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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    That bothered me too! At first, I just assumed he was naked, which made me giggle thinking of a prim and proper English spy just walking around totally nude as he talks shop with Steed. But, as you said, he stands in front of a projector and you see he's wearing clothes. However, the problem I have with that is he said he became invisible "due to an accident." Okay. Fine. But the other objects he interacts with don't turn invisible just because he's touching them. Does that mean that he hasn't changed his clothes in years!?! Does he wash them every night or does he just let his stink proceed him wherever he goes?
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Steed and Peel may have been terrible spies, but at least they weren't fighting above their weight class. When Steed and Peel go to infiltrate Connery's island, they cross the water in huge, inflatable hamster balls--I guess because it was...cool? Anyway, I believe Connery sees them casually walking across the water on one of the monitors and then does absolutely jack shit! They are in huge balloons! You have a weather machine! A machine that can instantly call down gale force winds! Just aim that shit at them. Even if it doesn't kill them, you can prevent them from getting to you. And even if they do managedto fight the winds and reach the island, they would be so exhausted it would be incredibly easy to dispatch them. Also, I Googled the script for one of my earlier posts to make sure I was quoting the movie correctly and the only one I could find was the original. In it, unless I'm reading it wrong, it seems to imply that the year is supposed to be 1999! When Steed is introduced it says: Now, to be fair, I may be misinterpreting that, but it may also mean we have another Apple scenario where a screenwriter grossly miscalculated the technology that would be available in the very near future.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I forgot about the jumping through the window thing! She would have been cut to ribbons! I guess that just supports my "She's an actual Avenger" theory... Also, in regards to the "worst spy ever," are you telling me that their big break is because someone in Izzard's Mod Thug Gang just happened to drop a perfectly folded Disney World-esque map on the ground that points directly to Connery's Evil Island lair? Tell me, if it hadn't been for that improbable stroke of luck, how would they have cracked the case on their own?
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    While I get that this isn't Marvel's Avengers, Mrs. Peel certainly seems to possess some superpowers of her own. No less than three times in the movie, did she or her clone survive a jump from an insanely high altitude! Peel jumps from a hot air balloon into the paws of a STONE LION STATUE and all that happens is she groans for about ten seconds, hops up, and is ready to go fight Eddie Izzard in the Weather Dominator. At the end of the movie, she dives headfirst from a scaffolding into the weather machine's water tank. Granted, she's jumping into water, but it's still ludicrously high up, we don't really know how deep the water is, and I believe it was from roughly, if not exactly, the same height that had killed Eddie Izzard just moments before. After the Evil Teddy Bear board meeting, 2ma just jumps off a building. She doesn't look. She just runs to the ledge and jumps off of it. Of course, no one reacts or questions this at all. She's like Base Jump Woman, or something. Granted, the third scenario would have made maybe a little bit of sense if 2ma was a robot as originally intended, but, since that idea was aborted in favor of a clone, there is no way she or Uma Prime, could have survived any of those jumps unscathed. I guess what I'm saying is: had Samuel L. Jackson shown up post credits to recruit her for a new team of superheroes, I wouldn't have been the least bit surprised. However, I do feel like Steed would have been pretty crestfallen to find out that his incredible umbrella fighting skills wouldn't be enough for him to make the cut as well.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Yeah...doesn't it suck when the Earwolf Police come by your house every time they do one, point a gun at your head, and force you to listen. But thanks for sharing your opinion. You seem like a lovely person.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Fantastic episode! I just wanted to say, I had a real problem with Steed and Peel's kiss at the end of the movie. When he first invites her to the Gentleman's Club at the start of the film, he addresses Peel with her appropriate title: doctor. But, in rare turnabout, the doctor character actually corrects him by saying, "Under the circumstances, you may call me Mrs. Peel." Clearly, by insisting on being called "Mrs." rather than "Doctor," she is pointedly telling this lecherous, naked, stranger who, for all she knows, just invited her to there to watch him take, what we can only assume must be, an extremely unhygenic steam bath, "Hey, bro--I'm not interested. I'm a married woman." Now I can't remember if Steed was with Mother when he told the story of how her husband dies, but I think it's safe to assume that Steed possess this knowledge. So Steed's response to this woman who has requested that she be referred to by her married name and title-obviously signifying that she hasn't quite gotten over the loss of her husband-is to grab her and start inhaling her face? Dude, that's not cool! Also, while I'm on the topic of Steed being a giant jackass, when Mother confronts Father and 2ma at the end of the movie, his wheelchair is kicked over and he is left helplessly in the snow. A little while later, Steed runs up to Mother's supine form--half buried in the snow at this point--and just leaves him there! I know time is of the essence and all, but maybe take a second to help your wheelchair-bound friend out of the snow so he doesn't freeze to death. Just sayin'
  7. Cameron H.

    BONUS: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

    I was wondering (hoping) the same thing, but I got the impression it was more about The Covenant and he had just now got the interview. However, that doesn't mean Paul and the gang can't capitalize on that...
  8. Cameron H.

    BONUS: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

    Mel Brooks' voice is like fresh-baked Snickerdoodles for the ears. Great interview! I hope HDTGM can do more bonus episodes like this in the future! ETA: Just wanted to add this.
  9. I'm not going to say they're "idiots" because I think both Jack and Michael are generally very bright, but there did seem to be a lot of willful ignorance for...comedy? For example, I think it's a real stretch to take "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" as a call for action for people to hurl abuse on others? With very little effort, I think any rational person would agree that it's meant as a) a reminder that no one is without their faults, so we shouldn't be so quick to judge others for their faults, and b ) if there were such a person who is so virtuous that they were able to meet the stone throwing criteria, they probably would be too good of a person to throw it anyway. And getting on Yogi Berra for his sayings "not meaning anything?" Um...that was kind of the point.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    But...aren't you then bathing in dirty water? I'm a shower guy, btw. Unless I'm sick.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    Oh God, yes! Honestly, I had no idea what they were talking about half the time, but everything was said in this quip-y cadence that drove me nuts. I was thinking to myself, if anyone actually spoke like that to me in real life, I might have to punch them. Not by choice, mind you. It would be completely involuntary. It was all: Steed (with smarmy smile): Ba. Ba ba ba ba? Peel (with arched eyebrows): Ba ba--ba baba ba.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    Thanks, Taylor Anne--I think this is the one I'm going to go with. I heard that this morning, but as you can tell by my timestamp, it was pretty early. I thought for sure I'd heard that wrong. I just didn't have the energy to go back and watch it again. So, I'll let you decide. Either your "weather on the brain" quote, or my original thought, from Steed: "Have you seen a seven-spotted ladybird in the mating season?" Too late! I'm already making designs to steal that observation from you and take all the credit for myself!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    Here's the thing, I'm having a real problem with this one--like, just paying attention-wise. The quote I mentioned above was close to making it, but...I felt like it was maybe a little to creepy to make the grade as "Official Cameron H movie quote." I was actually leaning more to one of the more banal lines to underline the stupid ways this movie tries to sound smart. However, if you all want to give me some quotes, we can make my signature a forum effort this time. This movie...is so bad. I think it was Elektra whoe said she had watched it and thought it was almost over only to realize there was almost another hour left in it. I did the EXACT. SAME. THING! It's not a long movie, but dear God!, it feels like it drags on forever. I would have turned it off, but then the Brotherhood of Evil showed up wearing giant bear costumes, and I had to sit back down--just to see where this was all going... As of now, I've watched just over an hour, and I still don't really know what the Hell is going on...
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    I haven't listened to the mini yet, but I am watching The Avengers right now... Sean Connery just said, "You know, one should never fear..." *eyes Uma Thurman up and down* "...being wet," and my soul vomited in its mouth a little.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Ha! Sorry, I'll try to be cool... Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I usually have to wait for this things to be available to rent/buy before I can see them. By the time I get to such and such a movie, I've been hearing people rave about it for so long that my expectations become unreasonably high. I honestly wonder if Batman v. Superman might have an opposite effect and I'll walk away loving it... (although, I kind of doubt it) And, don't get me wrong, both Fury Road and Deadpool are fine movies and I own them both, I just don't think they were all that. Kind of, if they're on I might sit and watch them, but I'm not confident that I'd go out of my way to re-watch them.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I'm with you, Timbosteron. Not only do I agree that Fury Road is wildly overrated, I also feel like Deadpool was "just okay."
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Thank you everyone for the awesome gifs and images. They were just what I wanted
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Do I appreciate it..?
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I just want to say that today's my Birthday. Now, I'm not fishing for any birthday wishes, but if you all just want to take a second and reflect on the positive impact I've had on all of your lives, that would be great...
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Friends, friends!---we're all reasonable adults here! Let us not succumb and sink into the morass of Internet madness! As Gautama Buddha has taught us, there is a Middle Way. Behold! TACO PIZZA!!!
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    But Taylor Anne, you're not thinking this through. How else are we going to know how anonymous fucksticks feel about people? Are we just supposed to go through our day-to-days not knowing? How am I supposed to sleep at night?
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    You had me at, "Stallone wins a monkey..."
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I've mentioned this one before but when they announced Staying Alive and Rhinestone I ended up watching about 2/3 of Urban Cowboy. While it's a pretty well-regarded movie, it's still kind of crazy. However, I found it a pretty brutal to watch. I couldn't believe they were doing something so dark! I think my rational went something like: the movie stars Travolta => I believe he said "Rhinestone" => "Rhinestone Cowboy" => Urban Cowboy.