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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 234 — Prelude To A Kiss

    I just finished the movie (haven’t listened to the episode yet), but this is 100% correct. It just doesn’t make sense to be told from his perspective. If the movie had fixed that, I think I might have really liked it.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    I WANT YOU TO TELL ME I’M RIGHT! j/k I totally get what you mean.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    I’m with @taylor anne photo on Logan. I think they did an impressive job of taking a really unlikable character and reforming him throughout the series. I mean he does some vile shit, and they still have us (most of us anyway) cheering for him in the end. The way I see it, nobody is perfect, certainly no one is born perfect, but a person’s willingness to change definitely makes an impression on me—especially from a narrative standpoint. We must always be open to redemption, otherwise, what are we even doing? If we don’t believe people can better themselves, then capital punishment might as well be our default for all crimes. Besides, it would be boring if he was a perfect angel from the beginning.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    Yeah, it’s pretty much what @taylor anne photo said. She’s older, but she hasn’t really grown up. Like, you can go 12 Seasons w/ JB Fletcher because she’s already in her 50’s at the start of the series. But a now 30-something shouldn’t still be acting like she did at 17. That’s why I think the movie worked so well for me even though I hadn’t seen the series. She’s trying to decide what to do with her life, and at the end, she makes a decision. You didn’t need the series to get that. Now it’s just like...she’s a private eye, I guess?
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    Yeah, I totally agree, and maybe I could have worded that better. I think that’s why I like to end it with the movie because you really felt she had grown and she’s where she either wants or needs to be. The new season felt reductive.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    I agree. The quality was good. The production values are more in line with the movie. I really wish I could remember what happened in that episode that really turned me off. I feel like there was something specific...
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    You might be fine then. I actually watched the movie first, binged the show, re-watched the movie, and then tried the new season, so everything was pretty fresh. Honestly, I can’t even tell you why I didn’t like the new season anymore. I just remember watching the first ep and being like, “I don’t want to watch anymore.” IIRC, part of my issue was that she’s an adult rather than a teenager so it loses some of its charm. It would be like if Neil Patrick Harris brought back Doogie Howser. Who wants to watch a show about an adult Doogie?
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    We watched the first episode and decided the movie was a fitting ending. I do, however, know what happens. I stand by my decision
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    Sometimes you have to get creative with your free previews. I’ve used my previews for Prime and Hulu, but not Apple TV. If you have an iPhone, you should be able to do it through the TV app. Honestly, we really need to get on the ball with a rabb.it replacement. Not only for our movie nights, but for situations like this where maybe people can rotate renting the movies and we can watch in a room.
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    That’s the only way I know. I’m signing up for a 7-day free preview.
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    There’s a small moment I really enjoyed when The Kid shows up for the band practice immediately after hitting Apollonia. I thought it was cool that *his* band was playing Morris Day’s “Jungle Love” and not one of his songs. It shows just how catchy Morris Day’s silly music is, but it also heightens The Kid’s growing paranoia. Are these people going to leave me too? Do they like him more than me? Are they trying to undermine me? Are they using me too? It’s never explicitly commented on, and I think it’s even better for that.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    I think this is exactly right. Moreover, the message of the movie seems to be about learning how to relinquish that control—or at least learn how to share it. I’m not really sure if that ever reflected in his actual life (seems like “no”), but for the sake of this fictionalized take of his life, that’s the message.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    Okay, I’ve finished. Here’s my take: one of the complaints the club owner levels against him was his songs were too personal. He wants commercial music about flapping birds and shit to get people dancing. Knowing that’s what was wanted, The Kid plays “Purple Rain” anyway because he’s like “Fuck it. I’m going out on my terms and I’ll play the *most* personal song.” The catch is, it wasn’t written exclusively by him. He achieves a kind of synthesis where he can write cathartic music for himself while reaching out to others. At the same time, he’s also relinquishing his absolute control over everything and humbling himself. The result is an epic song that is both commercial and personal. The people couldn’t relate to his songs about some woman named Nikki masturbating with a magazine in a hotel lobby, but they could relate to a song about loss. “Purple Rain” allows the audience to finally connect with him, and through that connection, it opens the doors for them to appreciate his other songs. (Uh...maybe? I’m not super confident in this answer.)
  14. Cameron H.

    Parasite (special episode)

  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    I’m...30 minutes from the end
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    I might be wrong, but it’s not so much as he’s slipping as the audience is falling behind. After he storms off, the club owner tells him “no one gets your songs but you.” The Kid is an Artist while Morris Day is commercial.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    LOL--Dhani Harrison!
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    I’m going to honest, I ran out of time last night and wasn’t able to finish. I hope to later today. So far, I’m really enjoying it. Prince was an absolutely phenomenal musician and didn’t get near enough accolades for his guitar playing.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    Clearly “jam” in the stuff that gets between your toes—much like how the nerdlucks have inserted themselves in Tuneville.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    I agree. @gigi-tastic and I are extremely smart But so are you! In fact, everyone on the boards is smarter than 95% of the people I interact with irl.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    Also, totally my own opinion, but I’m not sure I’m completely down with the Tune/Toon question being included just so it could be “called out.” It feels almost like...bullying? I’m sure there wasn’t any ill-intent, but Cody says she included the call, not because it was interesting, insightful, or funny, but, unless I misheard, because of the person’s ignorance and misunderstanding Merry Melodies? Like, I get that sometimes we’re wrong, or Paul disagrees, makes fun of us, and tells us to fuck off (looking at you @Quasar Sniffer), and that’s all fun and a part of it. But I don’t really want C&O’s to be chosen when they’re already known to be wrong, just so we can say, “Ha,ha! You don’t know [this basic thing], dork!” There are other posts/calls that could have been chosen instead. Again, I’m 100% certain it wasn’t intentionally malicious, but it’s still plucking a person out of obscurity, and calling attention to something that could easily be politely ignored, for the express purpose of making fun of them. Personally, that’s a route I would prefer we avoid if at all possible.