least, that was my takeaway.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Sorry to break it to you guys but... no Jason and no June. The guests should be great though! One of which is returning after being gone for far too long!
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Honestly, at least a part of what made it fun was the fact that they are so gross. I imagine a lot of that "fun" is tied up in the same part of my brain that enjoys shifty movies, cheesy music, dumb television, and poorly written novels. There was joy in that first sip (how bad is "watermelon" as opposed to "grape?") and the look on each other's face as the flavor hit the tongue. It's definitively not something you do by yourself. And, as far as cost goes, it doesn't take much to fuck you up. I don't think I ever needed more than one and a half cans. Also, like I mentioned in my previous post, my wife and I liked to play drinking games, but beer makes you feel bloated and tired, and anything else might fuck you up too fast. Four Loco would keep you up and alert. (Oh, how I sometimes long for the Bacchanalian pre-children days. Not really, of course. But there were good times )
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I don't know. I know it's all relative, but gaining the respect of your peers, beating the preps, achieving some measure of inner peace, accepting where you are rather than where you want to be, and winning the hand of your lady love all seem like appropriate stakes for a teen movie. Not appropriate? Watching sixteen year old kids in barely any padding get slammed painfully beneath moving vehicles.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    First of all, your Four Loco story was amazing! Also, I feel like I either need the episode to get here or a botanical garden to skate through. At this point, I'd take either one, brah. #legitrad
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Yeah, pretty much. It tasted like a stomach acid/jet fuel blend with a jolly rancher garnish. Like, I've been sloppy drunk, but Four Loco gets you dirty drunk. The perk, though, was you wouldn't really have a hangover the next day. My wife and I never got too crazy, mainly we played drinking games to , but my ex-boss told me of a time when he was with his wife, his friend, and his friend's wife were all drinking and how he and his friend started wrestling in the living room. Furniture got overturned. Chips and salsa ground into the carpet--the whole nine. Anyway, he wakes up the next morning, and he's like, "Gee, honey, last night was really crazy. I'm sorry for the mess. I'll clean it up." And she says, "Don't worry about. After you two finished trashing the house, you guys pulled out the vacuum cleaner and cleaned everything up." He had no memory of ever doing this.
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Anyone have any good Four Loco stories?