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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Oh, okay. Then just the one song.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Not huge, but well-known down in Florida. I'm not sure if I could name another song though without looking it up (I won't) "Mungo City?" Is that a real song?
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    That's fantastic! I'll write you in after Cam Bert. As far as choices goes, whatever you want. This is a judgement free zone. And while I can only speak for myself, I want to watch as many different things as possible whether they be good, bad, crazy, obscure, or whatever. Shoot, I almost picked Hope, Crosby, and Lamour's Road to Bali as my first pick, but mainly because I wanted to hear Cakebug Tranch's reaction to the Australian accents...
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Okay, quick question, beyond playing pinball without the use of your eyes and ears (and mouth apparently) what does everyone think Tommy's message was? Like, I get don't smoke, don't drink, and don't be "normal." What else? How is this helping anyone? It doesn't seem very comprehensive. I would like to see some literature...
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Ah-There I go making an ass out of the both of us :)/> As far as that Townsend quote, I really wish some people would keep their damn mouths shut.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 2 (Tomspanks' Choice)

    We do it like HDTGM with an off week in-between. So, Taylor will announce her pick next Monday, then you have a week to see it (if you so choose).
  7. Whenever you're ready, Tom... What's it gonna be..?
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    Do you want a pick though? I know you've suggested a couple, but you may not get them unless you jump in there.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    So quick question for you Highlander nerds out there, I got Highlander 2 on Prime Video, but it does not specify that it is the "Renegade" version. However, the one I got and the Blu-Ray for the "Renegade" edition have the same run time. Am I good?
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Heavy-handed symbolism aside, if there was an actual church that featured Eric Clapton as a Preacher, tons of free booze, and giant pop art statues of Marilyn Monroe, I think I'd make I make it my mission to attend services at Our Divine Lady of the Bacchanalia every Sunday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzLEGbFSOwQ&list=RDpzLEGbFSOwQ
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Me during this whole scene... ETA: I was also struck by how much Roger Daltry looks like a Muppet when he's running.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    It's funny tomspanks hasn't had anything to say so far. Do you think he might actually be the titular "Tommy" of the film and is upset that we haven't exactly been effusive with praise? Tomspanks, can you hear me?
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Whoa, whoa, whoa--not to take anything away from Ann-Margaret, but she was up against Nurse Ratched? I mean, that's no contest, right?
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Nah, man. They kill him via lamp in front of Tommy. That's what fucks him up--or at least--that's a huge part of what fucks him up.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    i just came in to say essentially the same thing. That scene was gross. Ann-Margret was a real trooper.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I did it again... I watched Highlander before watching Highlander 2...
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    It kind of is, isn't it? I wanted mine to be something I'd never seen before, but still (hopefully) watchable and fun--especially since it was the going to be the second movie chosen. I didn't want to burn out people too fast and pick garbage. But then, of course, here comes Prnicess Party Pooper herself, Taylor Anne, trying to make me second guess my pick...I think we got a conversation out of Hairspray, though. I have a list of movies on my desktop though that I've been adding to as I think of them. And I would strongly recommend you all be nice to me, because I can make your lives a living Hell if I so choose...
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    The cartoonish-ness of this scene is precisely why I think it is even more disturbing and uncomfortable. And I do think that was intentional. However, it's a very difficult thing to watch. It's all psychosomatic. That's what weirdly lecherous Dr. Jack Nicholson tells them anyway. It's not so much that he can't physically see, hear and speak, just that the trauma of seeing his father's murder has made him retreat into his own head. When Ann-Margret "smashes the mirror" he is snapped back into reality. What I did like about this movie is the idea that his naivete and purity make him blind to all the parasites that surround him--he can't even see that Uncle Ernie is a total creep! It doesn't matter that his message is advocating some kind of hippie Utopia, because ultimately, since he isn't "world-wise," he gets taken advantage of and his message gets corrupted. Also, I like the idea that his road map to enlightenment is next to impossible--which, let's face it-- was never going to be easy. What I really didn't like was the reworked versions of The Who's songs into this synth-rock nightmare. I mean, the Overture is nigh unlistenable, especially when you compare it to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKdusyjiuvY Also, any songs that weren't on the original album but written specifically for this. Do we really need two (very long) "Ernie's Holiday Camp" songs? I say, nay! It's a already a weak spot on the album--as are most Keith Moon compositions --and it's only there to flesh out the story. I've got an idea, instead of lengthening one of the most annoying songs ever, let's just have competent songwriter Pete Townsend write a brand new song...
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Trout Fishing in America? Does that have relationship to the Richard Brautigan novella by the same name?
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Yeah, it's nothing extravagant so that may be the problem. Thank your wife for me! BTW, you're interpretation of Down by the Bay gave me a good "laughing to myself in public" moment! You're so right, that song is tragic. On another note, a children's song that has always made me feel a weird sense of sadness is "Hey Dum Diddly Dum" by Sharon, Lois, and Bram. I'm not sure if it's the minor chords or what, but it always evokes a sense of wistful nostalgia in me...
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    Just a quick observation: does anyone else kind of feel like Capt. Walker deserved it? What the fuck was he doing sneaking into their house in the middle of the night? Pick up the phone, bro! Was he trying "catch her in the act?" What act? The world thinks you've been dead long enough for them to erect a memorial statue in your honor! Don't be creeping into my house, while I'm having sex, looking like a scarred up monster, and not expect me to slice your jugular with my bedside lamp. You suck, Captain Walker!