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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Does anyone else think that the guard killed by the chimpanzee at the beginning of the movie kind of deserved it? I'll give you that the chimp's time in the VR gyroscope might have made the clunky motherfucker stealthier. I'll even even grant that the VR was able to bestow the nimbleness of finger required to steal a guard's gun from right out of his holster. But you know what VR can't fix? Chimp stink. We're talking about a laboratory animal that probably spends the majority of its time wallowing in its own filth. That guard should have smelled that-turd tossing simian's stank from at least two hallways away.
  2. I get it if you don't see a correlation between the two, but considering both characters are named Jobe/Job (not exactly the most common name in the world), the screenwriter(s) must have intended some relationship between the two. I don't remember exactly what the audience member said, but I don't think she was implying the biblical Job ever exacted revenge, but that our Jobe may be playing that out in a "what if?" scenario. Why shouldn't Job want revenge on God? He loses his family, health, and livelihood so God can prove a point to his arch-nemesis, Satan--who is somehow just allowed to waltz into Heaven to play a game of Wits and Wagers with the Almighty. No. How I think this movie correlates to the Bible story is that our Jobe is the mirror opposite of Bible Job. He is a man of low intelligence and limited means. He's beaten and tortured by a man who should be protecting him, and is looked down upon by the community at large. In essence, he is a man of few blessings. But, as the movie progresses, rather than have "gifts" taken away, he is granted them. The irony is, as these gifts are bestowed upon him, he is driven further and further from his divine self. Lawnmower Man is not meant to be a literal retelling of the Book of Job, it's more of a companion piece meant to give greater depth to the philosophy behind it. Now, the question is, does it succeed? Of course not. This movie is garbage. But I do admire the screenwriter's attempt at telling a different version of the Job story.
  3. Okay, I admit, maybe I missed something, but it seems to me that Dr. Larry is stuck in one of those classic "don't want my experiments to be used for evil, but the military's the one writing the checks" scenarios. However, he legitimately seems to only want to increase his subject's intelligence and would prefer to avoid The Shop's warmongering machinations. So, considering computer engineer Dr. Larry's proclivity for peace, how exactly does he know how to arm and set bombs, again? He also manages to punch a guy out with a cigarette in his mouth without losing it or biting off the filter, which, if you consider the mechanics of both punching and smoking, is truly an amazing feat.
  4. Sorry, I should have clarified my second point. I get churches aren't open all the time. But, seeing as this church obviously has a rectory on site, if the priest is going to take the initiative to investigate who broke into the chapel, he should also be prepared to provide spiritual guidance to a wayward member of his flock. Basically he just told this (possibly) unhinged person, who's already broken in to his parish, please go deal with your demons elsewhere until after I've finished my waffles.
  5. Great episode, guys! So, like, I get that this movie doesn't take place in "The City" or anything, but are we seriously supposed to believe that there's only one gas station in town? I mean, Irish Dude is supposed to be Jobe's little lawn buddy, but apparently, day after day, he takes him to the same gas station to be verbally and physically harassed. What the Hell, dude? There's got to be a slightly more tolerant Chevron just down the road, right? Also, while I get that the priest is supposed to be an asshole, I loved the fact that when Jobe goes to the church dressed in his Tron cosplay at the end of the movie, just before the Priest recognizes that it's Jobe, he tells him, "The church is closed for the night." Okay, I get it, it's late, but it's a church, man. Are you telling me, that if I'm ever having a severe crisis of faith, I better make damn sure that I'm having it during regular banking hours?
  6. I have (the first episode anyway)! I have not, however, listened to this episode yet.... I mean, it's same old Gilmore Girls. I have the same problems I've always had with that show, but it also has all of the things that I liked (basically everything that is not the Emotional Hurricane that the Gilmore Girls seem to project onto everyone around them) However, I'm 100% going to be watching all of them! (I've already spoiled the last four words for myself )
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    Hey guys, I'm sure everyone is going to be busy with family and whatnot for the next couple of days, so just in case I don't get a chance later, I just wanted to wish you all (regardless of country of origin) a very Happy Thanksgiving! This has truly been a year made of garbage, but through it all, I could always count on you all to provide a pleasant diversion and a good laugh. I'm just thankful for all of you, new and old friends alike. Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    And every night she tells me she loves me. And tells me exactly what about me makes me the world's greatest lover. And reminds me how she would be lost without me before wrapping me in her tender embrace, kissing me tenderly on the forehead, and whispering positive affirmations in my ear as I drift off into the sweet, candied apple Morphean bliss of the truly loved.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    I don't think I've ever asked this yet, but it's fresh on my mind, so I'll go ahead and ask anyway. What is something you enjoy (e.g. Movie, music, etc.) that you would think would be generally accepted as something objectively good, that the people closest to you in your life just don't like? And, what is wrong with these people? For example, I am currently watching When Harry Met Sally by myself because my wife absolutely loathes it. I mean, you might as well say you hate sunflowers! What the hell? She also doesn't like The Beatles, but I understand her issue with them, and I think I've been slowly whittling down her resolve.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    You've yet to encounter this phenomenon? It seems to happen all the time now. They try to make it like their being real secretive and coy, but anyone with half a brain can usually figure it out. It's like they have a secret they really want to share and accidentally let it "slip." And once the movie has opened? Shit. All bets are off by Sunday. I can't think of a single big budget movie in the past two years that hasn't been blown for me exclusively through headlines.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    Oh, don't worry. Unavoidable Internet headlines spoiled that for me awhile ago.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    Every Goddamn time! I know I have some weird ones, because I cry a lot in movies, but I can't think of them at the moment. I'm only coming up with the end Rudy and Inside Out from start to finish (fucking Bing Bong, man...). I also want to say the end of Major League, but that can't be right, can it?
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    I can't believe Taylor Anne hasn't told us if Fantastic Beasts is any good...I've decided, as of last night, that it might be the movie I'm most excited to see...narrowly edging out Rogue One.
  14. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 121.5 - Minisode 121.5

    Catch me if you can!
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    Because it's on HBO now. Um...I believe my "June" is Elektra Boogaloo.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    She already refers to you as my "Internet Wife" since so many of my sentences start, "And then Taylor Anne said..."
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    It's the 20th. I only insist you name the little one after me if he/she is born on that day. Little baby "H." So cute!
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 148.5 - Minisode 148.5

    Me: How about going to Austin in May for my birthday..? Wife: You want to meet up with your forum friends, don't you? Me:
  19. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    We were so damn close!
  20. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    Beat me to it
  21. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    Great News! Angela Lansbury is still alive! To be honest, though, I prefer the original animated versions to the live action stuff. If it's going to be shot for shot, what's the point? At least bring something new to the table.
  22. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    He's right, though. I am so sick of real people not being as hot as cartoon characters.
  23. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    Well, if you completely ignore that she's objectively beautiful (both inside and out from what I can tell) then I can kind of see his point...