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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    That and the “Tune/Toon Squad” call were points brought up on the boards (which Grudlian already corrected, and in all fairness, could easily be a case of parallel thinking). The only reason I’m not more annoyed by this is because both points were made by new posters. That’s not to say it isn’t less wrong or annoying, just that I don’t know them and maybe the people who wrote the posts also called in to double their chance of getting on the mini? I’m not saying that’s what definitely happened, but I don’t know them at all, whereas if it were someone like you or Taylor Anne or another regular, I’d know for a fact you wouldn’t do that. Still, in cases where the same point is brought up, I do wish they would give the edge to the boards—or at the very least, to the person with the most panache. I mean, it took the Tune Squad caller 30 seconds to ask what the person on the boards asked in 14 words and an image, yet he didn’t actually add anything that made his stand out. I mean, I totally get we can all (including and definitely myself) get verbose on here, and I love hearing/reading everyone’s point. And if you’ve got a good insight, joke, or hook at the end of it all, I’m all in. But if it’s a pretty basic observation without any flair in the writing/telling, and it’s not relevant to the point you’re making, I really don’t need your name, rank, and serial number. “Why “Tune” not “Toon?” (Four words ) is totally sufficient. Again, while I don’t exactly hate the phoned in C&O’s, I definitely prefer the written ones. In my opinion, they just tend to come across as more well-thought out and encourage a community that exists outside of just the show. It becomes a discussion rather than regurgitation. In my opinion, as long as we’re allowing phone calls, my preference would be to only use the calls that are truly original. This would eliminate any suspicions (rightly or not) of “that was ripped off the boards!” It also gives the call more of a reason for being outside of just being, “It’s the exact same point, but it makes the episode more dynamic.”
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    I’m doing well, forum June. Thank you for asking. How are you?
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 233.5 — Minisode 233.5

    But to be fair, my real name isn't "Cameron H," but actually "Oedipus Flex." Strange world...
  4. Cameron H.

    Parasite (special episode)

    FWIW, I love Mary Poppins (maybe even more than TSoM in terms of “enjoyment factor”), but I feel like TSoM is a far more cinematic film that has a lot more to say.
  5. "Style always wins out in the end." We watched:
  6. Cameron H.

    The Sound of Music

    My wife would agree
  7. Awesome pick! I have actually never seen this and nearly bought it couple months back. Congrats on the puppy! I’m glad you’re back ETA: Frida is adorbs!
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    I didn’t know there was going to be a reboot! Regarding that ep, I agree it’s weird for a kid’s show, and I don’t think it should have been banned. It’s not like it was advocating drinking, it was just kind of dark.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    I didn’t have time to comment on this last night, but this is an awesome Buster Bunny! He and Babs were the best bunnies, and I don’t appreciate the Tiny Toons and Animaniacs erasure. Bring back Tiny Toons and their disturbing morality plays, damn it!
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    While I can't speak to the physics to Tuneland, I can say that it's highly unlikely that even Michael Jordan at his peak would have survived the transitional zone between our world and the Looney Tunes subterranean kingdom. At just 0.15 kilometers (0.09 miles) beneath the Earth's surface, atmospheric pressure is strong enough to cause oxygen poisoning, or hyperoxia, which would have likely caused a pulmonary edema, in effect suffocating him as his lungs rapidly filled with liquid. What's far more likely is that what would have emerged from the WB logo would be the mangled, bloated corpse of an NBA legend with frothy, bloody sputum dripping from blue-tinged lips. Of course, there is the possibility that he's travelling so fast that hyperoxia doesn't have time to take effect; however, since we have to assume that the atmospheric pressure in Tuneland is somehow comparable to the Earth's surface, he would still have to contend with his body going from an extremely high pressure environment to a lower or normalized one. Such a rapid change would likely shatter his ear drums, cause decompression sickness, and in a worst case scenario, cause all the liquid in his body to boil. Although, to be fair, he would already be dead before it got to blood and saliva boilage. In any event, the extreme stresses placed on Jordan's body just getting to Tuneland would have probably killed him, and even if they didn't, he would certainly be in no condition to actually play.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    While I get that Michael Jordan is nominally the hero of the movie, I think that amidst all the glitz and glamor of jammed space it’s easy to overlook Lola Bunny’s heroism. You have to remember that Moron Mountain is only interested in the Looney Tunes for their marquee value, and this being Lola Bunny’s debut, there’s no reason to believe that the nerdlucks would have any interest in kidnapping her. Honestly, she could have just let all the other Tunes rot in Theme Park Damnation and used the comedy vacuum left behind to rise to the pinnacle of loonism. However, no matter how tempting that must have been for her, she suppressed that urge and signed up to play. Why? Two reasons: the love of the game and good old fashioned altruism. By joining the TuneSquad, she was deliberately putting a target on her back, risking her freedom and future simply because it was the right thing to do. We should all be so brave.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    I find it a bit disconcerting just how unquestioningly eager Jordan’s kids were to aid and abet Bugs and Daffy in stank basketball shorts larceny. I know they’re fans of the toons and all, but that’s really not an excuse. I mean, I’m a huge Beatles fan, but if Paul McCartney were to a break into my house at two in the morning to steal my father’s shoes and underwear, I’m going to call the motherfucking cops. Hell, Bugs and Daffy don’t even tell the kids *why* they’re stealing Michael Jordan memorabilia until they’re halfway out the door. Honestly, how much of a fuck up of a father do you have to be that your kids will gleefully give up your most prized possessions at the drop of a hat?
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    When Jordan is initially seized by the Tune Squad, he is informed by Bugs that they are mostly concerned that they will be forced to perform “the same jokes every night.” However, as Paul mentions in the episode, according to the movie’s universe, all Looney Tunes cartoons perform their respective cartoons live. So if Bugs Bunny’s first appearance was in 1940, by the movie’s logic, that means he’s already been performing the same act, non-stop, for 56 years. Aren’t they kind of already doing what they’re afraid they’ll be forced to do? Instead of the threat being “we’re going to make you keep doing what you love doing, at the same frequency you’re already doing it, just someplace else,” wouldn’t the more appropriate conflict for a movie like this be if the aliens wanted them to *stop* being Looney altogether? At least then the threat becomes existential. Either they win the game, or they cease to be. This also can extend the threat to our Earth by claiming that without their zany antics, our world will turn into dreary, garbage can fire lit dystopia. I don’t know, but “forcing me to do the thing I love to do forever” seems pretty weak as far as stakes go.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    I own this movie and may actually do this
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 233 — Space Jam LIVE!

    With those back problems? The Mon Stars would have ruined him.
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    Oscar Wilde was all about being flamboyance, androgyny, and “art for art’s sake.” Maybe not the first glam rock star, but maybe a patron saint.
  17. Paul and Jason break down the Fast 9 trailer with a live reaction on this week’s mini-sode! Paul also offers advice as he opens up the Paul Help Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for The Adventures of Pinocchio, shares some deleted scenes from the last episode which continues the Drop Dead Fred debate, and opens up the Mail Bag. Plus, find out which movie will be covered next week! This episode is brought to you by Zoro.com (www.zoro.com/bonkers). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgm.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    (I’m going to turn this into a David Bowie appreciation thread now )
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    My favorite Iggy song (not really a deep cut, but whatevs...)
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    I really enjoyed Toy Story 4, but I think 3 was pretty much the perfect end to the series. On its own, I wouldn't say it was Oscar worthy, but against its competition, I think it deserved to win. Yay, Parasite!
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 85 Velvet Goldmine

    According to IMDb: ”Courtney Love considered supplying music to the film's soundtrack; however, she withdrew after viewing a rough cut, claiming that the character of Curt Wild too closely resembled her late husband Kurt Cobain, both in character and physicality.” Did...she not know her husband or ever listen to his music?