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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Don't you see? It has always been up to you. It is only now that you can see that for yourself. Your training is now complete.
  2. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Look, I know what I'm about to say is going to be controversial, but for me, Roman is this series' Jar Jar Binks. Also, it wasn't brought up in the episode, but the crazy Ramsay jumping from one spinning car to another...Ho-leee Cow! I don't really have anything to say about, but it was neglected in the episode. Fister, I know you've got a gif of it. Hook us up, bro.
  3. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I believe so...now we just need to find a man to pitch it.
  4. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Ooh! What about, The Family Circus Furious? God's Eye, be damned! I'd like to see the Shaw's catch this little fucker...
  5. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Okay, I recognize arguing against the sexism in the Fast & Furious movies is a Sisyphean task, there are a couple things I did take issue with. Even though the marginalization of the female characters in the movies was addressed in the episode, they more or less gave Michelle Rodriguez a pass as being the one woman in the movie with agency; however, I feel that couldn't be further from the truth. The movie seems to only play lip service to how her memory loss, and basically her loss of identity, makes her feel. Instead, the movie focuses more on how her memory loss effects Dom personally. Her happy ending isn't, "Oh my God! I can remember what my parents looked like again!" but "Thank God, I remember when I married this douche-nozzle in his dumbass A-shirt." For other another example of how poorly her character is treated, how about at Race Wars where Dom has to tell her how to beat her opponent? Even with her memory loss, she never lost her driving skills; but rather than show her ignoring Dom and beating her opponent her own way, she has to take her driving cues from him. What the fuck? This movie won't even allow her to win a car race on her own--a feat she has accomplished in these movies before without him whispering advice in her ear. Later on, she is described as "Mrs. Alpha," and while I believe the intent behind the line was to describe her as a "tough woman," but by using the term "Mrs. Alpha" instead of "Alpha Female" or even "Ms. Alpha" she is again being defined by her relationship to Dom. But the moment that pissed me off the most was at the end of the movie. In the finale, Shaw is chasing Dom, Djmon Hounsou is pursuing Brian, Tej, and Roman by helicopter and drone, and Letty is straight up ignored. Tej calls for help, and Letty, who has apparently just been speeding around the city directionless for the past few minutes, comes to their aid.* She takes Ramsay in her car and they take off. A panicked Ramsay says, "So if this car goes south, who's coming to save us?" Letty replies, "Save us, honey? We're it." Hell-fucking-yeah! That shit is fucking baller. Letty, with her superior driving skills, is going to save the motherfucking---oh wait, Dwayne "the Deus ex Machina" Johnson has just flown an ambulance off a bridge to save their asses. I mean, I liked the movie just fine--I liked it more once I saw the tribute to Walker at the end--I just could not stand that the main female character is treated so shabbily. It's condescending and disingenuous to portray her as some kind of badass and then treat her as anything but. I just wish Hollywood would get to the point where they recognize that being "tough" woman isn't necessarily about being able to stand toe-to-toe with Ronda Rousey, cussing like the boys, or chugging a Corona without throwing up. To me, being a "tough" female character is more about being an independent woman, who is her own individual, and isn't defined solely by the men around her. *Why did all the cars have to split up at the end? There's got to be an explanation, right? If the bad guys have the God's Eye, then they know not to follow the other cars. Is it just so they're not all in the same place if something happens? I guess that makes sense, except, when something does go wrong, the other cars have to race across town to help out their friend. It just seems needlessly convoluted.
  6. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    In my fan fiction HDTGM reality, Paul and June's master bedroom has two doors that open across from each other in a single hallway. Every morning they open their respective doors simultaneously, close the doors behind them, and Paul says, "Good Morning, June. How did you sleep last night?" and June replies, "I slept fine, Paul. Thank you for asking." I don't see Jason living with them, but I do see a room in his house devoted solely to beard grooming and maintenance.
  7. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Hey guys, great episode! You all nailed it! Did anyone else find it the least bit odd that the car they drove through three skyscrapers was gassed up and ready to go? They make such a big deal about how awesome that car was (I'll take their word for it) and what a crime it was for it to be locked away in that building. The movie seemed to imply that it was more ornamental than anything. How'd they even get the car in that room in the first place? Correction!! (for...Temple of Doom) Temple of Doom was indeed a prequel to Raiders, but the question is "why?" The way I heard it, and this may be apocryphal, was that either Spielberg or Lucas was concerned, that after the events of Raiders, viewers would be upset if Indy wasn't with Marion. By setting it earlier than Raiders, Indy could bone down with whomever he wanted. However, this still doesn't explain why they felt it was okay to imply that Indy abandoned his semi-adopted son Short Round sometime before the events of Raiders, which to me, seems far more egregious than just breaking up with someone.
  8. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Look Taylor Anne, this is a safe place and we all love you, but you really need to kick the jazz cigarettes. Do you know what a "gateway drug" is?
  9. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Yeah...Taylor Anne, we've been meaning to talk to you about that. We're on to you. This is an intervention.
  10. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    No way man! Get out of here with your better quality, better tasting European bullshit! Corona is the working man's beer! In my 'Merica, we like our beer watery, skunky, and to go down like chilled piss.
  11. Cameron H.

    Questions--Forum Edition!

    I also took French in high school, as I too had aspirations of being a fancy lad. Actually, I think I had watched too many cartoons as a kid and just assumed that by learning the "Language of Love" it would somehow make me more desirable to the girls at school. Sad to say, it did not work. Who knew that shallow affectations aren't a substitute for an actual personality? Honestly, I don't think I can overstate how much of an idiot I was... I got you covered http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jy-eC89cBo
  12. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Since we're on the topic...something just occurred to me. How badly do you think sub-par comedians--who use pot smoking as a crutch to garner cheap applause--do NOT want marijuana to be legal? I'm not talking about Doug Benson, as I think he's funny whether or not he ever brought up smoking ever again, I'm talking about the comics who get up there and say shit like, "I just wanted to apologize to you if I'm a little off tonight, but I just smoked a fat blunt backstage (*giggles*)." (HUGE applause!) Once it's legal, wouldn't that be like saying, "I just chugged a couple of Corona's backstage?" Seriously, who gives a fuck? I can only imagine that such comments get applause BECAUSE it's illegal, and therefore, rebellious ( ? ). Once it's legal, what was already a lame attempt at currying favor, not only comes off as even more moronic, but you also lose that entire audience that thought it was cool to begin with. I'm just saying, it's in the best interest for these pro-pot comics to keep the status quo. Sorry for the minor detour off the Furious 7 highway...
  13. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Yeah, apparently Kevin Smith does too. Mind blown,huh?
  14. Cameron H.

    Questions--Forum Edition!

    Thank you--for both your support of the idea and being brave enough to take a shot at one of the questions! Yeah, I think just getting this much of a list together was the difficult part--which really just amounted to me re-listening to a show I already like--which is to say, not very difficult at all. Now it's just a matter of maintaining it, which shouldn't be too hard... Yeah, it is pretty impressive. I'm not sure how well I'd do in their position. Actually, I know exactly what I'd do...babble for about five minutes, think I nailed it, pat myself on the back, and then realize later what an idiot I sounded like. Wow! Your answer is pretty great! Which is to say, you answered the question perfectly and opened the door to a number of others... I won't pry (you're not on trial) and you are welcome to your aura of mystery. I do have one question though. It sounds like you have a lot of good (exciting) memories associated with Maurice, did Maurice's name come before or after the events? In other words, did Maurice earn his name through these shared experiences or did you know right away, "This is Maurice?" As for me, I always tried to name my car, but as soon as I did, I would immediately forget it. I want to say one of my cars was named "Carlos" (Get it? I hope so, because it's a HILARIOUS joke). Which I guess just says that as a teenager, I was too far up my own ass to commit my own goddamn car's name to memory, and if I did manage to do so, it was chronically un-original and juvenile. Holy crap! I think I just had a freaking breakthrough answering this question...
  15. Cameron H.

    Nothing But Trouble

    Your wish is my command! http://www.earwolf.c...ng-but-trouble/ ETA: Beat me to it, Lando!
  16. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I am just getting to this episode of DLM now, and while I'm sure I could probably find this out in the wilds of the Internet, but could this possibly mean Benson will be the guest for Maximum Overdrive? If so, that would be awesome! ETA: Well...I guess I should have waited 15 more seconds and would have learned this was not the case. Oh well....
  17. I don't know...he was pretty good, I guess. I just think it would've been better if he could've kept from getting so damned flustered.
  18. Cameron H.

    Masters of The Universe

    Bumping this! I read somewhere (maybe Twitter) that they weren't doing this because it wasn't available for streaming. Well guess what? (Monster Squad is also coming in September, which is very much on the top of my personal wish list)
  19. Cameron H.

    Ask Paul!

    Hello, Mr. Tompkins! As I was listening to today's episode (#23), I was in agreement with Mr. Waters that the question "When was the last time you did something brave?" was a pretty earnest and difficult question. Aside from trying to answer this question for myself (it was really tough), I began to muse over the nature of inquiry, or to put it another way, what do the questions we ask say about ourselves? For example, I would never asked that question--and certainly not right off the dome as I assume Bob Kerr must have done. What does that say about me that I wouldn't have ever even thought of that question, and what does that say of Mr. Kerr that he did? So my non-rhetorical question is: Have you ever thought of turning the question back on the question asker, recording it, and maybe releasing their response as bonus content? Maybe something quarterly or just for Howl Premium subscribers? In this show's short history, I feel the classic Spontaneanation question has to be, "Where were you when you realized God didn't exist?" Obviously Mr. Foley was being a bit cheeky by asking an intentionally subversive question, but even if it's being asked for comedic effect, it's also apparent that the question is also coming from a genuine place for Mr. Foley and I would be fascinated to hear his answer to his own question. The same goes for episode 23's question and all the other questions that have been asked on this show. The only thing I could see as being a potential drawback is if people know they are going to have to answer their own question they may censor themselves so they don't put themselves in an uncomfortable position (and then what does that say about a person? ). I do recognize that this is not, strictly speaking, and interview podcast, but it is something that I would find to be interesting, entertaining, and worthwhile. Of course, I ask this question--as all great Internet questions are asked--with no consideration for the logistics, feasibility, hard work, time, and money that would be needed for such an undertaking. I'm just asking from my white-tiled, Tower of Entitlement in the magical realm of Gimmiewhatiwant. As always, thank you for your time and consideration!
  20. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Quick question: Is it just me, or is Kurt Russell aging into the bastard love child of Ronald Reagan and Fred Willard?
  21. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I just finished watching Furious 7...
  22. Cameron H.

    Ask Paul!

    Oh my, Paul! I've got TERRIBLE news for you...
  23. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Oh, it's all right. At least we got "Camargasaurs Bert," so I took some small comfort with that. Honestly, I should have taken a cue from you all and folded.it into my Display Name better--I made it too easy for him to just drop it. Boy, I tell ya! That Paul Scheer--he's a crafty one!
  24. Cameron H.

    Ask Paul!

    Well, you certainly can't say fairer than that! Thank you for the response and I'll continue to look forward to whatever you guys have in store for us in the--hopefully, not too distant--future.
  25. Cameron H.

    Ask Paul!

    Mr. Tompkins, I recognize that this is a thread specifically to ask you questions regarding Spontaneanation (which I love), but I have a question regarding Superego: Forgotten Classics. I hope you don'y mind, but since there currently isn't a place for us to post our thoughts on the Howl Premium shows, I thought it might not be too egregious a breach of etiquette to ask you here. I am finding Forgotten Classics to be fantastic--a spiritual successor to The Dead Author's Podcast, if you will--and I have loved every episode so far. My question is, do you think there will be a time when the listeners of Forgotten Classics may be able to submit our own suggestions of works of classic literature for you guys to tackle? I'm not trying to presume I know what books you all have or have not read, but there are so many books that I would love to see get the Superego treatment--if only because their titles are truly evocative and I would love to hear all of your reactions to what they are actually about. Off the top of my head, I would love to hear: The Crying of Lot 49--Thomas Pynchon A Moveable Feast--Ernest Hemingway Nightwood--Djuna Barnes Trout Fishing in America--Richard Brautigan The Sound and the Fury--William Faulkner Brave New World--Aldous Huxley Again, I apologize this isn't about Spontaneanation, but I'm just so excited for this new show! As always, thank you very for your time and consideration!